Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay about Religious Rituals Around the World - 685 Words

Introduction: Religious rituals are one of the most popular types of rituals practiced by people around the world. Rituals are ceremonies that include a series of actions that are performed in a certain order. Religious rituals are described as essential in deepening ones spiritual and making connections with a higher power. People all around the world take part in performing rituals everyday, sometimes without realising it. The layout, spacing and design of sacred areas invite rituals and reflect an approach to the divine. Methods of research: On the 27th of March 2014, St Stephen’s Cathedral and Brisbane City Synagogue were visited in order to research their structures and how they invite rituals.†¦show more content†¦The ambo is placed off to the side in comparison to the Bishops chair. The attention is then transferred to the centred suspended crucifix of Jesus strategically placed right above the Cathedral’s sanctuary (refer to Figure 1.5). â€Å"The cross can be viewed as a powerful sculpture not only from the front as most crucifixes are but also from the sides and from the rear† (Cathedral of St Stephen’s, 2014). No matter where you are sitting or standing, whether it is for mass or for private viewing, the crucifix can be easily seen from most angles in the Cathedral. The piece is made of bronze and was constructed by John Elliot. Directly behind the crucifix is a Jubilee Pipe Organ, constructed by Knud Smenge, weighing 16 tonnes and features 2442 different pipes. Named after the Year of the Great Jubilee in 2000, the Organ (refer to Figure 1.5 1.8) has been said to reflect Australian character â€Å"bright and forthright, yet inherently gentle† (Cathedral of St Stephen’s, 2014). In the back right corner, there is a room named Mary, Women of Faith. The room features an open armed statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary (refer to Figure 1.7). This statue, also sculpted by John Elliot Brisbane City Synagogue The Brisbane City Synagogue is the oldest synagogue in Queensland and is also the largest Hebrew congregation in the state (The Brisbane Hebrew Congregation, 2014). The synagogue resides in Brisbane city making theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Why Religion Is Important1017 Words   |  5 Pagesthat there is. -- Albert Camus In this essay, I will explore the religious experience in general and some of its variations around the world. The focus will be on the types of religious beliefs and religious leaders, especially in small-scale societies. An exploration of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other major religion is beyond the scope of this essay. 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