Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Darker Side of Shakespeare

In William Shakespeare’s play, â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream†, the crowd is observer to an a lot darker Shakespearian parody than a large number of Shakespeare’s different works. The play starts with a young lady by the name of Hermia is conflicted between wedding the man that her dad has decided for her or confronting passing for opposing her father’s wishes. The crowd sees dim diversion through Puck’s tricks in satisfying his Oberon. The two appreciate pulling mean pranks on honest characters they go over, clearly showing a dull comical inclination. Shakespeare additionally consolidates dull enchantment into â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† with the pixies in the woodland. While pixies are ordinarily depicted as supportive, blameless animals, Shakespeare’s pixies appear to be just to make insidiousness and disorder. Likewise depicted in this play is the clouded side of adoration and sentiment. The dimness of the play is evident from the main page through the last page, clearly showing Shakespeare’s darker aims for this play. The most evident component of â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† is the component of dull funniness. Oberon’s mignon, Puck, is continually engaging Oberon in any capacity conceivable. As a rule, this amusement consolidates pulling pranks on clueless characters. Puck and Oberon appear to have a darker comical inclination, getting a charge out of observing others in messes or humiliation. Right off the bat in the play, Puck discusses the tricks that he has been known to play, telling the crowd that, â€Å"†¦ once in a while sneak I in a gossip’s bowl, in very resemblance of a simmered crab, and when she drinks, against her lips I weave and on her shriveled dewlap pour the brew. The most astute auntie, telling the saddest story, once in a while for three-hassock mistaketh me; at that point slip I from her bum, down topples she, and â€Å"tailor† cries, and falls into a cough† (Act 2, Scene 1, Lines 47-54). By transforming himself into a crab and prowling in a bowl of beer to alarm a lady, and causing himself to give off an impression of being a stool with the goal that when a lady sits on him, he can make her fall, Puck makes it clear that he thinks about only engaging himself and his ruler. One case of this darker amusingness is when Puck changes Bottom’s head into that of an ass. As though this single stunt isn’t sufficiently engaging, Puck at that point does magic over Titania causing the pixie sovereign to begin to look all starry eyed at Bottom. At the point when Puck reveals to Oberon how the stunt played out, Oberon is clearly content with the outcomes, disclosing to Puck that, â€Å"This drops out better than I could devise† (Act 3, Scene 2, Line 35). The connection among Oberon and Puck is one like a King and Court Jester during medieval occasions. Puck exists just to engage Oberon, and it is evident that the two have an a lot darker comical inclination than others. The second component of â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† that shows an undeniable haziness is the enchantment and pixies inside the play. Normally, pixies are believed to be acceptable animals who are useful and honest. In any case, the pixies that Shakespeare has imagined are an a lot darker variety than what the crowd would typically anticipate. The pixies that exist in this play are increasingly known for making a feeling of bedlam. The most noticeable pixie in the play is Puck, the cheat of the woods. We see the darker side of the enchantment that Puck rehearses on a few events all through the play. One of the more evident instances of Puck’s dull enchantment is the point at which he chooses to give up the Athenian adolescents of their relationship inconveniences. Puck utilizes enchantment to make Demetrius experience passionate feelings for Helena. This is a darker spell since it meddles with the capacity of Demetrius to genuinely display unrestrained choice and love who he needs. Puck finds the Athenian he is to given occasion to feel qualms about the spell in the woodland, â€Å"When thou wakest, let love prohibit; Sleep his seat on thy eyelid: So conscious when I am gone† (Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 67-68). During the time spent â€Å"helping† the youthful darlings with this adoration triangle, Puck throws the spell on an inappropriate Athenian man. The arrangement reverse discharges, and it is Lysander who is made to charm Helena. As Puck and Oberon watch their shenanigans unfurl, Puck is clearly engaged by the disarray that he has caused. Puck tells Oberon, â€Å"Shall we their affectionate event see? Master, what tricks these humans be!† (Act 3, Scene 2, Lines 115-116). The third component of Shakespeare’s play that joins a darker inclination is that of affection and connections. This is generally obvious in the relationship that exists among Titania and Oberon. While most comedies are brimming with adoration and enthusiasm, Shakespeare puts a dull accentuation on connections in â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream†. The marriage of Titania and Oberon is tossed into turmoil over a changeling that Titania has taken under her consideration. In view of Titania’s activities, Oberon is in a fierceness and basically attempting to seek retribution on her. This takes on a dim component when Oberon urges Puck to pull a prank on her, subsequent in Titania falling briefly infatuated with Bottom. Sadly for the pixie sovereign, Bottom’s head has been changed into that of an ass. Puck takes extraordinary savor the experience of his peculiar love association, in any case, saying, â€Å"When at that time, so it happened, Titania waked and straightway cherished an ass† (Act 3, Scene 2, Lines 33-34). The crowd sees an alternate sort of connection among Titania and Oberon †one in which Oberon clearly should consistently be â€Å"in charge†. By not permitting Oberon to have control of the changeling, she has clearly tossed their relationship out of parity. It appears to the crowd that Titania is relied upon to twist to Oberon’s wishes consistently. The crowd is presented to the darker side of Titania in her fight with Oberon. At the point when the two meet coincidentally in the forested areas, Titania is incensed with Oberon for intruding on the pixie moves that Titania and her pixies participate in. Titania’s darker side is revealed in her allegations to her better half, â€Å"The bull hath in this manner stretch'd his burden futile; The cultivator lost his perspiration, and the green corn; Hath decayed ere his childhood attain'd a whiskers; The overlay stands void in the suffocated field; And crows are fatted with the murrion flock† (Act 2, Scene 1, Lines 78-82). Titania’s word decision alone has a dim meaning, and she clarifies that the aggravation of the pixie move will have dim ramifications for other people. Shakespeare’s parody, â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream† leaves the crowd reeling from a feeling of obscurity inside the play. This play is anything but a normal satire in that a significant number of the comedic components are darker than different plays in a similar type. Shakespeare shows the crowd the darker side of diversion through the cooperations among Oberon and his worker, Puck. The component of dim enchantment additionally advances into the play, through the tumultuous domain of the pixies in the timberland, changing the common job of a pixie recorded as a hard copy. Finally, Shakespeare makes his crowd mindful of the haziness that exists inside the different connections in the play. Practically the entirety of the sweethearts in this play have a darker component to their connections. Shakespeare, through assorted characters, interests the crowd with a conspicuous interest with the darker side of the most well-known components of his play. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1980. Â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Sports and Society - Examples of Each Category of Violence in Sport Assignment

Sports and Society - Examples of Each Category of Violence in Sport - Assignment Example Players can utilize body contact during handling by utilizing the chest area to push and push adversaries during a football match-up and this can fit the bill for marginal viciousness since it isn't unequivocal in its inclination. Utilizing the hands to push different players when attempting to control the ball. In some cases, players will go full scale and really, ambush another player disobediently qualifies as a fierce body contact. Semi criminal brutality can come as amateurish direct among players and can come as danger, affronts or different implies that debase the nobility and respect of a player, players or clubs. Criminal brutality is composed viciousness against a player, gathering of players or a club where another player, players or club unshakably scheme to acquire mischief to the next request to prevent them from performing. (Hechter, 1977) 2. In the event that we need to comprehend brutality in sports, we should comprehend sexual orientation philosophy and issues of manliness in culture. How is manliness identified with brutality in sports and how do issues of manliness take on various implications among men from various foundations? Give models from the course material and from your own encounters as you talk about this issue. Sports have from days of yore, been consigned to the space of men. Animosity, showcases of intensity and predominance, drivenness, and the male physic in the entirety of its amazing greatness. Any indication of shortcoming, sympathy and graciousness were viewed as an indication of shortcoming. The Greek culture is the one that game was birthed in and that is the reason it affected many brandishing perspectives. The Greeks were fixated on force and its presentation in the entirety of its structure for glory’s purpose. The Greco-Roman culture worshiped war and animosity as a statement of manliness and this was found in sports. Games of the medieval occasions were shocking occasions loaded up with genuine killings of wild creatures and slaves who were called fighters. The sole motivations behind the combatants were to battle and kick the bucket in the field for greatness and entertainment.â â

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essay Service - How to Find a Good Company

Essay Service - How to Find a Good CompanyWith the changing economic climate, writing essay service seems to be the next business model to take over the virtual world. In the current scenario of global economy there is hardly any aspect that cannot be read or understood by anyone. Hence, the focus now is on bringing about an overall well being. If you are also going to go for this business option, you can start with essay writing service by hiring essay writers.Writing essay service can be a very profitable proposition as it gives you a chance to enjoy your leisure time and earn good money at the same time. Moreover, it also makes you well-connected with clients. With the change in trend towards online and virtual business, the internet has become a powerful tool to spread the word about one's business. With online writing services people can get connected to clients who are willing to hire them. A writing service company will provide you with online assignments.You can ask for profe ssional writers and have them come up with appropriate assignments on your behalf. With these assignments, you can assess the project and consider it on your own. It is not the case that you just have to sit back and watch a client manage the whole project. With the help of assignment management software you can access the project and make the necessary changes. For this, you need to get in touch with the writer on his or her behalf.It is always wise to choose a business where you are comfortable working and where you feel that you are getting value for money. There are many companies that offer writing services. However, it is better to take a final decision after researching them. It is never wise to sign up with a company without thorough research. One way to do this is by reading customer testimonials.Besides this, you also need to look for the reputation of the company offering writing essay service. You can find this information online and from other sources such as newspapers and magazines. Through online surveys, you can also get in touch with their customers who have utilized their services in the past.With the help of internet, it is possible to read different opinions about different companies offering essay service. This will help you in choosing the right company that meets your requirements. By getting in touch with a good company, you can enjoy the benefits of the same service without having to pay a penny.Online essay writing service is not limited to writers alone. This kind of service can be also provided by the clients. You can take help of online research services for this purpose. You will also get a chance to interview the writer, gather information regarding the projects, its outcome and its background.With the passage of time and the growth of technology, writing essay service has gone online. You do not have to worry about how to begin to write and where to get assistance. You only have to find a good company that offers essay writing service and work with them. It is important to look for a good online writing service company before taking up the task of online writing service.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay about Religious Rituals Around the World - 685 Words

Introduction: Religious rituals are one of the most popular types of rituals practiced by people around the world. Rituals are ceremonies that include a series of actions that are performed in a certain order. Religious rituals are described as essential in deepening ones spiritual and making connections with a higher power. People all around the world take part in performing rituals everyday, sometimes without realising it. The layout, spacing and design of sacred areas invite rituals and reflect an approach to the divine. Methods of research: On the 27th of March 2014, St Stephen’s Cathedral and Brisbane City Synagogue were visited in order to research their structures and how they invite rituals.†¦show more content†¦The ambo is placed off to the side in comparison to the Bishops chair. The attention is then transferred to the centred suspended crucifix of Jesus strategically placed right above the Cathedral’s sanctuary (refer to Figure 1.5). â€Å"The cross can be viewed as a powerful sculpture not only from the front as most crucifixes are but also from the sides and from the rear† (Cathedral of St Stephen’s, 2014). No matter where you are sitting or standing, whether it is for mass or for private viewing, the crucifix can be easily seen from most angles in the Cathedral. The piece is made of bronze and was constructed by John Elliot. Directly behind the crucifix is a Jubilee Pipe Organ, constructed by Knud Smenge, weighing 16 tonnes and features 2442 different pipes. Named after the Year of the Great Jubilee in 2000, the Organ (refer to Figure 1.5 1.8) has been said to reflect Australian character â€Å"bright and forthright, yet inherently gentle† (Cathedral of St Stephen’s, 2014). In the back right corner, there is a room named Mary, Women of Faith. The room features an open armed statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary (refer to Figure 1.7). This statue, also sculpted by John Elliot Brisbane City Synagogue The Brisbane City Synagogue is the oldest synagogue in Queensland and is also the largest Hebrew congregation in the state (The Brisbane Hebrew Congregation, 2014). The synagogue resides in Brisbane city making theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Why Religion Is Important1017 Words   |  5 Pagesthat there is. -- Albert Camus In this essay, I will explore the religious experience in general and some of its variations around the world. The focus will be on the types of religious beliefs and religious leaders, especially in small-scale societies. An exploration of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, or any other major religion is beyond the scope of this essay. 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A noteworthy part of psychological methodologies is the endeavor to comprehend human activities including religion and religious convictions with reference to the experimental investigation of the humanRead MoreThe Four Characteristics of Religion1212 Words   |  5 Pagesthat has developed and become an essential factor in the way humans have ordered and made sense of the world in which we reside in and is defined by its characteristics. To create a dynamic, living and breathing religion, it must have all of these characteristics that distinguish and separate a religion from others. These include beliefs and believers, sacred texts and writings, ethics and rituals and ceremonies. Each and everyone of these aspects combine and interrelate to create a powerful and passionateRead MoreMax Weber And Durkheim s Views On Religion1250 Words   |  5 Pagesschool teacher may have contributed something to his general interest in religious endeavors but they did not make him a believer (86). Durkheim spent much of his academic career studying religions, especially those of small societies. The toteism, or primitive kinship system of Australian aborigines, primarily interested him (98). This research formed the basis of Durkheim s 1921 book, The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life, a well know book on the sociology of religion. Durkheim viewed religionRead MoreReligion Based On The Art, Architecture And Texts1525 Words   |  7 Pagesthis time period do indeed relate to religious practice in one way or another, in particular to the ritual activity that I find so interesting. For example, we begin to see monuments dedicated to sacred places and the ritual visiting of these places that held holy relics. Another example would be the Emperor Ashoka and the objects made during his reign, many of which relate to religion, maybe not directly involved with ritualistic activity but resonant to ritual activity in everyday life. Before this

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Vietnam War The Unwinnable War - 1762 Words

Kate Dorman September 1, 2017 Cambridge Paper Andrew Jacobs Vietnam War: The Unwinnable War Introduction: The Vietnam War was certainly controversial. There were many protests that erupted across college campuses and throughout numerous town and cities. Many individuals viewed the war as unnecessary and unwinnable. The draft was also very widely criticized and seen as a negative point in the war. The draft was forcing young college students to go fight in dangerous territory. The most controversial aspect of the Vietnam War is certainly that it was deemed unwinnable by the US government, but they still chose to remain in Vietnam and fight. Why was the Vietnam War unwinnable though? Was it actually unwinnable or did the US government†¦show more content†¦The peace movement had the vision of leaving the war and no more fighting, no more destruction, no more death. One would think that victory and peace should be able to reside together, but that was never really possible in the Vietnam War. It was just so negatively perceived that victory and peace become two separate distinction s. Victory meant fighting and war while peace meant no fighting and no war. In a way, only one side could win and the other couldn’t in the United States. It wasn’t just a war between the US and North Vietnam, but also liberalism vs. conservatism. Vietnam War deepened the divide in party politics throughout the US. With that, there could never be a true â€Å"victory† and/or true â€Å"peace†. US Policy: How Aggressive Did They Need To Be? US policy during the war was weak and not nearly aggressive enough to beat the North Vietnamese. For example, President Johnson was unwilling to order a full scale invasion of North Vietnam. His reason for this was it passed through the territory of countries not involved in the war This was due to fears that it would also provoke China into entering the war directly. Another example would be Johnson’s refusal to cut off the Ho Chi Minh Trail. As a result, supplies would continue to flow uninterrupted. The reasons for not cutting off the trail were mainly political. These political reasons include not wanting to breach Laotian neutrality, especially since the North Vietnamese had no qualms about breaching, and that USShow MoreRelatedThe Vietnam War A Long And Hard Battle1069 Words   |  5 PagesHistorical Analysis two 4/20/2015 The Vietnam War a long and hard fought battle that lasted from November, 1954 and ended on April 30, 1975, but the United States didn’t get involved until June of 1965. 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The war in Vietnam waged by America was unwinnable through the type of warfare that was used by the US . If they had concentrated on certain key aspects they may have prevented the spread of communism to South Vietnam and achieved their ultimate goal. Americas inability to obtain the â€Å"Hearts and Minds â€Å"of the Vietnamese led to a continual supply of fighters. The US was unable to fight against an ever-increasing civilian army. In Vietnam the US relied tremendously onRead MoreEffects Of The 1968 Tet Offensive On American Policy And Public Opinion About The War1310 Words   |  6 PagesThe Vietnam War plunged the United States in an ever-increasing dilemma of how to exit what seemed to be an unwinnable war against a formidable foe without losing honor and respect in the global community. In a comparison of two essays regarding America’s involvement in Vietnam, the authors offer different perspectives on the war and what led to an America defeat. 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The battle on Hamburger Hill had a very important role on why President Nixon implemented Vietnamization, a policy to reduce American ground combat and put the responsibility on the South Vietnamese Army. This battle is the reason why we shouldn’t have been in Vietnam War and why the American people should have honored the Vietnam veterans that fought in this unpopular war. ThroughoutRead MoreCuba And Ir Cuba801 Words   |  4 Pagesand educational reasons. Vietnam questions 1. Here we go again. List 3-4 reasons the U.S. ended up fighting the war in Vietnam. Think about long simmering causes as well as more immediate reasons. Cite your sources †¢ US entered the Vietnam War in an attempt to prevent the spread of Communism. (Pg. 406) †¢ The French was in war against Vietnam already fighting to maintain control of the country and to regain national pride after being conquered them self’s in world war.(pg. 409) †¢ The capitalistRead MoreTurning point of the Cold War and JKF Assassination996 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Turning point of the Cold War and JKF Assassination The assassination of President Kennedy was the turning point in history as many felt he and his family was American royalty, he had the ability to reach Americans through his speeches, as it helped Americans through some stressful times in cold war history, he was a catalyst in allowing Americans to be part of history from the first walk on the moon and the equality of all human rights in the United States. One of his mostRead MoreThe Vietnam War Changed America1139 Words   |  5 Pages The Vietnam War greatly changed America forever. It was the longest war fought in America’s History, lasting from 1955 to 1973. The Vietnam War tarnished America s self image by becoming the first time in history the United States failed to accomplish its stated war aims, to preserve a separate, independent, noncommunist government. The war also had great effects on the American people. It was the first war ever broadcast on television. The public was able to see what happened on the battlefield

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Personal Reflection and Personal Development Plan free essay sample

Creating a personal development plan involves more than simply contemplating what you want from your life and how to go about achieving it. If you want to create a personal development plan that helps you to achieve your goals, preparation is the key. To prepare, one must have a great deal of self-awareness. This includes clear understanding of personal values and ethics, analyzing personality characteristics, evaluation of learning styles and identifying strengths, weaknesses, motivators, opportunities and threats. Preparing for this personal development plan has been a thought-provoking study encouraging self-evaluation, reflection and realization within the context of self-improvement in career education and relationships. I have analyzed my personality traits to understand how each correlates with my strengths, weaknesses and tendencies. I have learned that my own perceptions and actions may be motivated by feelings that influence me instinctively. Although many traits stem from my personality, that doesn’t mean I can’t develop and improve. I can learn how to use my strengths in better ways and turn weaknesses into strong suits. I have learned through the Jungian Typology that my personality tendencies are moderately introverted, sensing and feeling, and distinctive judging (ISFJ). I have studied the key traits of this personality type and contemplated how it defines me in relationships, parenthood, career and the workplace. I am highly altruistic, supportive and traditional. I am motivated intrinsically and have excellent people-sensing skills. Consequently, my personality type is moderately introverted lending me to repress feelings and create more stress for myself. I am moderately bashful; networking is not a natural for the purpose of advancing my career. Finally, I often overload myself with other people’s work or problems. Another key point of self awareness is the knowledge acquired about myself being a moderate internal locus of control. This will help me with personal development planning in terms understanding my natural tendencies and adapting to situations within and outside of my control. Other self assessments have enabled me to understand my learning style, become more aware of my productivity and stress levels, and how to recognize if I am experiencing burnout. Awareness in all of these topics is crucial and each needs to be considered when staging an effective development plan. Becoming more self-aware and embracing my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are the first steps to enhancing the quality of my life. Overall, I have potential I have not been using optimally and opportunities for development I have essentially been ignoring. I would like my personal development plan to be a compass; provide direction and help me stay focused on the developmental opportunities. I would also like this plan to be a gauge; a means to track progress and keep me motivated. SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses †¢I have excellent interpersonal skills and foster good relationships. †¢I positively influence others. †¢I am a patient, effective and creative in instructional design and training. †¢I have very strong values and work ethic. †¢I am caring, compassionate and sensitive to others. †¢I am altruistic, traditional and supportive. †¢I have excellent people-sensing skills. †¢I have exceptional communication skills. †¢I consistently give people respect, trust, compassion, stability and hope. †¢I Have not completed my college education. †¢Sometimes distressed situations of others tend to make me be more lenient in my expectations. †¢My personality type is moderately introverted so I often repress feelings causing more stress. †¢I am moderately bashful; networking is not a natural for the purpose of advancing my career. †¢I often overload myself with other people’s work or problems. OpportunitiesThreats †¢I can complete my college degree with a high GPA. †¢I can better manage stress and be diligent in conveying my feelings. †¢I can learn and implement networking strategies. †¢I can be a positive influence and good role model for others. †¢I can educate children or adults. †¢I can council children or adults. †¢ I can use my strength of relationship building to create or lead groups/teams. †¢I can positively influence others, promote ideas and establish visions that can positively impact individuals, teams and work environment. †¢I can mediate conflict resolution, helping others work through problem situations. †¢I can model organizational values and coach others by leading by example. †¢I am more limited in many career developmental opportunities because I have not completed my college degree. †¢I am at higher risk for stress because I repress feelings and do not manage stress well. †¢I am higher risk for burnout and productivity lulls because I overload myself by taking on the burden of other people’s work or problems. †¢I socialize well, but I do not network extensively to help me achieve my goals or advance my career. Completing the SWOT Analysis exercise helped me see a realistic picture of myself. The SWOT analysis has been very helpful for creating a personal development plan because it is based on self-actualization and brings focus to strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. I find it interesting to realize that performing a SWOT analysis for a career role of interest can help me identify if it is a good fit and how my strengths align with key strengths needed for a role. Further, pinpointing areas of development I would need to accomplish to be successful in roles of interest can help me design a career path to get where I desire to go within an organization. Another interesting observation from my SWOT analysis is that in some situations strength could be perceived as a weakness or a weakness as strength. For example, I listed I am altruistic, traditional and supportive in my strengths. This may be perceived as a weakness in some situational leadership roles, yet significant strengths in other roles, for example, counseling or education. Pest Analysis FactorOpportunityThreat Political1. New and modified environmental regulations will continue to impact Caterpillar products and business. 2. Caterpillar has been approached by several other states with attractive incentives to change locations. 3. Caterpillar has been under fire by many environmental groups because products include earth stripping and moving machines, underground mining equipment, and diesel engines. 1. Caterpillar can be EPA compliant in all countries as well as a leader in reduced gas emission from engines, machines and greenhouse gas emissions of the their factories. 2. Cat can continue to partake in social responsibilities and promote them in the media. For example, disaster relief, rescue missions and sustainable energy efforts such as building dams. 1. Strict government regulations increase cost of production. 2. If Caterpillar does not keep up to date on regulations globally, it could result in hefty penalties. Economic1. Significant revenue loss in the Mining Division. 2. Product Sales have flattened or decreased. Significant infrastructure development in other countries such as Asia and India brings great growth opportunities for Caterpillar. 1. Establish and grow business in countries heavily immersed in infrastructure development. 2. Focus on growth of rental business will offset lost sales. 1. A stifled economy and lost revenue limits enablement for Caterpillar to invest in research and development. 2. Economic crisis with limited government spending on infrastructure in many countries. 3. Higher interest rates causing Caterpillar to lower company investment in capital. Socio-Cultural1. Caterpillar is a world-wide organization; therefore the availability and cost labor is always a key factor in business strategy. 2. Development of infrastructure can bring prosperity to inaccessible regions. 3. Growing world population requires infrastructure changes and sustainability. 1. Having a strong global footprint allows Caterpillar to analyze labor and cost more effectively and utilize existing assets for strategic planning. 2. Caterpillar can establish strong relationships with partnering businesses in development of other countries, leading to strong partnerships and new business adventures. 1. In already established regions with infrastructure in place, completion is stronger and could threaten growth and revenue for Caterpillar. Technological1. Caterpillar is focused on sustainability and green technologies. 2. There are large pushes for automated machinery to reduce operating costs and increase productivity. 3. Customer Push for fuel efficiency. 4. World-wide Business collaboration and Transformation platform using SAP for Finance, Sales to Delivery and Supply Chain. 1. Once SAP and processes are implemented globally, Caterpillar will realize significant operational improvements, cost reductions, and efficiencies. Caterpillar has a successful recruiting team and fluent pipeline of talented engineers to lead the industry in innovation. 1. Technological efforts increase in production costs. 2. If Caterpillar does not embrace and lead in new technology that supports sustainability such as e-mobility, bio fuel, other power alternatives, it will lose the competitive edge dominance in its industry. Caterpillar has vast opportunities and threats politically, economically, socio-culturally and technologically around the world. The PEST Analysis has helped me realize the opportunities Caterpillar embraces and the threats it faces, not just in the USA, but globally. I find it highly interesting that Caterpillar is a leading manufacturer of equipment and machines that are used in business operations that are heavily scrutinized by environmentalists. Caterpillar’s business growth depends on industries such as mining, forestry and fracking, yet still maintains a high socially responsible profile. To do this, Caterpillar has invested in new ventures such as solar power turbines, e-mobility and hybrid engines. The organization has a rich history of infrastructure contributions in the USA and abroad, attesting to its vested interest in building a safe society and sustainable world. Lastly, Caterpillar equipment and volunteers have been monumental in disaster relief and recovery around the world. Recently, Caterpillar has gone through significant reorganization, downsizing and cost cutting efforts in reaction to the economy and significant revenue loss in mining division with a staggering decreased profit of $15 billion last year. This has displaced everyone in my department and threatens job security for employees on all levels of the  organization. Additionally, new technology and automation of processes eliminate jobs every day and increase the demand for unique skill sets and deep expertise in technology and business acumen. In order to be valuable contributors and assets in the organization, teams, groups and individuals need to evolve with the business through continuous growth and d evelopment in a variety of skill sets including communication, interpersonal skills, problem solving, decision making, leadership and management skills. Caterpillar has been an evolving business for 85 years strong and shall continue to be for years to come. This PEST Analysis has helped me understanding that Caterpillar is making strategic decisions everyday based on this analysis. I need to do the same. Personal Develop Plan GoalsAction StepsPotential ObstaclesPlan to Overcome Implement actions to reduce stress. 1. Join the YMCA and exercise 4 times a week. 2. Join Yoga classes one time a week. 3. At home, delegate tasks to others. 4. Implement schedules to keep organized and manage time better. Review with family for ongoing support. 1. Taking on too much to help others in the family, 2. Making sure I allocate time to manage my stress will be difficult with long hours at work as well as school and family obligations. 3. Limited time with my toddler twins creates burden and regrets and can also contribute to stress and burnout. 1. Say no more often to family requests to do things for them. Often times these requests can be done themselves or by someone else. 2. Develop and maintain an exercise schedule and stick to it. Ensure than family also knows this routine and supports my plan. 3. Routinely allocate time with children each evening. Do homework after bedtime. Plan weekend activities with them. Improve Networking skills. 1. Schedule informational interviews with managers and recruiters within my organization. 2. Schedule information interviews with resources outside my organization, with focus on areas of interest, such as education. 3. Join and participate in at least one social club available through work. 1. Bashful tendencies and personality traits that make it difficult to network for personal gain. 2. Lack of time to participate in social activities. 1. Identify the information I would like to gain from sessions. Develop a conversation guide with talking points and questions. Preparation may ease anxieties. 2. Join a social club with people of similar interests and participate in lunch time activities more than the activities that occur outside of work. Improve self-confidence 1. Document achievements. 2. Focus on personal SWOT analysis. 3. Set and achieve small goals, followed by more challenging ones. 4. Incorporate useful tools. Purchase the Life Plan Workbook from Mind tools, a proven method to gain self confidence. 5. Continuously build the knowledge needed to succeed, including completing my undergraduate degree. 1. Negative self talk. 2. Surfacing doubts. 3. Giving up. Seems too difficult or unattainable. 4. Worries about ability to accomplish educational goals. 1. Practice rational positive thinking, imagery and meditations to redirect negative self talk. 2. Journal doubts. Analyze if they due to genuine threats. If so, set or modify goals to manage. In not, redirect with positive thinking techniques. 3. Use the Life Plan Workbook and other tools. Focus on small goals and achievements. Practice positive thinking and remind self this goal is a journey and takes significant time and commitment. 4. Be cognizant of learning style and practice techniques proven to enhance learning. I have many development opportunities that should help me personally, professionally and academically. However, the SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis were vital in prioritizing the top three goals used for this personal development plan. My priorities are based on current circumstances, threats, and areas of development that may result in the most significant positive impacts in my life. Moreover, when considering action steps, potential obstacles and plans to overcome them, I gave careful thought to my learning style, personality traits, internal locus of control and other factors that may aid or impede accomplishing the goals. Self improvement is important to me, but more than that, this plan is valuable because it can transform every aspect of my life. Managing stress is important for my physical and emotional health and will also improve relationships, focus and stamina. Taking steps to improve networking skills is an immediate need given my current circumstances. In light of a major reorganization eliminating my entire department, networking with managers, other business units and recruiters is crucial in order to identify opportunities to stay within the organization long before positions are posted on job boards. Finally, improving self-confidence is going to be the most challenging goal of all. I was reluctant to add this goal because of the very reason for its existence; lack of self confidence. After all, it is documented as one of the most difficult goals to achieve. However, gaining self confidence is fundamental in improving in many other areas I have identified when preparing for developing this plan. Self confidence will help me manage stress better and improve essential workplace skills such as problem-solving, conflict resolution, decision making, networking, leadership and management skills. Stress management and networking skills are goals I can achieve because they are ones I can prepare for more and realize immediate results. With immediate results, comes motivation and confidence to master and maintain those skills. I am not as sure about making big strides improving self-confidence. Perhaps this is because no precise step by step plan exists; it is a journey with many winding paths and no clear direction. However, many tools and resources are available to help stay focused on goals, realize achievements and keep me motivated with each confident step.