Friday, December 27, 2019

Crime Justice and Criminals Vocabulary

These words are used when talking about crime and criminals. Each word is placed in a related category and defined. Crime Types Assault: To hit/injure someone physically. Blackmail: To threaten to reveal incriminating materials if someone doesnt do something. Burglary: To steal or break into a home or car, etc. Fraud: A deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. Hijacking: Unlawfully seizing an aircraft, vehicle, or ship while in transit Hooliganism: Volent or rowdy behavior that occurs (typically) in crowds or gangs. Kidnapping: The act of abducting someone and holding them captive. Mugging: The act of attacking and robbing someone in a public place. Criminal Terms Mugger: A person who attacks and robs another in a public place. Murderer: A person who kills another person. Robber: A person who steals from another person. Shoplifter: A person who steals from a store. Smuggler: A person who imports/exports prohibited goods. Terrorist: A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. Thief: A person who steals. Vandal: A person who defaces property of another person. Justice System Terms Appeal: Asking for a reversal of the decision of a court. Barrister: A British term for a lawyer. Caution: Care taken to avoid danger or mistakes. Cell: An area considered a living space for inmates within a prison. Community service: Voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area. Court: Place where cases and legal matters are conducted. Court case: A dispute between two parties that is decided in a court of law. Death penalty: The punishment of execution. Defense: The case presented by or on behalf of the party being accused. Fine: The payment of money for being caught. Gaol, jail: The place where accused persons and criminals are held. Guilty: Found responsible for wrongdoing or an unlawful act. Imprisonment: The state of being imprisoned. Innocent: Not being guilty of a crime. Judge: An official appointed to decide cases in a court of law. Jury: A group of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted in court. Justice: A judge or magistrate, or, the quality of fairness. Lawyer: Someone who practices or studies law. Offense: A breach of law/illegal act. Sentence: Length of time a prisoner is imprisoned. Prison: A building where people are legally held as a punishment for a crime they have committed or while awaiting trial. Probation: The release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision. Prosecution: The legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge. Punishment: The infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense. Capital punishment: The legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime. Corporal punishment: Physical punishment, such as caning or flogging. Remand home: Detention/reform school for juvenile offenders. Solicitor: An officer having charge of a legal business. Trial: A formal examination of evidence before a judge and/or jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings. Verdict: The legally binding decision on a case. Witness: A person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place. Crime Verbs Arrest: To take someone into custody legally. Ban: To forbid or limit something. Break-in: To enter somewhere without consent or by force. Break-out: To leave somewhere without consent or by force. Break the law: To go against the law. Burgle: To enter (a building) illegally with the intent to commit theft. Charge: To accuse someone of an illegal act. Commit a crime: To do something illegal. Escape: To break free from confinement or control. Getaway: An escape or quick departure, especially after committing a crime. Get away with: To avoid prosecution for a criminal act. Hold up: To point a weapon at someone to make them give them money or a valuable good. Investigate: To look deeper into a matter and gather information about what happened. Rob: To take something forcefully from someone unwilling. Steal: To take (another persons property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it. Other Crime-Related Words Alibi: A story given to explain that one was not near the location of a crime. Armed: To be in the possession of a firearm (gun). Burglar: Someone who steals from others, a thief. Car alarm: An alarm on a motor vehicle. Alarm: Loud noise meant to draw attention when disturbed. Legal: Pertaining to the law, on the right side of the law, allowed. Illegal: Against the law, criminal. Store detective: Someone who watches over a store to make sure people dont steal from it. Private detective: Someone who is hired to investigate a matter. Weapon: Something designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Vulnerable Populations Essay - 2574 Words

Stanhope and Lancaster (2008) define vulnerable populations as â€Å"those defined at a greater risk for poor health status and health care access†(p.712). The role of a public health nurse in contrast to a vulnerable population is to establish interventions to help break the cycle of vulnerability thus aiding to eliminate health disparities within the population. The term â€Å"risk† helps public health nurses establish a person probability of something happening to them. This epidemiological term is used with the triangle of host, agent and environment in contrast to ones health within a population. The author will discuss vulnerability as discovered within a community based on surveying the community and establishing risk and interventions on the†¦show more content†¦These vulnerable populations according to Shi and Stevens (2005) experience disparities in access to care and have poorer health status than the population as a whole. Along with risks that these vulnerable populations are linked to, there are non-modifiable risk factors as well, called risk markers. These risk markers are characteristics that help I screening variables that mat be associated with poor health but not directly cause morbidity or mortality. An example of this can be race or sex. Healthy People 2010 has stated one if their goals includes the elimination of health disparities in the nation. They aim to overcome this by implementing state health initiatives that guide systematic approaches to help eliminate health disparities that disadvantaged and underserved populations face. Public health nurses, who work with vulnerable populations, can help with this mission by providing outreach, and assessing communities risk factors and exposures. For example, holding health fairs to increase the communities’ awareness of certain health issues with resources available to the population. Public health nurses can utilize outreach to help make health care more assessable to the communities they serve by implementing health education and counseling in areas the population congregate, for example: schools, community centers, churches and workplaces. Comprehensive services andShow MoreRelatedVulnerable Populations1503 Words   |  7 PagesVulnerable Populations BSHS/320 The United States of America is the place known to many as the land of the free, home of the brave, and the place to start a better life. With any place that has good qualities, some have not so good qualities. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Records Management Activities in Markets †

Question: Discuss about the Records Management Activities in Markets. Answer: Introduction: Since its inception in 1892, Santa Fe Wridgways has continued to build an enviable brand image by setting global benchmarks in commercial and household furniture, equipment and fittings relocations as explained by Santa Fe Wridgways (2011). Currently, the companys financial stability, volume of international traffic, and customer satisfaction has made the organization the most prominent relocation firm in the market (Santa, 2017). The companys mission is to facilitate the movement and relocation of the workers because its offers the best mobility experience (Hall Mu?ller, 2004). The company has come from far and achieved significant milestone through its pioneering spirit. The founder Ernest Wridgways made a great contribution in the company after he managed the first domestic project successfully in 1892 (Santa, 2017). 33 years later, the company made a successful international consignment. Currently, the organization is managing millions of removals across Australia and the globe annually for corporate, government, and domestic organizations. Santa Fe is creating global peace of mind, as it is a leading relocation organization with a strong reputation surpassing standards of customer services. The current positioning of the company is evident in its vision, mission, and values that are directed towards making each customer experience unique and exceptional (Hall, C. M., Mu?ller 2004). Santa Fe is devoted on quality, efficiency, and people. To this effect, when customers trust the company, they put their investment in a sure bet because Santa Fe is the most and largest relocation company. Santa Fe Wridgways, Interdean Relocations and Santa Fe have collaborated to deliver professional solutions across 56 countries in six continents (Santa Fe, 2017a). Through its vision of we make it easy, the company has employed helpful and highly trained workforce by placing them conveniently in its 120 offices around the world as exclaimed by Santa Fe Wridgways (2011). Based on this description, it is evident that the company has taken strategic market positioning that has enabled it to remain the best option for many companies and individual relocating. Its worldwide offices confirm Santa Fes convenience thus making the movement easy. With the strategic location of the offices, the company has found it easy to handle any relocation with care and efficiency. Reputation and brand image The companys global network for every movement required has confirmed its reputation. In fact, the global quality aspect that has seen the firm remain committed to the stringent service ethics, excellent standards and customer-centric approach. As such, the company has made it possible to relocate for every customer (Santa Fe, 2017a). Additionally, the companys brand is evident in its service quality that has seen it set standards in the industry. According to Santa Fe Wridgways (2011), Santa Fe has become internationally recognized brand and many customers envy its reputation for standing out with its excellent services. In Santa Fe, service quality is critical in delivering to the targeted market (Simpson, 2011). Based on the customer reviews, the 5-Star Service is the heartbeat of the market (Santa Fe, 2017). The quality of staff has enhanced the companys reputation because the employees pride on keeping with the latest technology thus adapt to the unique challenges experienced du ring relocation. The Santa Fe offers professional moving services locally and internationally. It has facilitated the movement for over 120 years thus justifying its strength and capacity in the market (Santa Fe, 2016). The Australian company has become the market leader in the removals industry. In achieving this goal, Santa Fe has invested in innovation packing, new technologies, transport solutions, and packaging. The highest authority that can allow the removalists to operate is the Australian Furniture Removers Association and it has approved Santa Fe (Simpson, 2011). Santa Fe boasts of the necessary premises, equipment, vehicles, and trained staff required to complete a professional mobility. The company is fast moving company to use the digital platform such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate with customers. Santa Fe is a professional removalist that boasts of highly trained staff. With these workers, the company has managed to use the correct transporting and packing methods for the precious possessions and furniture of customers (Santa Fe, 2016). In Australia, Santa Fe Wridgways is the only organization that operates over 20 operational branches as found by Santa Fe Wridgways (2011). It has joined hands with Santa Fe Group and other sister companies like Interdean and Santa Fe to offer an excellent moving experience with unique customer service standards. Santa Fe Wridgways has earned market position by proudly relocating corporations, individuals, and families since its inception in 1892 (Santa, 2017). In fact, the company is synonymous with mobility and moving. Many customers have trusted this company with their products. Santa Fe Wridgways boasts of efficiency, people, quality, and respect. This has helped the organization to confirm its ability to grip in the market. Its vision and values support people, quality, and efficient that it has enhanced by performance in various areas such as health and safety, occupational health, customer feedback, claims incidence, and continued improvement process (Santa Fe Wridgways, 2011). The companys pricing strategy is high modest. This has kept off the potential customers out of the product because the firm moves the product at a high price. Greater risks and perceived uncertainty Relocation from one country or location to another carries various risks. As a result, the company has to compensate the customers for damages and destruction of property. The company has core service segments referred to as the five star services (Santa, 2017b). These segments include relocation service, moving services, records management, visa and immigration, and real estate and home search segments (Hyndman-Rizk, 2011). The segments entail corporations, direct consumers, government departments, law firms, moving companies, and relocation management companies. Under this market segment, the corporate clientele form the foundation of the companys success. In this segment, Santa Fe has focused on cutting total spend and costs by reducing operational or administrative expenses (Hyndman-Rizk, 2011). It prefers the regional provider or single supplier relationship. However, in this segment, the quality is assumed as the procurement process drive the decision making process. Santa Fe is pulling all resources to its success by offering the best to different market segments. Based on the talent mobility segmentation, it has focused on four market segments. The segment primarily focuses on succession management and corporate-led career pathways. Santa Fe is a company that enhances the movement of customers. The strategic business leaders are a segment who primary driver is business-led career resource deployment and planning. The filling mission is for these leaders to seek swift and fast movements. Given the critical roles of the strategic business leaders, they are almost mobile (EAC, 2012). Therefore, they are seasonal executives who need a removanist like Santa Fe. Seasoned Technical Experts are known for providing specialized and technical expertise and resources to help in filling the local gaps (, 2014). The seasoned technical experts are also mobile, and they keep moving from one place to another where their skills are required (Santa Fe, 2017a). Therefore, the company focuses on addressing their movement problems by assisting them to relocate. With increasing global talent mobility, the students and other scholars seek opportunities abroad. Santa Fes geographical coverage has enabled it serve this customer group because it confirmed to be reliance and cost efficient (Disclaimer, 2017). The segment is high development value market for Santa Fe. The potential talents seek international learning opportunities and experiences to allow them grow. They thus go abroad to learn and develop their skills to become future leaders. This market segment requires the facilitation process that Santa Fe has stood to accomplish. It assists this segment to relocate to their new home swiftly with their luggage. Generation Y and millennial are important market segment that no company can ignore. Santa Fe views them as low primary driver segment because they facilitate employee-initiated requests (Santa Fe, 2017c). Sometimes the employers request their employees to take up international duties to fulfil their business and personal duties. The company has recognized the need to help these people relocate. As such, Santa Fe has targeted this low market segment. Relocation management companies This company has targeted these also important customers for decades. Through this segment, Santa Fe has managed to address the international and U.S domestic relocation. It has further maximized its increased geographical expansion to achieve exceptional global footprint thus meet the client demand. With the increasing demand for moving and relocation services, Santa Fe has opted for service providers thus outsourcing the administrative challenges. Recently, the company has received increased regional requests for the record management services from corporations. This is because; many companies want to cut the number of suppliers thus save resources. To this effect, Santa Fe has stood up to be the solution as it has attained service consistency procedures. The business has also complied with both internal and external provisions that involve meeting the quality standards and operating transparently (Santa Fe Group, 2014). As such, the corporations have trusted Santa Fe. Among the corporate clientele in this segment, are hospitals, multi corporations, accounting firms, financial and banking institutions, and insurance and law firms. This segment is responsible for visa processing, compliance, industry updates, tracking and renewal services, and work permits (Santa Fe Group, 2014). Customers who require these services will see solace in Santa Fe. Real Estate and Home Search Segment The section serves different customers as well; especially clients who are involved in deposit recovery, home search, tenancy management, checking/out support, and lease negotiations. This segment is also important to the organization because many people including businesses, academicians, and volunteers seek local, domestic, and international moving, insurance and storage (Santa, 2017). Some clients would seek for private car, pet, and motorcycles to be moved. The solution lies with this company. The companys growth potential is indisputable. However, its current growth strategy is threatening its ability to expand. It must understand that customers need quality services across the world. The only way it can meet their expansion is through operating an integrated marketing strategy (Wirtz, Chew, Lovelock, 2013). As many people seek international travels, such as students, the company needs to increase its networks to serve the new market segments. By expanding its network, the company will maximize the opportunities available in the market. The business should also invest in the future geographic expansion opportunities and portfolios. Since the company has also depended on marketing and franchise network structure for years, the firm needs to leverage its single ownership structure. Unfortunately, the fierce competition in the market could be a concern that the company should act on immediately (Disclaimer, 2017). For instance, many moving companies are establishing in different destination thus eat into Santa Fes market share. Competitor analyse Based on the positioning map above, it is evident that competitive forces are inevitable in the market. Most of the companies, however, operate in the local and regional markets. With the cross border dynamics becoming a reality, Santa Fe will have to review its strategies to remain relevant to the market (Ngan Chan, 2012). For example, internal cooperation, Alfa fleet, and third party haulage present a significance threat to Santa Fe. This is because; these competitors are focusing on the affordable and high value services. The company must respond swiftly and make appropriate adjustments to the expectations of customers. The visa processing at the Santa Fe offices is always efficient and effective. The efficiency has always given the company an edge in Australian market as indicated in the service blueprint diagram below: The visa application process is complicated and requires ample time. Santa Fe is committed to serving this goal by doing for the client. Depending on the visa type, the process can be achieved. However, the waiting time leading to the service at Santa Fe was worrying. It caused many frustrations because of the snail-paced at which people are served. Analysis of Customer Service Strategy Santa Fe has used business model that is customer-centric based on the innovation philosophy. This strategy has seen the company have a direct control of its service delivery. Santa Fes business model has also allowed the company to have a direct control of its customer relationships. The organization believes this strategy can allow it to achieve high margins (Dunod, 2016). As such, it has remained possible for the company to control its destiny. Through the vision of, we make it easy and innovative strategy have defined its business model. Similarly, the company has engaged in an aggressive business development initiatives to remain relevant to the market needs. Therefore, firm has thus pursued its values founded on safety, people, efficiency, and quality. Santa Fe and its sister companies guarantee customers exceptional service standards that is founded on quality efficiency, and people. However, no strategy made by human has ever been perfect. Despite the companys values showing its mission, it had failed some customers (Santa Fe Group, 2014). Through the new feedback mechanisms, the affected customers lodged complaints to the quality assurance department because the delivery damaged its products during the relocation. Analysis of Physical Evidence (Servicescape) The company uses vehicles to carry the household items and furniture. This strategy was essentially effective because the vehicles or carriers are fixed with relevant machines to handle the items (Santa Fe Group, 2014). The vehicle is fixed with comfortable front seats that customers can rest while waiting for the companys employees to relocate the household valuables and furniture. The Bitners servicescape provides a holistic and environment understanding of the companys operational environment as indicated below. Based on the Bitners framework, it is evident that various servicescape can influence employee and customer behaviours (Bitner 1992). Similarly, the action and behaviour will be justifiable depending on the reactions to the servicescape as explained by Reimer and Kuehn (2005). Nevertheless, in case of Santa Fe, some dimensions are critical for the performance of the organization because they influence service providers and high-end market value consumers. Moving to a foreign country could be tempting and challenging because it is a temporary migration. To this effect, the company needs to offer the best services to attract the targeted customers. Given the reputation of this organization, the services provided could break or make the business. Therefore, the package and the level of professionalism of its staff are important. The frustrations of some clients relate with the processing of visa. For example, when an individual is moving into Australia, the companys staff should help to process the visa and coordinate the mobility of the most important items or documents to the new home. A delay in the processing of visa is an issue that no client can take lying down. It a problem that can completely stall further operations and activities of the customer. Therefore, such issues require proper redress to avoid losing customers to rival groups. The poor service delivery had to be reported to companys quality assurance department for a swi ft action (Santa Fe Wridgways, 2017). The physical environment, especially the reception and waiting room is loathsome. The waiting area is squeezed and the chairs are weak that can rarely accommodate the huge-build individuals. This is unfortunate for clients who had to stand for over three hours waiting his visa processing. Therefore, the swift action to at least consider the fatty people to be accommodated in the waiting room is important (Debata, 2011). The company also boasts of a highly trained and competent staff. Conversely, the one who served the client never matched the value, mission, and vision of the organization. For instance, the staff was on phone throughout the stay, yet the client was kept waiting for a services that could be handled within a minute. Therefore, reporting such complaints are worth because they make Santa Fe strong. Recommendations The poor quality services can put the company into disrepute. Since the organization has built its image based on high quality service deliver, the staff must comply with companys core values that include people, quality, and services (Symons, 2010). Therefore, the relevant quality assurance officer must take swift action to resolve the impasse that discomfort clients. For example, replacing the holding chairs at the waiting area with new furniture will accommodate the fat customers. Competition is an urgent problem that the company must address immediately. Although the firm may have the least control of the situation, it can intensify its expansion strategy to invade emerging markets thus counter the pressure in the congested markets. Santa Fe should also consider serving the low-income market earners (Symons, 2010). For several years, it has served the high-value market, such as corporations, business leaders, top researchers, and millennial volunteers. It should thus offer location services to meet the low-end customers. Without a doubt, Santa Fe has affirmed its potential to outsmart rivals in the market and it should continue expanding its network to make a different. It remains a long-term obligation for it to invest in partnership as a strategy to enter new global markets at manageable rates. Conclusion The 120-year old company is a brand that everyone intends to be associated with. Many customers trust the company with various services including the five star services, such as relocating, moving, removing services to any consumers in the market. Following its acquisition of Santa Fe Group, this company has built an indisputable brand image because it has set global benchmarks in commercial furniture household, fittings, and equipment relocation. Because of its journey of transformation, the company has been ranked among the best end-to-do global mobility. For the company to remain relevant to the market, it has to address the challenges it has recorded in the course of operation as analysed in this article. References Bitner, M.J. (1992). Servicescapes: The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees. The Journal of Marketing, 5771. Debata, B. R. (2011, Nov 25). Servicescape. SlideShare. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Disclaimer. (2017). About Santa Fe Wridgways. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Dunod, M. (2016, Oct 24). Santa Fe Opens in Kenya. Santa Fe. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from EAC. (2012). EAC Annual Report 2012. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Hall, C. M., Mu?ller, D. K. (2004). Tourism, mobility, and second homes: Between elite landscape and common ground. Clevedon: Channel View Publications. Hyndman-Rizk, N. (2011). My Mother's Table: At Home in the Maronite Diaspora: A Study of Emigration from Hadchit, North Lebanon to Australia and America. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. Ngan, L. L.-S., Chan, K. B. (2012). The Chinese face in Australia: Multi-generational ethnicity among Australian-born Chinese. New York, NY: Springer. Reimer, A. Kuehn, R. (2005). The Impact of Servicescape on Quality Perception. European Journal of Marketing, 39(7/8), 785-808. Santa Fe Group. (2014). Annual Report 2014. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Santa Fe Wridgways. (2017). Removalists Albury. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Santa Fe. (2011b, Jun 1). Investor Meeting on MRS. Retrieved 7 May 2017, from Santa Fe. (2016, Aug 1). Santa Fe Group Sells the Records Management Activities in 10 Markets to Iron Mountain. Media Press Release. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Santa Fe. (2017a). Global Visa Migration Service. Retrieved 7 May 2017, from Santa Fe. (2017c). Top 7 Cities to Launch A Start-up Revealed. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Santa. (2017). Five Star Service. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Santa. (2017b). Enjoy Five Star Service with Australias Most Trusted Local, Interstate, and international removalists. Retrieved 6 May 2017, from Simpson, A. (2011). Santa Fe Wridgways. Australia Business Review. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Symons, D. (2010, Sept 21). Santa Fe Ready to Move on Wridgways Offer. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Wirtz, V., Chew, P., Lovelock, C. (2013). Essentials of Services Marketing, Second Edition. Pearson.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why I Want A Wife Essay Example

Why I Want A Wife Paper In our current age we have both sexes going to school and staying at home. A stay at home father is more common than ever. Unfortunately, this is not how society has always worked. In the sasss, women were treated very differently then we do today. We use to be treated like door mats and mutes. In Why I Want a Wife by Judy Brady, she reveals her anger In a different tone. She uses sarcasm and humor to get her point across. As if all of the expectations of a wife is laughable and presumed as a joke. How can anyone possibly do all the work that she has listed and not even complain once. Her message may not have been as powerful and motivating, if she Just simply made a list of her grievances. Also, Brady learned to never complain, thanks to her husband, about her feelings and would be a reason why she did not just say outright all the injustice she felt in her marriage. It could be a way around her moral obligations to her husband, while still getting her message across to married and unmarried women. Brady realizes her husband was sexist, unsupported, and how she was once oblivious of her surroundings, which contributed to her becoming a role model to women everywhere. Brady writes against sexism and warns women of the life of a bride. Based on our past In the demographics of a household, a man would not be caught doing any cleaning or cooking. Brady was classified Into a group called wives. She and other wives are outsiders according to men and are only good for taking care of the well being of them family. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want A Wife specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want A Wife specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want A Wife specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The presentment that Just because she is a women does not mean she does not yearn to educate herself or become financial independent. He husband does not allow these things simply because she Is a women Brady explains how just because she is a women, she still has wants and needs just as important as the next men, and not to automatically write her off because she is a women. She shows us how she finally saw that her husband was unsupported and how she hoped her writings would change the future, Throughout the essay, Brady speaks of the want for an education and a life outside her home. Although, at the end of the essay, after the husband completes his school, she is still to stay at home with the children and household work. Even after she was loyal and encouraged his schooling, the husbands view did not change. His wife was to now stay at home and to focus solely on all her previous duties, with the only break is not helping her husband with school. The husband should now take his turn in helping raising the family so that Brady can finally evolve herself out of the classification of a different breed. A women going to get an education around that time was unlikely, but what she was saying Is even If you dont have support, you can soul make a difference In you own life. In conclusion , Brandys past ignorance has motivated her to speak out for women In similar situations. Brady starts filth classifying herself in a whole other species. She comes to the realization of her treatment over a conversation with a male friend who was recently divorced. He states how he is looking for another wife, but not another ND realizes how unfair and unequal her husband is. This is when she finally realizes that to men we are nothing more then Just a an object. After her revelation of her identity, she begins to dissect and define her life by all the chores she is expected to perform and all of a sudden, she realizes she was serving a life sentence. Although, prison might have been a vacation compared to her lifestyle. She now addresses the everyday issues of a common house wife to help prevent similar situations. Why I Want a Wife Essay Example Why I Want a Wife Essay Having a wife definitely makes me complete; those TV commercials are partly accurate about that. The ABCDs of life cannot be spelled correctly because I only know half of the 26 letters of the English alphabet. Translated: I feel so romantic I wanted to express that romanticism most of the time but they fall flat and fall short. Bland and tasteless almost, are adjectives that describe me when it comes to courting. I am shy and clumsy. But I can cook, want to cook for my lover and future kids. They can be assured of clean and crisp laundry every week, as well as reminders too that I need someone to assist me to go get the groceries every Saturday morning at the supermarket. I am looking forward to talking with her about her growing up years, her anxieties and pet peeves. My wife will be smothered with the warmth of my tender embrace at night and wake up to breakfast of hot chocolate and sweet mangoes and sticky rice. I am sure those are her favourites. She will enjoy the humour of my mom who will become her best friend for life. Her children with blessed with the laughter and kind attention of a grandmother and uncles and aunts who will be equally fond of her, to be sure. Her friends will constantly say to her that she is indeed a blessed and fortunate wife to have a kindhearted, understanding and gentle handsome man who will be by her side till the greying of our hairs. She is an irresistible waif, whose inner strength and beauty match her beautiful and intelligent exterior. She is as tenacious as she can be in defending her man, and loyal to him through stormy days and bountiful times. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want a Wife specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want a Wife specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want a Wife specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I wanted my future wife to know that her garden will be fixed when my dog comes running to frighten the neighbour’s cat. Her flowers will bloom constantly as she sees our children grow well provided and cared for. She will reminisce to old times when the kids are all grown up and all we have are thick scrapbooks of photos of our family escapades. This are all for the taking for my future lovely wife.