Wednesday, October 30, 2019

International Operational And Logistics (REPORT) Assignment

International Operational And Logistics (REPORT) - Assignment Example In Dell, Suppliers are viewed as the integral part of operating business and a key variable for success. The last part of repot analyzes an improvement proposal that could possibly improve the logistics and supply chain of the company thereby enhancing its competitive advantage. The proposal focused on use of information technology in supply chain management of Dell through Oracle 10G and use of e-commerce in its supply chain management. Introduction Dell was incorporated in 1994 by Michael Dell while he was a student at University of Texas, Austin. From its very first initiatives, direct selling model was adopted. In the beginning PC’s were sold over the phone and they were customized according to customers’ specifications. Dell returned to its direct selling model after using the retail channel from 1990 to 1994. In mid 1990’s, the company grew rapidly, thus becoming number one PC seller in the US and number two worldwide in 1999. Dell’s success continue d over the following years, but it was not able to avoid the crisis in PC industry in the new millennium. Dell’s growth rate fell, resulting in the fall of its stock price. However, over the time, Dell managed to remain a highly successful company, and its growth rate continued to outperform the industry as a whole. Dell’s strategic choices and ways of realizing those choices have played an effective role in story Dell’s success. The supply chain management of the company is the key element in its successful business model. The core element of the company’s business model is its direct sales model, referred as ‘direct mode’, with the build to order strategy. Current Operations and Supply Chain Business Model This differentiated model of dell help it creates a niche in the distribution channel and eliminates the entire mid channel members to arrive at cost leadership position in the industry. The basic principle of Resource based view is that the competitive advantage for any particular organization completely depends upon the resources which are available at any company’s disposal. It is a management tool to determine the important resources available for any organization. It is very important for success of the organization that these resources are valuable and are not imitable. The direct sales model refers to the fact that the company does not use any retail channels for selling its products, but sells its products directly to its customers through its corporate website, The above figure shows hot the direct model of Dell was different from the indirect distribution channel of the rest of industry. In its direct sale model, the intermediary steps that add cost and time are eliminated, and the company is directly able to link with its customers. Dell directly sells to all its customers, regardless of a home-PC to world’s largest corporations. The direct relationship with individual customer cre ates a great source of competitive advantage for Dell. This creates a valuable information about the end customers, and thus Dell knows who are the end users of their product, what they have purchased from the company, what are their future preferences, a fact that allows the company to stay closer to their customers by offering add-on products and services. Company distinguishes three customer segments, namely large organizations,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Porters Five Forces model Essay Example for Free

Porters Five Forces model Essay In the banking industry rivalry among its competitors is a pretty common game. A few larger banks always dominate larger markets offering more locations and faster paced technologies for those consumers. Usually in a these larger areas larger banks can thrive because the expectation level of personalization is much lower since consumers don’t feel the need to frequent a location or rely on individuals to help them. While as areas grow smaller in population Small Community banks emerge with a fewer number of larger entities to compete with these banking giants being able to offer a more personalized approach allowing people to rely more on human interacting with technology, not only relying on the technology. Most banks primary function is to lend money of the deposits they gain, so most generally the most competitive is incentives for consumers to keep money on deposit and lower rate loans for consumers to take out. The potential for new competitors is not so common that it happens frequently but in today’s market groups of individuals with large resources who are frustrated with too much structure and to high of fee structures from larger institutions have formed smaller banks or credit unions to supply a need for better priced products, with hopefully a more home town approach with dealing with its customer base. Most markets are set competition mainly coming from outside banks wanting to tap into growing areas to capitalize on possible wealth of clients in that area or high traffic spots that business in that area have attracted. Other areas of new competition doesn’t come directly from a â€Å"NEW† bank but a bank buying out certain branches or absorbing the institution as a whole. This usually changes the dynamic that that competitor usually giving them more resources to utilize and make them more of a competitive force in the banking industry. Sometimes this can also work opposite and help out other banks in the area. If the â€Å"NEW† bank has processes or other items that are not favorable to the community they are in, that company could by an asset to lose it down the road when the client moves business due to not liking the new bank they are at.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sigma Nu Essay -- Fraternities College Essays

Sigma Nu There are many advantages of joining an NAU organization as I have learned through Sigma Nu. There are many complicated issues and opportunities presented to people everyday. Some are more severe than others, but they all come down to a sense of commitment and desire. Just recently, I had the honor of dealing with headaches and alternating views as I was introduced to Greek Fraternal Life. I had looked into Fraternities in the past, but never pursued any group due to uncertainty. Because I was ignorant about the Greek system prior to attending N.A.U., my curiosity, first semester, allowed me to get a better understanding of it. With more knowledge and comprehension I decided to further look into becoming a member of the Sigma Nu Fraternity. The process of becoming a member is much harder than people would think, myself included until I experienced it first hand. Meeting people during rush week is easy, as you are respectfully invited to activities and dinners. Each group tries to persuade you to join their Fraternity by telling how great their organization is. Whether it is done by their involvement in philanthropy events, leadership learning, community service or party life they all have something different to offer. That’s where the process becomes more difficult as you try to find the one that best fits your ideals. Do you want to party all the time or do you want to get something out of it and what is it that you want to ge...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Innocent Smoothies Essay

What is branding? Branding is the process involved in creating a distinctive look for a product or company to create desire and trust from the customers for the product or company. A way a company can use branding is by having a unique logo or motto because it’s a way for the public to recognise the brand. The name of the company is another method of branding, because if your company has a name that stands out from others it will catch people’s attention, and people will be familiar with what you’re talking about and who they are purchasing from. There are 3 different types of branding: Product branding, service branding and corporate branding. Product branding is a specific product for example Nike Air by Nike. It’s a unique part of branding because it’s a small part of the main brand. Service Branding is a specific service by a brand for example iTunes by Apple as that is just a music downloading service, while Apple is a multi product company. Corporate branding i s a larger part of branding because it’s a brand that applies to a variety of products within one company, for example Malteasers are a part of the Mars Inc. corporate brand. Branding in Action: Innocent Smoothies and Children In Need This company was founded in 1998. They started with smoothies and from there expanded into food, juice and children’s smoothies. They concentrated on a health focus of their products contained 2 of your 5 a day. Innocent have about 78% market share. Innocent smoothies use an angel with a halo with no mouth as their logo; they use this as their logo to persuade customers that their products are ‘innocent’ like angels and that they are good for you and your body. This logo is a significant part of the Innocent brand because they use a distinguishable logo; no other well known brand uses a smiley without a mouth and a halo. Innocent is also uniquely recognisable because its marketing is that it’s healthy and good for you, this health aspect is a major part of Innocent’s branding. Innocent add value to their products by saying how healthy they are and how good they are for you. They only use recyclable packaging when they first formed their recycling eff orts stood at  70% they are now at 100% which is a huge achievement. The company use lots of different combinations of flavours, some you would not think of putting together. All their products are natural, no added flavours. They do their best to promote their brands by making a big thing out of being good for your body. Parents are more likely to buy as there are no additives. They boost their image as more people buy the products as lots of people are health conscious now. They also do various promotions like a woolly hat campaign to raise money for charity. They changed the name of their product to make it more successful, their previous name was Naked. That would have needed a completely different promotion as they want to be associated with good. These businesses need to promote themselves for people to see them and to recognise them for doing something differentiating them from competitors. Innocent smoothies promote themselves by doing unique things that other brands don’t, for example they notified customers how much the bottle had been recycled and they eventually had a 100% recycled bottle Children in Need are a charity in the UK that was founded in 1980. As a charity they have raised over  £600 million and they help to change the lives of disabled, vulnerable and young people of the UK. Children in Need raise money doing baking activities, fancy dress events and they encourage the public to do sponsored challenges and they have a big Children in Need television show. The Children in Need brand is best known for Pudsey the bear and its big telethon around November. Pudsey is highly recognisable in the brand because he has a unique eye patch that makes him stand out from any other mascot bear. Pudsey is also another way for Children in Need to attract children because he is a character as well as a mascot. The Children in Need brand is well known for its telethon in BBC, people recognise the telethon because it’s on a Friday night on a channel that is advert free so people are more likely to tune in. The telethon is well known for its challenges and celebrity e ndorsement and they also will have a combination of two well know shows for example Eastenders and ITV’s Coronation Street called ‘East Street’. Children in Need add value to their product by having unique merchandise; the products are unique because of Pudsey as he himself is a unique mascot. They add value to the customer because they emphasise the fact that all the money they make will go to a good cause which makes  people sympathetic, and even people who are not concerned about the children will donate because the products they provide are ‘fashionable’. Children in Need’s brand personality is that they help children and therefore that they’re caring and considerate. They are a fun charity and do a lot of fundraising events and activities, which is attractive to children and parents. Their ethical image is a large benefit to their company because people will recognise that what they do will help unfortunate children, and that will increase their customer preference for donating to their charity. This will enable them to raise more money therefore they will be able to do more fundraising and provide more entertainment. Them being seen as a fun charity will help them because the public can be encouraged to get involved in their work as it is enjoyable as well as helping at the same time. If the branding for Children in Need was not successful, and did not make them appear to be caring and considerate, then people wouldn’t donate and they would boycott from donating and participating from their fundraising . If they weren’t a fun charity then people wouldn’t be as interested in donating to their charity and they wouldn’t be as well known as they are now. They need to promote themselves so they can raise awareness of their various charities, for example in Southend they help the following charities: Southend Association of Voluntary Services, Southend Mencap and Southend Mind. Children in Need differentiate themselves by the way they promote their company, for example they have popular celebrity endorsement in their adverts. They need to differentiate themselves from other charities so that they can stand out so they can get more donations. The Children in Need charity promote their service by having famous and popular comedians in their shows and they have well known children entertainers. Another way they use promotion is by the way they have the show on BBC One where there are no TV adverts, so no adverts for competitor charities. They also promote themselves by having well known supermarkets selling their product and supporting them, for example Asda. They also use paper promotion, for example leaflets and flyers and billboards. T he most popular way they are recognised is by advertising using their mascot Pudsey. Innocent is environmentally friendly , recycle , sustainable ingredient sources, super market promo , festival , tv , humor Children in need :  helping , money 4 good , super market promotion , tv , humor Marketing mix a key tool in marketing. The marketing mix is usually vital when deciding a products marketing and include the following P’s : Pricing , Promotion, Place and Product. I will be talking about the Innocent Fruit Tubes and how the marketing mix is used in branding. Fruit tubes are a yoghurt mad by Innocent and they are made from 100% fruit and they have 2 different combination flavours: Strawberry mixed with raspberry and mango and pineapple. The company are proud to say that this product has no artificial sweeteners or any added sugar and lumpy bits. This product has and overall rating of 4.5/5 and a majority of 5/5 ratings. The packaging is designed for kids, you can tell this by the way it is very colourful and the fruit logos on each tube has a character name and an interesting fact. The size of the packaging is small and easy for customer and children to manage. The Innocent Fruit Tubes are roughly priced at around  £1.99 for a average packet of 6 tubes. The yoghurts are priced at roughly  £0.33 per yoghurt which is a reasonable cost and affordable for many people Innocent promote their fruit tubes by having promotional offers such as 12 tubes for just  £3.00 and they use TV, magazine, billboards and posters to promote their Fruit Tubes. They will have a sales team who will go and pitch their product to popular supermarkets and confectionary retailers. The most well known promotional campaign they used was The Big Knit which was when they appealed for members of the public to knit mini woolly hats for their innocent products to help raise money for the elderly and to keep people warm during the winter. Innocents Fruit tubes are on sale in multiple different places for example super market stores or online super markets and shops, cafe’s and sandwich bars. The product is distributed all over the UK as well as many places in Europe such as: Belgium, Denmark, Germany. France and many other countries in Europe and in the Maldi ves .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Surgical Instruments

Surgery has been performed since ancient times. The earliest recorded surgical operations were circumcision and trepanation. (Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin of the penis. Trepanation involves making a hole in the skull to relieve pressure and/or release spirits. ) The earliest instruments used in these procedures were flint or obsidian (shiny stone) knives and saws. Stone Age skulls from around the world have been found with holes in them from trepanning. Primitive people also used knives to cut off fingers damaged in accidents. The ancient Hindus of India excelled at surgery. The great surgical textbook, Sushruta Samhita, probably dates back to the last centuries B. C. This work described 20 sharp and 101 blunt surgical instruments. These instruments included forceps, pincers, trocars (sharp-pointed instruments fitted with a small tube), and cauteries (irons to heat and sear tissue). Most of these surgical tools were made of steel. The ancient Hindus also used lancets to carry out cataract surgery, scalpels to restore amputated noses via plastic surgery, and sharp knives to remove bladder stones. At about the same time, ancient Peruvians were performing trepanation. They left behind various surgical instruments, including scalpels and chisels made of obsidian. The Greeks practiced surgery mostly on external parts of the body. They usually used forceps, knives, and probes. Bronze Roman surgical instruments found at Pompeii include a scalpel with a steel blade, spring and scissor forceps, a sharp hook, and shears. In the first century A. D. , Cel-cus A tray of modern surgical instruments. The ancient Hindus used lancets to carry out cataract surgery, scalpels to restore amputated noses via plastic surgery, and sharp knives to remove bladder stones. described the use of ligatures. Ligatures are used to tie off blood vessels and reduce bleeding during operations. Galen ( A. D. 130-200) gave detailed and sensible instructions on the use of surgical instruments. After ancient times, medical knowledge declined, and surgeons fell to a lowly status. In the absence of knowledge about antiseptics, surgery was highly risky. As a result, only the simplest and most urgent operations (such as amputations) using the most straightforward instruments were performed. A few physicians sought to spread knowledge of surgical procedures by publishing texts that illustrated surgical instruments. Most important among these men was the great French surgeon Ambroise Pare (1517-1590). Pare revived use of ligature and invented many surgical procedures and instruments. His inventions included the â€Å"crow's beak† to hold blood vessels while tying them off. Pare also perfected an instrument for cataract removal. Other types of surgical instruments are: Payr’s Crushing Clamp: This is the heavy instrument with double lever system, it has two blades with uniform serrations, used to perform Gastrectomy. Aneurysm Needle: This is the long instrument with an EYE at one end, it was used to ligate the feeding artery in an aneurysm, during venesection, silk suture can be threaded within eye passed around to ligate it. Right Angled Forcep: Also known as Lahey’s Forcep, it is used to ligate major vascular pedicles like superior thyroid pedicle in thyroidectomy, cystic artery in cholecystectomy and lumbar veins in lumbar sympathectomy. Czerny Retractor: This is a double hooked retractor on one side and single blade on other side, this is a superficial retractor, used to retract layers of abdominal walls and muscles during appendicectomy, herniorrhapy, or thyroidectomy. Lagenback retractor: It has a single blade, function it’s similar to Czerny Retractor. Deaver’s Retractor: It is used to retract liver during vagotomy, cholecystectomy, Gastrectomy, also used to retract kidney and urinary bladder. Allis Tissue holding forcep: It has a ratched and triangular expansion at tip, where serrations are present, it is used to hold tough structures like fascia, aponeurosis, can also be used to hold duodenum during Gastrectomy. Throughout time surgical instruments have changed now we sterilize the instruments and they are much more safer than the once in ancient history. Technology has evolved and keeps evolving new instruments will be created always.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Benefits of Cell Phone Recycling

The Benefits of Cell Phone Recycling Recycling or reusing cell phones helps the environment by saving energy, conserving natural resources and keeping reusable materials out of landfills. Cell Phone Recycling Helps the Environment Cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) contain a variety of precious metals, copper, and plastics. Recycling or reusing cell phones and PDAs not only conserves these valuable materials, it also prevents air and water pollution and reduces greenhouse gas emissions that occur during manufacturing and while extracting and processing virgin materials. Five Good Reasons to Recycle Cell Phones Only about 10 percent of the cell phones used in the United States are recycled. We need to do better. Heres why: Recycling just one cell phone saves enough energy to power a laptop for 44 hours.If Americans recycled all of the 130 million cell phones that are tossed aside annually in the United States, we could save enough energy to power more than 24,000 homes for a year.For every one million cell phones recycled, we can recover 75 pounds of gold, 772 pounds of silver, 33 pounds of palladium, and 35,274 pounds of copper; cell phones also contain tin, zinc, and platinum.Recycling one million cell phones also saves enough energy to provide electricity to 185 U.S. households for a year.Cell phones and other electronic devices also contain hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and brominated flame retardants. Many of those materials can be recycled and reused; none of them should go into landfills where they can contaminate air, soil, and groundwater. Recycle or Donate Your Cell Phone Most Americans get a new cell phone every 18 to 24 months, usually when their contract expires and they qualify for a free or low-cost upgrade to a new cell phone model. The next time you get a new cell phone, dont discard your old one or toss it into a drawer where it will just gather dust. Recycle your old cell phone or, if the cell phone and its accessories are still in good working order, consider donating them to a program that will either sell them to benefit a worthy charity or offer them to someone less fortunate. Some recycling programs also work with schools or community organizations to collect cell phones as fundraising ventures. Apple will take back your old iPhone and recycle or reuse it through its Renew program. In 2015, Apple recycled 90 million pounds of electronic waste. The materials thus recovered include 23 million lbs of steel,   13 million lbs of plastic, and almost 12 million lbs of glass. Some of the recovered materials have very high value: in 2015 only Apple recovered 2.9 million lbs of copper, 6612 lbs of silver, and 2204 lbs of gold! The markets for refurbished cell phones extend far beyond U.S. borders, providing modern communication technology to people in developing nations who would otherwise find it unaffordable. How Are Materials From Recycled Cell Phones Used? Almost all of the materials used to manufacture cell phones- metals, plastics and rechargeable batteries- can be recovered and used to make new products. Metals recovered from recycled cell phones are used in many different industries such as jewelry making, electronics, and automotive manufacturing. Recovered plastics are recycled into plastic components for new electronic devices and other plastic products such as garden furniture, plastic packaging, and auto parts. When rechargeable cell-phone batteries can no longer be reused, they can be recycled to make other rechargeable battery products. Edited by Frederic Beaudry

Monday, October 21, 2019

The History of Hutu and Tutsi Conflicts

The History of Hutu and Tutsi Conflicts Hutu and Tutsi are two groups in Africa that became known to most in other parts of the world through the grisly 1994 Rwanda genocide, but the history of conflict between the two ethnic groups reaches back further than that. Generally, the Hutu-Tutsi strife stems from class warfare, with the Tutsis perceived to have greater wealth and social status (as well as favoring cattle ranching over what is seen as the lower-class farming of the Hutus). The Tutsis are thought to have originally come from Ethiopia and arrived after the Hutu came from Chad. Burundi, 1972 The seeds of resentment for the minority Tutsis were sown when the first elections after winning independence in May 1965 saw strong Hutu wins, but the king appointed a Tutsi friend prime minister, sparking a failed coup attempt by Hutus. Even though this was quickly quelled in the capital, it set off additional violence between the two ethnicities in the countryside. In addition, Tutsis, which made up about 15 percent of the population to the 80 percent Hutus, occupied other key government and military positions. On April 27, some Hutu policemen rebelled, killing all Tutsis and Hutus (estimates range from 800 to 1,200 dead) who refused to join the rebellion in the lakeside towns of Rumonge and Nyanza-Lac. The leaders of the rebellion have been described as radicalized Hutu intellectuals who operated out of Tanzania. The Tutsi president, Michel Micombero, responded by declaring martial law and putting the wheels of a Hutu genocide in motion. The first phase virtually wiped out the educated Hutu (by June, nearly 45 percent of teachers were reported missing; students at technical schools were targeted, as well), and by the time the carnage was done in May about 5 percent of the population had been killed: estimates range from 100,000 to up to 300,000 Hutu. Burundi, 1993 The Hutus won the presidential office with banker Melchior Ndadaye, forming the first government since independence from Belgium in 1962 with elections that had been agreed to by the ruling Tutsis, but Ndadaye was assassinated shortly thereafter. The killing of the president threw the country back into turmoil, claiming about 25,000 Tutsi civilians in revenge killings. This sparked killings of Hutu, resulting in a total death toll of about 50,000 over the next several months. The mass killings of the Tutsi wouldnt be called genocide by the United Nations until a 2002 inquiry. Rwanda, 1994Â   In April 1994 Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira, a Hutu, and Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana, also a Hutu, were killed when their plane was shot down. By this time, tens of thousands of Hutus had fled the Burundi violence into Rwanda. Blame for the assassination has been pointed at both Tutsi and Hutu extremists; current Rwandan President Paul Kagame, who at the time led a Tutsi rebel group, has said that the Hutu extremists conducted the rocket attack to set in motion their long-laid-out plans to wipe out the Tutsis. These genocidal plans were hatched not just at cabinet meetings, but spread in media incitement, and capped a long period of ethnic unrest in Rwanda. Between April and July, some 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed, with a militia group called the Interahamwe taking lead in the slaughter. Sometimes Hutus were forced to kill their Tutsi neighbors; other participants in the genocide were given monetary incentives. The United Nations let the killings go on unabated after 10 Belgian peacekeepers were killed in the early days of the genocide. Democratic Republic of Congo, Post-Rwandan Genocide to the Present Many Hutu militants who participated in the Rwandan genocide fled to the Congo in 1994, setting up encampments in the mountainous areas akin to fiefdoms. In addition, several groups of Hutu fighting the Tutsi-dominated government of Burundi settled in the eastern part of the country. Rwandas Tutsi government has twice invaded with the intention of wiping out the Hutu militants. The Hutu also battle a Tutsi rebel leader, General Laurent Nkunda, and his forces. Up to five million deaths have been caused by the years of fighting in the Congo. The Interahamwe now call themselves the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda and use the country as a staging base to overthrow Kagame in Rwanda. One of the groups commanders told the Daily Telegraph in 2008, We are fighting every day because we are Hutu and they are Tutsis. We cannot mix, we are always in conflict. We will stay enemies forever.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Continue and Continue on

Continue and Continue on Continue and Continue on Continue and Continue on By Maeve Maddox Ralph Mielcarek writes: Please explain: Is the phrase CONTINUE ON - giving advice or instruction, considered redundant, or will CONTINUE suffice? The phrase continue on generally triggers a blackboard moment for me. I accept the use of the on in a statement such as Talks continue on the topic of global warming but I see no use for on for a statement such as The children may continue on with their search for leaves. The entry for continue on in Merriam-Websters Dictionary of English Usage acknowledges ongoing objections to the phrase: A half dozen or more commentators from Ayres 1881 to Chambers 1985 have dismissed continue on as a redundancy, with the on considered (usually) superfluous. Ayres himself found the on to be euphonious in some expressions, but superfluous in others. Later commentators seem to have missed the euphony. One, however, Safire 1984, defends the expression when applied to travel. The entry concludes: If you are one of the few who use continue on, you may keep right on using it. And if you do not use it, of course, there is no reason to begin. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Punctuating â€Å"So† at the Beginning of a SentenceHyper and HypoWords Often Misspelled Because of Double Letters

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Old Testament and the Church Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Old Testament and the Church - Essay Example The beginning of this fulfillment is in the death and resurrection of Jesus in the New Testament (Lesson 6.1). Moreover, in order to better understand the New Testament, one needs to study the Old Testament because the salvation that Jesus brought was first offered to the Israelites. As this salvation was universally offered to Gentiles in the Old Testament, Jesus Christ offered the same salvation to the Gentiles in the New Testament. The new Passover that happened with Christ in the New Testament was the same as the covenant that God made with Moses and the Israelites during the Passover in the Old Testament (Lesson 6.1). Another reason for the need to understand the Old Testament before one can fully comprehend the New Testament is the unity between the two Testaments in terms of Jesus Christ as the Word of God incarnate. The Old Testament was actually devoted to the Holy Spirit speaking through the prophets and predicting the arrival of Christ through figurative language. The fulf illment of the word of the prophets in the Old Testament is the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the New Testament (Lesson 6.1). Question 2. Describe with examples the use of the term â€Å"scriptures† in the New Testament. ... Examples of the mention of â€Å"Scriptures† by Jesus include the following passages: â€Å"Scripture cannot be annulled† (Jn. 10:35), â€Å"This Scripture must be fulfilled in me† (Lk. 22:37), and â€Å"But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled which say it must happen this way?† (Mt. 26:54). These passages clearly show how much Jesus acknowledges the authority of the Scriptures of the Old Testament while indirectly telling the reader that He is the fulfillment of these Scriptures. Paul, in his epistles also used the term â€Å"Scriptures† repeatedly. He mentioned in 1 Cor. 15:3-4, â€Å"†¦Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures† and â€Å"that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures.† From this passage, we can see that Paul believed that Jesus was the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Scriptures. Moreover, there are many other instances where the word â€Å"scriptures† a re quoted in the New Testament, such as in the case of 2 Peter 3:16, where it states â€Å"There are some things in them [the letters] hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures† (Lesson 6.1). This specific passage, however, is trying to tell us that the scriptures can be â€Å"twisted† or modified but they are not destroyed for it is those who twist them that undergo destruction (Lesson 6.1). This means that the scriptures themselves can never be destroyed, but a wrong interpretation of them can lead to the destruction of the one who misinterprets it. Question 3. Explain why the Church teaches the unity of the Old and New Testaments. The Church teaches the unity of

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Doctrines of Pythagoras- Doing in Ovids The Metamorphoses Essay

The Doctrines of Pythagoras- Doing in Ovids The Metamorphoses - Essay Example Overall the stories and connected by idea of transformation, starting with the physical changes which created the world, and in the manner in which the gods, in their longing to disrupt with life on the continent, are persistently changing their own presence and form. However, the most famous changes in the book are those remarkable time when a living being is transformed into something else. Many of the stories of transformation are concerned with severe suffering. This grants to practically all them a naturally dramatic superiority because they irregularly focus on a vulnerable and objecting character suffering from godly or human vindictiveness. Further, the main characters are frequently innocent females, trailed by celestial or human rapists. In more simple terms, Metamorphoses is a catalogue of famous Greek and Roma stories, most which deal with violence, phenomenal transformation of appearance and suffering, organized in a loose series. Ovid’s style so frequently change s the relatively simple details of famous legend into convincing, extremely dramatic, and multifaceted tale (Due 12-30). Befitting Ovid’s continual poem, interest in the precise meaning of the Pythagoras’s speech in â€Å"Metamorphoses† 15 has proved to ever be unceasing. ... Since it appears in the final book, we can presume that it has some kind of programmatic function or, as is always is the case with Ovid, numerous functions. With regard to the preceding 14 books, Ovid incredibly regales to us with an enormous assortment of style and genres. Further, it is absolutely clear that this multiplicity as opposed to the analysis in terms of generic restraints, is the actual importance of the function of genre in the† Metamorphoses.† However, there has been the lack of philosophical disquisition until the last book. One of the many reasons, therefore, for Ovid’s insertion of this philosophical boastful bluster is merely to round out his whole virtuoso collection with, yet still, another magnificent piece (Mandelbaum 20-50). Secondly, the selection of Pythagoras was agreeable for that function and numerous others. At his time, Pythagoreanism represented a syncretistic assortment of the teachings of various philosophical schools, pseudo-scie ntific assumption, spirituality, and spiritual and religious dispensations. Accordingly, Ovid’s Pythagoras provides an diverse cause of mixture indebted to all types of philosophical teachings, including his own, Empedocles’, Heraclitus’s, and the Stoics’, alongside irregular insinuation, mostly for the purpose of counterargument, to Epicureans and Lucretius. The process finds its appropriate analogue in Ovid’s consideration of the material for the masterpiece â€Å"Metamorphoses†, which in the same way varies, not dogma, and inconsistency. For this case, Ovid’s poem is amid other things a collection of themes and styles. Meanwhile, Pythagoras speech is a collection of philosophers (Brunauer 40-50). Hardie thus argues that through the

Religious Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Religious Studies - Essay Example II. Historical Occurrences: Historical events such as the revolution also played a part as the Father's desired a 'break' from the traditionalist British religions. The American Revolution itself has sacred tales of origins, the centre and the source for an American civil religion. (pp. 297, 298). III. Unity and Nationalism: The need for a 'one religion and many religions' also enforced the founding father's to adopt the civil religion. As early as 1749, Benjamin Franklin was already speaking about the need for 'publick religion' (p. 284). Deliberations of the continental congress 25 years after that birthed the US were filled with attention to religious details (p. 284). They adopted a religious system with a 'theology, creed and set of symbols related to their political state existing alongside the churches' (p. 284). They sought to promote nationalism. Civil religion was designed to 'unite many people from many different nations into one state (a political state)' thus creating nation and a nation state (p.285). By the time George Washington took his first oath of office in New York, civil religion was in place. It had arisen out of England Puritanism, but especially out of a union of Puritanism with the engagement of Americans (p.285). Roman Catholism was "introduced into America by Spanish, French missionaries" and introduced to the new world sacramentalism. "Sacramentalism did not end with the seven sacraments; it was a means of understanding the mystery of the church, human life, and the natural world". From sacrament perspective "the sign of God's reality was God's presence among humans". The Pope of Rome was that presence, "the sign of the church: representing the reality of God and acting as a conduit through whom God communicated with human". He was "Vicar and stood equal to the bible as a source of spiritual authority". The Catholic Church "unlike a sect or denomination" sought to include ideally all the "human race not withstanding territory or culture". It sought to include all saints and sinners. "The church was the sign of God's presence in the world". (pp. 66, 67) 4. Do you think that it's possible for modern Americans to return to the primordial religions of their ancestors Why or Why not Religion in the United States evolved over centuries from the religious beliefs of the Native American to the dominant Christianity. From Protestantism to Scientology most modern Americans are still trying to find a balance in the many denominations and sometimes adopting new ones, clearly according to their beliefs, convictions or lack of 'faith' in others. For the native Americans "culture was tradition was religion" (p. 21), while in contrast for modern Americans "religion transcended culture" (p. 21). The current era of coexistence of "one religion and many religions is a fact of American life" (p. 371) and provides solace for Americans uprooted by a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

HRD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

HRD - Essay Example tation, staff training and development, performance management of employees, compensation arrangement and benefits and career development of the organization’s staff (Sims, 2007). Human resource planning is an organizational design that ensures that the future personnel of the organization needs will be met in the most appropriate and in a consistent manner. Through human resource planning, managers of the organization ensure that they acquire the right number of employees for the organization, and the most appropriate persons to fill the various positions in the organization at the right time. Kumar (2011) points out that this process seeks to acquire the most capable staff who can in an effective and most efficient manner handle the tasks assigned to them. An analysis of the internal factors of the organization reveals the current and expected skills requirements, vacancies and departmental expansions and reductions. Environmental factors survey shows the labour markets and use of information systems to build and maintain employee information. Human resource planning is incorporated within the strategic plan of the organization. Recruitment aims at acquiring the most appropriate applicants who match the criteria of the certain job. Employee recruitment is the process in which an organization locates, identifies, and attracts the most capable applicants for an advertised job position. It is involved in the development of a pool of successful candidates in accordance to the human resource plan of the organization (Gitman & McDaniel, 2009). Employee decruitment is however the technique for reducing the labour supply within the organization in cases of over staffing through firing, employee layoffs, transfers and retirements of both aged and yet to be aged employees. â€Å"Business Services Support† (2006)  advises that when recruiting employees for any position, certain considerations have to be put into place. Job description, which is part of the

Why Growth is Good Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Why Growth is Good - Essay Example In the article Why Growth is Good the author asserts that U.S. economy is slowing down but this is not the case of the current times as the nation’s total output of goods and services grew at an annual rate of 2.5 percent from July to September and this rate of growth is double the rate of growth from the last quarter. The economy is not following a brisk pace but showing the signs of take off. But the economic growth of Germany is on the slower side and the government of the concerned country has nearly halved its growth forecasts to one percent. The reason being shocks in exports and the powerhouse of Europe is on the slower side. Government intervention is necessary in cases to push up demand but to a certain extent. Free market is necessary to achieve the equilibrium. Economic growth is the amount of goods and services produced over time. With economic growth, development is creating a healthy environment will come under its purview. Per Capita Income can be taken as a mea sure to capture economic growth. Let the population of country A and B be 20 and 5 respectively and the average income be $ 200 and $100 respectively. It will appear country A as the economically developed country but it is not the case as PCI of country A is 10 and that of country B is 20. Poor countries are often exploited by the richer ones as industries that cause environmental degradation are shifted in those countries. This tends to pollute the natural resources which have negative effects on the life of the people residing in the poor countries. The open up of new industries has created growth or employment opportunities but the darker side of the coin is the extraction of irreversible natural resources. (Office of the Management and Budget, 2010, p.153). The above pie chart proves that U.S. allocates a large proportion of its capacity in social security. The budget of 2001 allocates $ 17.5 billion to support small business access and 25 billion dollars on microloans which wi ll create employment opportunities. A path that leads to most optimal growth path is the toughest to get recognized. Earlier a school of economists believed in trickle down hypothesis where the benefits of growth will trickle down to the people who form the base of the society. But soon another school of economists began to contradict by arguing that those who are in the higher levels of the society will reap all the benefits and the poor will be confined in a vicious circle. This theory was proved right in the later stages. So growth may not create equal opportunities for all (Basu and Mallik, 2007). The statement of the rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer is well known. The statement that middle class is happy to pay taxes and contribute in the welfare is controversial as all are involved in finding out ways to evade taxes and keep their money in their own pockets. Consider the case of China. China announced to lower the GDP target to 7.5 percent which gave rise to mixed f eelings around the globe. This created tremors in the market but some were of the opinion that this strategy will revive China in taking the path of sustainable development. They argue that this would help China to achieve a higher quality and higher level development over a longer time span and all are certain about the amount of welfare sustainable development can bring about (Prasad and Rajan, n.d., p. 1). A recession is followed by recovery. In this phase growth is bound to be slow but this situation is welcomed from every levels of society.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

HRD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

HRD - Essay Example tation, staff training and development, performance management of employees, compensation arrangement and benefits and career development of the organization’s staff (Sims, 2007). Human resource planning is an organizational design that ensures that the future personnel of the organization needs will be met in the most appropriate and in a consistent manner. Through human resource planning, managers of the organization ensure that they acquire the right number of employees for the organization, and the most appropriate persons to fill the various positions in the organization at the right time. Kumar (2011) points out that this process seeks to acquire the most capable staff who can in an effective and most efficient manner handle the tasks assigned to them. An analysis of the internal factors of the organization reveals the current and expected skills requirements, vacancies and departmental expansions and reductions. Environmental factors survey shows the labour markets and use of information systems to build and maintain employee information. Human resource planning is incorporated within the strategic plan of the organization. Recruitment aims at acquiring the most appropriate applicants who match the criteria of the certain job. Employee recruitment is the process in which an organization locates, identifies, and attracts the most capable applicants for an advertised job position. It is involved in the development of a pool of successful candidates in accordance to the human resource plan of the organization (Gitman & McDaniel, 2009). Employee decruitment is however the technique for reducing the labour supply within the organization in cases of over staffing through firing, employee layoffs, transfers and retirements of both aged and yet to be aged employees. â€Å"Business Services Support† (2006)  advises that when recruiting employees for any position, certain considerations have to be put into place. Job description, which is part of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Answering multiple questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answering multiple questions - Essay Example RFQ is that in an RFP the purchaser is looking for value (that is, operating efficiency, cost-saving measures, innovations and so on), rather than the lowest bid. EVM requires the use of a development model, such as spiral, waterfall or iterative development processes. It is therefore most useful for software development projects and assists in producing the project execution plan. D. You must have a baseline, including a good WBS, start and finish estimates for each task, and cost estimates for each task. The actual information includes when tasks actually started and ended and what they actually cost. You also need to estimate the earned value of tasks. The main purpose of the quality management plan is to describe how the project management team will implement quality policies as required by the client. It ensures that the project will satisfy the agreed-upon requirements. It includes quality planning, quality assurance and quality control. It is important to formally close all projects to keep good records and reflect on what can be learned to improve future projects. Closure consists of verifying and documenting project results, formalises sponsor or client acceptance of the projects

Monday, October 14, 2019

Financial Report Analysis of a Jute Mill Essay Example for Free

Financial Report Analysis of a Jute Mill Essay Market opportunity is big factor in shaping a company’s strategy. Opportunities may be plentiful or scarce. The may range from widely alternative to marginally interesting. A company is well advised to pass on particular market opportunity unless it has th e resource capabilities most relevant to a company are: i) ii) Those that offer important avenues for profitable growth Those where a company has the most potential for completive. Threats: Certain factors in a company extend environment may pose threats to i ts profitability and competitive well-being. Revels introduction of new product New government regulations that is more burdensome to a company than is competitors Vulnerability to a raise in interest rates Political upheaval and the like. It is management job to identify the threats to the company’s future well-being and to evaluate what strategic actions can be taken to neutralize or lesson their impact. Opportunities and threats point to the need for strategic action. Managers need to i. ii. Pursue market opportunities well suited to the company’s resources capabilities, and Take action to defend against internal threats to the company’ business. Why SWOT analysis? ? It involves evaluating the strengths, weakness opportunities and threats and drawing conclusions about the attractiveness of the company’s situation and the need for strategic action. From a strategy marking perspective strengths are significant because they can be used as the cornerstones of strategy and the basis on which to build competitive advantages. ? Management should build strategy around what the company dose best on the basis of the strengths and should avoid strategies whose success depends heavily on areas where the company is weak. A strategy also needs to aim at correcting competitive weakness that make the company vulnerable, hurt its importance of disqualify it from pursuing an attractive opportunity. ? Strategy must be aimed at pursuing opportunities well suited to the company’s capabilities and provide a defense against internal threats. Mashriqui Jute Mills Ltd. Consolidated profit and loss account For the year ended 30th June, 2 008 Revenue Cost of revenue Gross Profit Operating Expenses Administrative Expenses Distribution (selling) Expenses Profit before Interest, Tax Depreciation Depreciation Net Profit/Loss before Tax Theoretical Illustration Concepts relating to ratio analysis 3. 1 Liquidity Ratio o Liquidity refers to the ability of a firm to meet its short -term financial obligations when and as they fall due. o The main concern of liquidity ratio is to measure the ability of the firms to meet their short-term maturing obligations. Failure to do this will result in the total failure of the business, as it would be forced into liquidation. i) Current Ratio The current ratio expresses the relationship between the firm’s current assets and its current liabilities. Current assets normally include cash, marketable securities, accounts receivable and inventories. Current liabilities consist of accounts payable, short-term notes payable, short-term loans, current maturities of long term debt, accrued in come taxes and other accrued expenses (wages). The rule of thumb says that the current ratio should be at least 2 that are the current assets should meet current liabilities at least twice. (ii) Quick Ratio Measures assets that are quickly converted into cash and they are compared with current liabilities. This ratio realizes that some of current assets are not easily convertible to cash e. g. inventories. The quick ratio, also referred to as acid test ratio, examines the ability of the business to cover its sh ort-term obligations from its â€Å"quick† assets only (i. e. it ignores stock). The quick ratio is calculated as follows clearly this ratio will be lower than the current ratio, but the difference between the two (the gap) will indicate the extent to which current assets consist of stock. 3. 2 Profitability Ratio Profitability is the ability of a business to earn profit over a period of time. Although the profit figure is the starting point for any calculation of cash flow, as already pointed out, profitable companies can still fail for a lack of cash. Note: Without profit, there is no cash and therefore profitability must be seen as a critical success factors. o A company should earn profits to survive and grow over a long period of time. o Profits are essential, but it would be wrong to assume that every action initiated by management of a company should be aimed at maximizing profits, irrespective of social consequences.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Digital Media And Print Media: Dying Out

Digital Media And Print Media: Dying Out With reference to the presentation of Fenna Statz on the 14th of December, in which we spoke about the problem that due to digital media, print media no longer will exist in the near future. I hereby want to talk about the problem, to offer a conclusion and a solution. The problem is that print media is dying. Since the first facts of electronic media and print media has always felt an undue threat. First was the radio and then to the television. Now the internet is apparently up against the vast and widely spread print media. Or print media is dying, is a question that a lot of marketers ask themselves from time to time. Whether they believe in the power of the printed word or choose to put all their advertising dollars into digital media. This report is to provide you more detailed information about the problem that print media is dying and if it will exist in the near future. Everyone knows already what digital media is, but most of the people have no idea what it is and how it can help you out when it comes to marketing. It is very important that you get up to speed so you can use this to benefit your business. In fact digital media refers to any type of electronic media out there. Today media has accessed in many ways, including with hand held devices like mobile phones, laptops, desktops, mp3 players, and more. The digital media will take over the world. You can read everything on the internet and everybody has their own network, like social media. Social networking sites are the websites using which you can make new friends and find out your old friends. Not only making and finding friends you can also find many other services available in networking sites. Usually all the networking sites work in a similar way. The difference is just of rules and regulations. Usually people who join these sites have some common reasons like finding old friends, makin g new friends, dating, religion, etcetera. There are many forms of social media, the most common are: Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. Facebook is the largest social networking site for people connecting with friends and others. More than 500 million people are active users on Facebook, 50% of the active users log on to Facebook in any given day. The average user has 130 friends and people spend over 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook. MySpace is the same platform as Facebook, and is commonly referred to as a place for friends. Twitter has 190 million accounts. Almost 91 percent of the Dutch youth is active in the social media. This includes the Dutch youth to the top of the European Union. Only Polish people make more use of social media almost 94 percent. The use of social media decreases with age. In the age group 25 to 55 years, the proportion of those active in social networks in the Netherlands and 54 percent of the age of 55 to 75 years just over 30 percent. Print media advertising is exactly what it says, it is advertising in a print media arena. The two most forms of print media advertising are newspapers and magazines. Print media also includes many other advertising like: Posters on buses, trains, toilet rooms, subways and a lot of other thing. Also outdoor billboards, ads in phone books, flyers, etcetera. The proportion of Dutch says that someone in their household has subscribed to a newspaper, decrease from 62 percent in 1997 to 50 percent in 2008. This decrease may be related to the emergence of a number of free newspapers. I think that in the future the people will read the news on the internet. News breaks are much faster online than in any other medium, except for live television. From all that facts of above it can be concludes that now it is very clear where the trend is headed, so no doubt, print media in its traditional form will decline. But I do not think that it will cease to exist in 10 years. Printed media will be less, but there will always be a need for a printed copy by the people. With print media you can share it and you can move it. So keep that fact in your mind if you develop a media strategy. Studies have shown that print advertising has a lower ROI and that should bring down the cost of advertising soon. Think of it is a non expensive channel to advertise. While we are used to accessing news in real time from the web, print media will still have a role in providing content where timing is not an issue. And the transition to a digital world will not be accomplished within 10 years. I think that will take over more than 100 years. The government could not forbid the newspapers because it will be always a need by many people.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ananlysis Of Andrew Marvell Coy Mistress :: essays research papers fc

Andrew Marvell attempts to win his â€Å"Coy Mistress† over and ultimately convince her into unleashing her passion and turning over her virginity. He is playing on a women’s vulnerability of love and admiration, fear of the loss of beauty and youthfulness and ultimately he clinches his argument by appealing to passion and lust. He is displaying a sense of urgency, to further his persuasion and has placed limitations on the availability of time in order to increase pressure. In Marvell’s first stanza, he appeals to his mistress by painting a vivid picture of love and courting that would take place if time where available. There are no limitations in his first attempt at persuasion â€Å"vaster than empires and more slow†. The imagery used of adoring of her eyes and breasts, the passing of their â€Å"long loves day† and her â€Å"deserving† of this love are purely to convincingly permit her to see him as a gentleman, sincere in his affection. The author then turns into his second argument or tactic of urging that is less â€Å"genteel†(Evans) and â€Å"more graphic†(Evans), as he seems to become increasingly desperate. In the second stanza he is using fear, almost threatening her, as he portrays what would happen if they allowed time to run out. He warns â€Å"her beauty shall no more be found† and alludes to her dying a virgin. Certain necessity arises as he begins to relate death, ashes and worms to his loss of lust and time. As Marvell enters the third stanza he draws upon passion â€Å"at every pore with instant fires†. His â€Å"philosophical proposal†(Evans) that as lovers they can turn the tables of time and â€Å"thorough the iron gates of life†. He is drawing upon his earlier limitations of time and fear to convince her to be rebellious and give in â€Å"tear (their) pleasures with rough strife†, while youthfulness is still present. Andrew Marvell’s arguments are related and are commonly based on lack of time. He shows her he is capable of love and then presents her with dark images of what would be if youthfulness eluded them, as he ends his final attempt of influence alluring to ravenous passion.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Doping in Sports is a Problem Essay

Doing steroids, which is known as doping, is a problem in sports that needs to be stopped and needs to be stopped fast. Ask anyone with a decent knowledge of sports and current events, and they will tell you: nearly every week, another high-profile doping story makes its way to the headlines of newspapers around the world. A quick Google News search for â€Å"doping† revealed over 7,500 results from the past week alone. The stories ranged from the lesser known 2 Youth Olympic Games Wrestlers who were recently suspended to the more famous 2010 Tour de France winner Alberto Contador’s positive test. This month, Brent Musburger (an ABC/ESPN sports commentator) told a group of students at University of Montana that steroids work. Musburger blamed â€Å"journalism youngsters† who â€Å"got too deeply involved in something they didn’t know too much about† for the negative image steroids and doping now have. He went on to say that steroids had no place in high school, but â€Å"under the proper care and doctor’s advice, they could be used at the professional level.† (Quotes take from the Missoulian article.) If you know me (or have been in a class with me), you know how I feel about doping in sports. In fact, anti-doping was one of the reasons I came to law school, and more specifically to Marquette. My view is that doping has no place in sport. The story of how I came to become so staunchly against doping is for another day (and perhaps a different venue), but basically involves my love for the sport of cycling and the systematic doping that plagues that sport. Suffice it to say that I take a firm stance against doping in all sports in all forms. It probably goes without saying that I could not disagree with Musburger more. Doping, least of all in the form of anabolic steroids, has no place in sports – amateur or professional. I think all anti-doping arguments come down to two basic principles, only one of which Musburger addresses in his blanket approval of steroid use in professional athletes. First, doping threatens the health of athletes. Musburger argues that with proper medical supervision, steroids can be healthy. While this might be true in some (and I would suggest limited) cases, it would certainly not be true in all cases. The use of steroids can have serious health repercussions, including affected liver, endocrine, and reproductive function, tumors of the liver and kidneys, heart conditions, and psychiatric symptoms. Additionally, the article just linked goes on to mention the increased probability of side effects when 1) steroids are used more than the recommended dose, 2) steroids are used in conjunction with other performance enhancing substances, and 3) counterfeit or tainted steroids are used. Legalizing steroid use would not solve these problems. The side effects listed in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (a part of the National Institute of Health) article are not restricted to improper use of steroids. I will not detail out the side effects of not only steroids, but also the use of hGH and EPO (often used in cycling), the NCBI does a nice job of listing those and providing citations to studies. Furthermore, the drive to win will always encourage athletes to take â€Å"just one more.† Sure, proper medical supervision would ensure that an athlete receives the proper dose from that doctor, but when that athlete fails to win the next race, game, or match, he or she is more likely to increase the dose or combine other methods of doping. Second, and unaddressed by Musburger, doping affects the integrity of sport. Sport is not about simply winning. The saying â€Å"It’s not about whether you win or lose, it’s how you played the game,† although clichà ©, is absolutely correct. The Olympic Movement identifies the Olympic spirit – mutual understanding, spirit of friendship, solidarity, and fair play – as fundamental to sport. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) was founded on the principle that integrity of sport is fundamental to the spirit of sport, and that integrity is threatened by doping. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) division on anti-doping believes that â€Å"doping jeopardizes the moral and ethical basis of sport and the health of those involved in it.† The National Football League itself created its own steroid policy because steroid use threatens â€Å"the fairness and integrity of athletic competitionâ€Å" and †Å"sends the wrong message to young people who may be tempted to use them.† Sports are about competition on equal footing, with respect for the opponent, and with respect for the rules of the game. Permitting the use of steroids under proper medical supervision would threaten the fairness and integrity of the game. First, athletes who choose not to use steroids are at an unfair advantage – most will be unable to compete at the same level as athletes who are using steroids. Second, the integrity of the game is compromised because it is no longer about which athlete has the best skills or talent, it’s instead about which athlete has the best steroid cocktail or the money to buy the best steroids. Thus, steroid use is contrary to the spirit of sport – fairness, respect, and solidarity. The concept of mutual respect between competitors is thwarted when one (or both) athletes would rather use steroids to improve his or her performance than compete based on individual strength, skill, or talent. However, if health and integrity concerns aren’t enough to convince you, consider this final point. Law students, and indeed lawyers, are fond of the slippery slope argument. I think it finds a comfortable place in this debate. It’s a slippery slope between allowing steroid use with proper medical supervision and eliminating anti-doping regulations. Where is the line to be drawn? Will it now be illegal to use steroids only if taken without proper medical supervision? How can proper medical supervision be proven? How does an athlete prove that the steroids in his or her body were as a result of proper medical supervision and not other means? What about athletes who use more than the recommended dose? What about other forms of doping (hGh or EPO)? Are those next to be permitted under proper medical supervision? It’s difficult to see how regulating the use of steroids in sport is workable. The only way to preserve integrity in sport and protect the health of athletes is through a serious anti-doping approach. Anti-doping efforts are most successful when the â€Å"law† (anti-doping policy) sets forth clear, bright-line rules about when and what substances are prohibited. Although a long way from perfect, WADA has created the most comprehensive anti-doping program in the world (indeed the only anti-doping program most of the world outside of the US models and implements). American professional sports leagues should be looking at ways to model the WADA code in its own anti-doping policies (like the United States Anti-Doping Agency is doing), not seeking ways to excuse steroid use or compromise anti-doping efforts. Steroids have no place in sports.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

List and define the steps in the new-product development process Essay

By its very nature, marketing requires companies and organisations to develop new ideas and make adjustments to their marketing efforts. New concepts, designs and products are essential for responding to the ever-changing demands of the target market/s, and are crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction, which ultimately leads to increased revenues and profits for the firm. New-product development dictates the company’s future in the market. Every person’s wants are unlimited; however, a person’s needs are narrowed to a limited amount. A product is something that can satisfy people’s wants and needs. It is one of the variables in the marketing mix (one of the ‘7P’s’). A product can be considered as the most important item in the marketing mix, since ultimately the marketing mix revolves around the Product. It can be offered to the market in the form of goods, services, ideas, events etc, The following are the classification of goods . This is crucial information for marketers as market segmentation exercises are carried out within the company in order to target certain groups of customers with specific use-related and use-situated needs. Below are four main classifications of goods; Convenience Goods – these are those goods which are bought on a daily basis, products of this type are usually considered as needs. These are goods such as milk, bread, detergents etc†¦ Shopping Goods – these are mostly semi-durable goods which are purchased less frequently then convenience goods. These cost more than convenience goods, thus people tend to choose products over others in a process of choosing the preferred alternative. Clothes and white goods are ordinary examples Specialty Goods – these are goods which are bought infrequently. If a person decides to purchase a specialty good, one will take time on choosing the good, since these goods are much more costly than the two previously mentioned. When this type of good is bought after sales service is usually provided. Example of this type of goods includes property & motor vehicles & a Luxury holiday in a high standard hotel. Impulse Goods – these goods are not actively searched by customers when one is making a purchase. However, a last minute impulse makes a customer purchase goods. Impulse goods usually occur in supermarkets or department stores. Idea Markets – The creation and evaluation of new product ideas are important procedures in the new product development process. Idea markets help companies by using virtual stocks to represent product ideas, introducing a virtual marketplace for these ideas to interact and use the forces of the market to generate certain stock prices that will indicate whether a product idea could be successful or not. Thus, the concept of idea markets has been considered as one of the leading methods of creating and evaluating new product ideas. Both the creation and evaluation of ideas require certain things such as creativity and long-range forecasting abilities, but they also suffer from a great deal of uncertainty (Creative Trainer: 2007) . The following three factors show why idea markets have been proposed as the new method of creating and evaluating product idea, mainly because they positively influence the quality of new product ideas: 1.Large Number of Ideas and Idea Creators It is essential that the quality of product ideas is given importance, as this determines the commercial success of the product. However, it is not quite that easy to determine the people that should be involved in the product creation as well as the main characteristics of the product idea. A wide pool of ideas might give rise to some unexpectedly good concepts that aren’t in demand at the moment but might be the breakthrough product idea sometime in the future. To broaden the scope of the search of the next best product idea, companies consult with several diverse and external sources such as employees, suppliers and researchers . Due to its uncertainty, participants of idea creation should come up with a substantial amount of product ideas. It follows that a high quantity of idea correlates to a high quality of positive product ideas, thus, creativity is an important element that shouldn’t be under-valued or diminished. Activities of idea creation, such as brainstorm ing, should promote individual creativity. Companies nowadays are creating and innovation friendly and relaxed office environment so as to enhance the innovative performance and creative thinking. Innovation leads to the development of new ideas in order to sustain present customer needs within the market. This can be achieved with the support of many different processes that help the company to expand into something different instead of building on something that they already have. One of  the many methods of innovation is symbiotic ideas, where multiple ideas are combined, adding the pros of all ideas without incurring all the cons, to make a better general idea. The second method, targeted innovation, is highly used in large scale companies and deals with the idea of a direct path that leads to a result that is not only known from the beginning of the process but also expected. Finally, the revolutionary idea is one that portrays a whole new different perspective which sets it apart from traditional school of thought. An example of this ideology is Marxism . 2.Group decisions instead of individual decisions When companies engage in finding a new product to develop, ideas about a new product can be established from a group of idea creators and by means of a discussion and exchange of opinions. This will result in high quality ideas that can prove useful to the company when deciding what product to produce. Ideas formed through group discussion can be generated through several activities such as idea competitions and ideation games, this will cause the participants to widen their thoughts and observe other participants ideas before acting. It is also ideal that the persons that will evaluate the product work as a group, this will improve the quality of their evaluations due to the fact that one person might see something that the other person missed and even one can also criticise the other until a compromise is found. Interactive and iterative evaluation techniques allow participants to widen their knowledge and continuously learn more and more, thereby improving the quality of the decis ion taken . 3.Combining the creation of ideas with their evaluation Most of the ideas generated will support either the creation of the new product or the evaluation of the new product. This will be beneficial due to the fact that participants can focus more towards the creation process. The problem that arises may be the fact that idea creators will not receive immediate feedback regarding their ideas, this may result in the ideas being vague or even out of the range intended for them to be in. The ideas generated are usually split into three main criteria; mainly being in respect of their quality, commercial success and new to the world. The  criteria usually provide skewed results and only few of the ideas turn out to be of a high quality. Another problem that may arise is the fact that companies review a large number of ideas from which only a moderate portion are processed for further development. Participants who have knowledge of the product and are able to create new product ideas are usually even capable of evaluating the product ideas generated. Combing these participants’ together results in a positive and successful evaluation of new product ideas. Levels of product – When searching for new product ideas one must also keep in mind that the product is made up of three components; Core product, Actual product and Augmented product. The core product is the part of the product that makes it beneficial to the consumer and answers the question â€Å"What is the buyer really buying?† The actual product is the tangible, physical product. The Augmented product on the other hand refers to the non-physical part of the product, the added value one gets from purchasing the product, such as customer service, after sales support, delivery, installation etc . Product Characteristics – When finding and developing new product ideas one should incorporate and think about the product attributes, branding, packaging and labelling. One must consider the quality level and quality consistency of the product. This refers to how the product is perceived and how the product will be expected to perform during its life. One should also think about the features that are expected to flow from the product and the characteristics of the product that contribute to the benefits it offers. Substantial thought should also be given regarding the design of the product. Another important aspect of the product that requires rational, especially in new companies, is the brand of the product. This usually incorporates a name to the product, sign, symbol or a combination of the above mentioned. Branding provides a unique attribute to the product therefore it should be attractive and easy to recognise and remember. Many people buy a product solely on the strength of the brand. The packaging o f the product is yet another important factor. It includes the wrapper or container for the product. The packaging should  protect the product and ensure it reaches the buyer in the condition it is intended to and also incorporated with the packaging should be a set of instructions and safety labels on how to handle the product . Managing the New-Product Development Process – The need for new product development may arise due to other external forces such as competition from rival firms. Innovation and new ideas are forced into play within the market as firms compete for a bigger customer base and market share. In addition, new product development may occur due to the actual product becoming obsolete and/or inadequate for present customer’s needs. There are many other reasons why new product development is vital. These may include: -Innovative/unique products earn higher profits than older products. -New products can help reposition the company in customer’s minds and shift their perception about the new product/s -Some firms market seasonal products that reap their highest sales during a certain time of the year (for example, ice-cream vendors). Expanding the firm’s product mix into new areas may help offset these fluctuations. The development method may take two forms. The company can develop new products in its own laboratories or it may contract independent researchers or firms to develop specific original products. Furthermore, we can identify six categories of new products ; 1.New-to-the-world products. (Such as the first Microsoft tablets were in 2002) 2.New product lines (new products that allow a company to enter an established market) 3.Additions to existing product lines (New product that supplement existing products, eg new flavours, sizes etc) 4.Improvements and revisions of existing products 5.Repositioning ( existing products that are targeted to new markets) 6.Cost Reductions Before we get to the new product development process there are few decisions a company must take. It must decide on how to segment the market, which will be the target customers, identify their needs and determine its market positioning for the new product. Nowadays, companies use customer-driven engineering, which is the process whereby the design of the final (new) product incorporates its target customer’s preferences. These preferences are determined through market research methods, such as the collection of  primary and secondary data. Lastly, the company must set a budget for the new product. Management must decide what proportion of investment will be necessary for research and development activities as well as the gathering of market intelligence and market research. Once this is set, the New-Product Development process may begin. There are 8 steps in the New-Product Development process as defined by kotler. 1. Idea Generation The process starts with the hunt for new ideas. The key to successful ideas, is understanding customer’s present or unmet needs in the market. For example , Procter &Gamble’s efforts in 1985 to create a bold new advertising campaign for Folgers to catapult it into market leadership began by watching consumers make coffee and by listening to their descriptions of their process of waking up in the morning. From these efforts came the insight that people actually wake up to the smell of coffee before they get to the taste And, thus was born â€Å"The best part of waking up†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The insight worked so well, it’s still guiding the marketing campaign today – twenty years later. Ideas for new products can be obtained from customers, the company’s R&D department, focus groups, competitors, salespersons, employees, trade shows and events etc†¦ 2. Idea Screening The second stage is to get rid of unsound ideas prior to dedicating resources to them. The ‘screeners’ must ask at least three questions : Will the customer in the target market benefit from the product? Is it technically feasible to manufacture the product?, Will the product be profitable when manufactured and delivered to the customer at the target price? An important consideration must be made in screening ideas. This stage is crucial for companies as they must avoid two types of errors ; A Drop-error – which occurs when a company dismisses a good concept for the new product A Go- error – occurs when a company goes forward with a poor idea up until the last new-product development stage, commercialization. This can prove to be extremely costly is the idea is not received well in the market. A recent example of this is when in 2010, GAP launched a new logo in an attempt to be more modern This only lasted two days as GAP received an unbelievable criticism from the public, who expressed felt that GAP was changing their image for the worse. 3. Concept Development and Testing Having identified the right product idea, a product concept must follow – this is an elaborated version of the screened idea. The notion here is that a product idea can be turned into numerous product concepts. These concepts are developed with marketing and engineering specifics. Before the next step, the product concept must be tested. This follows by ‘giving’ the concept and all information about the product to a group of target customers and obtaining feedback and responses from them. The reactions obtained would indicate whether the customers in the target market would welcome concept or not. 4. Marketing Strategy development In this stage, the new product formation will begin as a result of the conclusions derived from the concept development and testing stage. A strategy-plan would be drawn up as to how best to introduce the new product into the segmented target market. The plan describes three parts , The first part describes the market’s structure, size and behaviour, as well as the planned positioning of the product and the market share. The second part shapes the expected price, distribution approach and marketing financial plan. The last part of the marketing strategy outlines the sales and profit targets as well as the marketing-mix strategy. 5. Business analysis This is an important step in new product development. The firm must analyse different aspects of the new product. It should find out whether the product is profitable or not and what the cost of the new product will be. Under this stage, the demand for the new product should be established and whether the demand is seasonal or regular while also gathering information re any competitors of this new product. Estimations of sales and expenses such as; advertising and sales promotion should be made to provide calculations for the approximate profit which the  new product should render. Hence, the new product is studied from a business aspect. If the new product should earn a profit, it will be accepted, otherwise it will be rejected. 6. Product development In this product development stage, the company takes the necessary steps to produce and distribute this product since the company would have already decided to introduce this new product in the market. The production development department will make strategies to produce one or more physical versions of the product concept, while the marketing department will make plans on how to distribute the product. The financial department will provide all the finances required to introduce the new product. Before the test marketing stage, plans for the advertisements for the new product will be made on a small scale. 7. Test marketing Test marketing is introducing this new product on a small scale and in a small market, in a more realistic setting. If this product is a success in the small market, then it is later introduced on a larger scale. However, if this new product fails in the small market, then the company will test for reasons for its failure. There are different types of test marketing which include the following; sales-wave research, simulated test marketing, controlled test marketing and test markets . In sales-wave research, the company gives customers the opportunity to use the product at no cost. At a later stage the company then reoffers the same product or a competitor’s product at a slightly cheaper price and notes the number of times (sales-waves) each customer selects each product. The simulated test market is a cheaper and faster method when compared to the other methods, but it is not considered as the most accurate due to the controlled setting. The company will make necessary amendments in the new product and will then introduce it again in the small market. If the new product fails for the second time, the firm will reject it. Test marketing is a safety device which reduces risk from large-scale marketing. Although this is a very time-consuming stage, it must be done especially for costly  products. 8. Commercialization If the test marketing performed on the new product is successful, then the company introduces their product on a larger scale, which is known as commercialization. The firm will make a large investment in the new product. It will plan when to launch the product in a larger market and where since the market-entry timing and location are very critical. First entry has its advantage of being on the market before its competitors but might backfire if it is rushed. When a firm coincides its product’s entry with its competitors, known as parallel entry, this will enhance the market’s attention on analysing and comparing products. Whilst a late entry launch will reduce costs while also gathering further knowledge on the size of the market. Companies usually wait for the ‘killer application’ to occur; this may depend on the season or for the older product to be drawn down and to be replaced. The company will produce and distribute the new product on a larger scale where it will advertise the new product on mass media such as; Radio, TV, Magazine and Newspapers. The Consumer Adoption Process – This is the process by which potential customers learn about the new product, tests it out and adopts or rejects it. This process begins from when the consumer first hears about the new innovation up until final adoption of the product. Adoption is a decision made by an individual to become a regular user of a product. There are five stages which adopters of new products have been observed to pass through ; 1.Awareness – consumer becomes aware of the new innovation 2.Interest – the consumer seeks more information about the new innovation 3.Evaluation – the consumer considers whether or not to try the product 4.Trial – the consumer actually tries the product so as to enhance his/her evaluation of it. 5.Adoption – the consumer becomes a customer and decides to make regular use of the product. It is the task of the new-product marketer to make this process as easy and swift as possible so as to capture the consumer’s interest and turn it into th e action of actually adopting the product. Conclusion – In conclusion, companies must realise the importance that the product has in the marketing mix. Improved and replaced products will expand and maintain sales and profits for the company. However, when coming to develop a new product, companies must realise the importance and relevance of the steps involved in creating and introducing new products into the market. The key is to develop a product which is innovative, up to standard, meets the customer’s present needs and which ultimately has the ability to penetrate the market and claim a place in the customer’s minds. Thus by following the New Product Development process, as we have discussed in this assignment, companies will be able develop a product which has a high probability of being successful in the market and which will be demanded by its customers.

Aims of education Essay

Culture is activity of thought, and receptiveness to beauty and humane feeling. Scraps of information have nothing to do with it. A merely well-informed man is the most useless bore on God’s earth. What we should aim at producing is men who possess both culture and expert knowledge in some special direction. Their expert knowledge will give them the ground to start from, and their culture will lead them as deep as philosophy and as high as art. We have to remember that the valuable intellectual development is self- development, and that it mostly takes place between the ages of sixteen and thirty. As to training, the most important part is given by mothers before the age of twelve. A saying due to Archbishop Temple illustrates my meaning. Surprise was expressed at the success in after-life of a man, who as a boy at Rugby had been somewhat undistinguished. He answered, â€Å"It is not what they are at eighteen, it is what they become afterwards that matters. † In training a child to activity of thought, above all things we must beware of what I will call â€Å"inert ideas†-that is to say, ideas that are merely received into the mind without being utilised, or tested, or thrown into fresh combinations. In the history of education, the most striking phenomenon is that schools of learning, which at one epoch are alive with a ferment of genius, in a succeeding generation exhibit merely pedantry and routine. The reason is, that they are overladen with inert ideas. Education with inert ideas is not only useless: it is, above all things, harmful – Corruptio optimi, pessima. Except at rare intervals of intellectual ferment, education in the past has been radically infected with inert ideas. That is the reason why uneducated clever women, who have seen much of the world, are in middle life so much the most cultured part of the community. They have been saved from this horrible burden of inert ideas. Every intellectual revolution which has ever stirred humanity into greatness has been a passionate protest against inert ideas. Then, alas, with pathetic ignorance of human psychology, it has proceeded by some educational scheme to bind humanity afresh with inert ideas of its own fashioning. Let us now ask how in our system of education we are to guard against this mental dryrot. We enunciate two educational commandments, â€Å"Do not teach too many subjects,† and again, â€Å"What you teach, teach thoroughly. † The result of teaching small parts of a large number of subjects is the passive reception of disconnected ideas, not illumined with any spark of vitality. Let the main ideas which are introduced into a child’s education be few and important, and let them be thrown into every combination possible. The child should make them his own, and should understand their application here and now in the circumstances of his actual life. From the very beginning of his education, the child should experience the joy of discovery. The discovery which he has to make, is that general ideas give an understanding of that stream of events which pours through his life, which is his life. By understanding I mean more than a mere logical analysis, though that is included. I mean â€Å"understanding† in the sense in which it is used in the French.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

2-DISCUSSION QUESTION Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

2-DISCUSSION QUESTION - Coursework Example ning.† Although Maude has a constitutional right to park her car in place properly designated for her, she has no right parking her car in a place reserved for handicapped whether in hurry or not. Therefore, she is not respecting the rights of others i.e. the handicapped. However, from another perspective, I think Maude is acting ethically. Going by the definition of physical handicap, I think Maude is physically handicapped, given that she parks her car at this place whenever she is in a hurry implying loss of memory coordination and sensation. However, given that she has not been diagnosed with this condition, I can authoritatively conclude by saying that she is acting unethically. Ethical issues involving minors has become a contentious issue in the world today. An act can be described legal but unethical. Legally, the 16-year old girl should not be put on the pill, but what remains a puzzle is whether the doctor’s action is ethical or not. Under the policy statement about ethical issues involving children, the policy statement states that, drugs may affect children in a different way from adults (Watterberg et al., 2013). Parents have the responsibility of bringing up their children in an ethical manner; thus, from a religious perspective, the doctor should have denied the girl the accessibility to medical pill with or without the parents’ approval because this violates Christian beliefs. However, the law provides for confidentiality of the doctor-patient privacy and, therefore, a doctor should under no circumstance share any information of his or her patient with anyone be it a minor or an adult. However, the girl being a minor she is deemed n ot able to make an independent decision concerning her health status and, therefore, the doctor acted within ethical lines in contacting her

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

2 page biography of Jeremy Bentham and his contribution to the study Essay

2 page biography of Jeremy Bentham and his contribution to the study of Ethics - Essay Example Bentham was a great activist who advocated political and economic freedom. He pioneered various political movements that lobbied for the abolition of slavery, legal use of the death penalty, and physical punishment. Political radical ideas advanced by Bentham lobbied for separation of church systems from the state, freedom of expression for all citizens, divorce rights, gender equity, and animal rights. However, Bentham opposed natural rights and law but favored individual legal rights for all citizens (Becker and Becker 137). Bentham mentored several students during his time as a teacher and researcher. Some of Bentham’s great students included James Mill, James Stuart Mill, James Austin, and Robert Owen. His students also developed into great theorists for instance; Robert Owen become the founder of Utopian socialism while John Austin remained as the famous legal philosopher. Bentham, who attended Westminster school at the tender age of 12 in 1760, existed as a child prodigy. He started studying Latin at the age of three and preferred reading England history books. Bentham, who was the brother to Samuel Bentham, completed his Bachelor’s degree at Queen’s college in 1763. Bentham obtained his master’s degree in 1766 at Queen’s college. He practiced law in college though he never represented persons in courts of law. He reportedly hated English legal code and named it ‘Demon of Chicane’. Bentham loved chemistry and spent most of his time conducting chemical experiments and speculating theories relating to legal abuses. His interest in chemistry angered his father who knew that he would develop into a renowned intelligent lord chancellor amongst English courts of law. Due to great interest in sciences, Jeremy Bentham pursued physical science studies and started research on suppositions that had a relationship with politics and law. Research on suppositions related to law and politics