Friday, December 27, 2019

Crime Justice and Criminals Vocabulary

These words are used when talking about crime and criminals. Each word is placed in a related category and defined. Crime Types Assault: To hit/injure someone physically. Blackmail: To threaten to reveal incriminating materials if someone doesnt do something. Burglary: To steal or break into a home or car, etc. Fraud: A deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. Hijacking: Unlawfully seizing an aircraft, vehicle, or ship while in transit Hooliganism: Volent or rowdy behavior that occurs (typically) in crowds or gangs. Kidnapping: The act of abducting someone and holding them captive. Mugging: The act of attacking and robbing someone in a public place. Criminal Terms Mugger: A person who attacks and robs another in a public place. Murderer: A person who kills another person. Robber: A person who steals from another person. Shoplifter: A person who steals from a store. Smuggler: A person who imports/exports prohibited goods. Terrorist: A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. Thief: A person who steals. Vandal: A person who defaces property of another person. Justice System Terms Appeal: Asking for a reversal of the decision of a court. Barrister: A British term for a lawyer. Caution: Care taken to avoid danger or mistakes. Cell: An area considered a living space for inmates within a prison. Community service: Voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area. Court: Place where cases and legal matters are conducted. Court case: A dispute between two parties that is decided in a court of law. Death penalty: The punishment of execution. Defense: The case presented by or on behalf of the party being accused. Fine: The payment of money for being caught. Gaol, jail: The place where accused persons and criminals are held. Guilty: Found responsible for wrongdoing or an unlawful act. Imprisonment: The state of being imprisoned. Innocent: Not being guilty of a crime. Judge: An official appointed to decide cases in a court of law. Jury: A group of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted in court. Justice: A judge or magistrate, or, the quality of fairness. Lawyer: Someone who practices or studies law. Offense: A breach of law/illegal act. Sentence: Length of time a prisoner is imprisoned. Prison: A building where people are legally held as a punishment for a crime they have committed or while awaiting trial. Probation: The release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision. Prosecution: The legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge. Punishment: The infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense. Capital punishment: The legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime. Corporal punishment: Physical punishment, such as caning or flogging. Remand home: Detention/reform school for juvenile offenders. Solicitor: An officer having charge of a legal business. Trial: A formal examination of evidence before a judge and/or jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings. Verdict: The legally binding decision on a case. Witness: A person who sees an event, typically a crime or accident, take place. Crime Verbs Arrest: To take someone into custody legally. Ban: To forbid or limit something. Break-in: To enter somewhere without consent or by force. Break-out: To leave somewhere without consent or by force. Break the law: To go against the law. Burgle: To enter (a building) illegally with the intent to commit theft. Charge: To accuse someone of an illegal act. Commit a crime: To do something illegal. Escape: To break free from confinement or control. Getaway: An escape or quick departure, especially after committing a crime. Get away with: To avoid prosecution for a criminal act. Hold up: To point a weapon at someone to make them give them money or a valuable good. Investigate: To look deeper into a matter and gather information about what happened. Rob: To take something forcefully from someone unwilling. Steal: To take (another persons property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it. Other Crime-Related Words Alibi: A story given to explain that one was not near the location of a crime. Armed: To be in the possession of a firearm (gun). Burglar: Someone who steals from others, a thief. Car alarm: An alarm on a motor vehicle. Alarm: Loud noise meant to draw attention when disturbed. Legal: Pertaining to the law, on the right side of the law, allowed. Illegal: Against the law, criminal. Store detective: Someone who watches over a store to make sure people dont steal from it. Private detective: Someone who is hired to investigate a matter. Weapon: Something designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or physical damage.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Vulnerable Populations Essay - 2574 Words

Stanhope and Lancaster (2008) define vulnerable populations as â€Å"those defined at a greater risk for poor health status and health care access†(p.712). The role of a public health nurse in contrast to a vulnerable population is to establish interventions to help break the cycle of vulnerability thus aiding to eliminate health disparities within the population. The term â€Å"risk† helps public health nurses establish a person probability of something happening to them. This epidemiological term is used with the triangle of host, agent and environment in contrast to ones health within a population. The author will discuss vulnerability as discovered within a community based on surveying the community and establishing risk and interventions on the†¦show more content†¦These vulnerable populations according to Shi and Stevens (2005) experience disparities in access to care and have poorer health status than the population as a whole. Along with risks that these vulnerable populations are linked to, there are non-modifiable risk factors as well, called risk markers. These risk markers are characteristics that help I screening variables that mat be associated with poor health but not directly cause morbidity or mortality. An example of this can be race or sex. Healthy People 2010 has stated one if their goals includes the elimination of health disparities in the nation. They aim to overcome this by implementing state health initiatives that guide systematic approaches to help eliminate health disparities that disadvantaged and underserved populations face. Public health nurses, who work with vulnerable populations, can help with this mission by providing outreach, and assessing communities risk factors and exposures. For example, holding health fairs to increase the communities’ awareness of certain health issues with resources available to the population. Public health nurses can utilize outreach to help make health care more assessable to the communities they serve by implementing health education and counseling in areas the population congregate, for example: schools, community centers, churches and workplaces. Comprehensive services andShow MoreRelatedVulnerable Populations1503 Words   |  7 PagesVulnerable Populations BSHS/320 The United States of America is the place known to many as the land of the free, home of the brave, and the place to start a better life. With any place that has good qualities, some have not so good qualities. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Records Management Activities in Markets †

Question: Discuss about the Records Management Activities in Markets. Answer: Introduction: Since its inception in 1892, Santa Fe Wridgways has continued to build an enviable brand image by setting global benchmarks in commercial and household furniture, equipment and fittings relocations as explained by Santa Fe Wridgways (2011). Currently, the companys financial stability, volume of international traffic, and customer satisfaction has made the organization the most prominent relocation firm in the market (Santa, 2017). The companys mission is to facilitate the movement and relocation of the workers because its offers the best mobility experience (Hall Mu?ller, 2004). The company has come from far and achieved significant milestone through its pioneering spirit. The founder Ernest Wridgways made a great contribution in the company after he managed the first domestic project successfully in 1892 (Santa, 2017). 33 years later, the company made a successful international consignment. Currently, the organization is managing millions of removals across Australia and the globe annually for corporate, government, and domestic organizations. Santa Fe is creating global peace of mind, as it is a leading relocation organization with a strong reputation surpassing standards of customer services. The current positioning of the company is evident in its vision, mission, and values that are directed towards making each customer experience unique and exceptional (Hall, C. M., Mu?ller 2004). Santa Fe is devoted on quality, efficiency, and people. To this effect, when customers trust the company, they put their investment in a sure bet because Santa Fe is the most and largest relocation company. Santa Fe Wridgways, Interdean Relocations and Santa Fe have collaborated to deliver professional solutions across 56 countries in six continents (Santa Fe, 2017a). Through its vision of we make it easy, the company has employed helpful and highly trained workforce by placing them conveniently in its 120 offices around the world as exclaimed by Santa Fe Wridgways (2011). Based on this description, it is evident that the company has taken strategic market positioning that has enabled it to remain the best option for many companies and individual relocating. Its worldwide offices confirm Santa Fes convenience thus making the movement easy. With the strategic location of the offices, the company has found it easy to handle any relocation with care and efficiency. Reputation and brand image The companys global network for every movement required has confirmed its reputation. In fact, the global quality aspect that has seen the firm remain committed to the stringent service ethics, excellent standards and customer-centric approach. As such, the company has made it possible to relocate for every customer (Santa Fe, 2017a). Additionally, the companys brand is evident in its service quality that has seen it set standards in the industry. According to Santa Fe Wridgways (2011), Santa Fe has become internationally recognized brand and many customers envy its reputation for standing out with its excellent services. In Santa Fe, service quality is critical in delivering to the targeted market (Simpson, 2011). Based on the customer reviews, the 5-Star Service is the heartbeat of the market (Santa Fe, 2017). The quality of staff has enhanced the companys reputation because the employees pride on keeping with the latest technology thus adapt to the unique challenges experienced du ring relocation. The Santa Fe offers professional moving services locally and internationally. It has facilitated the movement for over 120 years thus justifying its strength and capacity in the market (Santa Fe, 2016). The Australian company has become the market leader in the removals industry. In achieving this goal, Santa Fe has invested in innovation packing, new technologies, transport solutions, and packaging. The highest authority that can allow the removalists to operate is the Australian Furniture Removers Association and it has approved Santa Fe (Simpson, 2011). Santa Fe boasts of the necessary premises, equipment, vehicles, and trained staff required to complete a professional mobility. The company is fast moving company to use the digital platform such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate with customers. Santa Fe is a professional removalist that boasts of highly trained staff. With these workers, the company has managed to use the correct transporting and packing methods for the precious possessions and furniture of customers (Santa Fe, 2016). In Australia, Santa Fe Wridgways is the only organization that operates over 20 operational branches as found by Santa Fe Wridgways (2011). It has joined hands with Santa Fe Group and other sister companies like Interdean and Santa Fe to offer an excellent moving experience with unique customer service standards. Santa Fe Wridgways has earned market position by proudly relocating corporations, individuals, and families since its inception in 1892 (Santa, 2017). In fact, the company is synonymous with mobility and moving. Many customers have trusted this company with their products. Santa Fe Wridgways boasts of efficiency, people, quality, and respect. This has helped the organization to confirm its ability to grip in the market. Its vision and values support people, quality, and efficient that it has enhanced by performance in various areas such as health and safety, occupational health, customer feedback, claims incidence, and continued improvement process (Santa Fe Wridgways, 2011). The companys pricing strategy is high modest. This has kept off the potential customers out of the product because the firm moves the product at a high price. Greater risks and perceived uncertainty Relocation from one country or location to another carries various risks. As a result, the company has to compensate the customers for damages and destruction of property. The company has core service segments referred to as the five star services (Santa, 2017b). These segments include relocation service, moving services, records management, visa and immigration, and real estate and home search segments (Hyndman-Rizk, 2011). The segments entail corporations, direct consumers, government departments, law firms, moving companies, and relocation management companies. Under this market segment, the corporate clientele form the foundation of the companys success. In this segment, Santa Fe has focused on cutting total spend and costs by reducing operational or administrative expenses (Hyndman-Rizk, 2011). It prefers the regional provider or single supplier relationship. However, in this segment, the quality is assumed as the procurement process drive the decision making process. Santa Fe is pulling all resources to its success by offering the best to different market segments. Based on the talent mobility segmentation, it has focused on four market segments. The segment primarily focuses on succession management and corporate-led career pathways. Santa Fe is a company that enhances the movement of customers. The strategic business leaders are a segment who primary driver is business-led career resource deployment and planning. The filling mission is for these leaders to seek swift and fast movements. Given the critical roles of the strategic business leaders, they are almost mobile (EAC, 2012). Therefore, they are seasonal executives who need a removanist like Santa Fe. Seasoned Technical Experts are known for providing specialized and technical expertise and resources to help in filling the local gaps (, 2014). The seasoned technical experts are also mobile, and they keep moving from one place to another where their skills are required (Santa Fe, 2017a). Therefore, the company focuses on addressing their movement problems by assisting them to relocate. With increasing global talent mobility, the students and other scholars seek opportunities abroad. Santa Fes geographical coverage has enabled it serve this customer group because it confirmed to be reliance and cost efficient (Disclaimer, 2017). The segment is high development value market for Santa Fe. The potential talents seek international learning opportunities and experiences to allow them grow. They thus go abroad to learn and develop their skills to become future leaders. This market segment requires the facilitation process that Santa Fe has stood to accomplish. It assists this segment to relocate to their new home swiftly with their luggage. Generation Y and millennial are important market segment that no company can ignore. Santa Fe views them as low primary driver segment because they facilitate employee-initiated requests (Santa Fe, 2017c). Sometimes the employers request their employees to take up international duties to fulfil their business and personal duties. The company has recognized the need to help these people relocate. As such, Santa Fe has targeted this low market segment. Relocation management companies This company has targeted these also important customers for decades. Through this segment, Santa Fe has managed to address the international and U.S domestic relocation. It has further maximized its increased geographical expansion to achieve exceptional global footprint thus meet the client demand. With the increasing demand for moving and relocation services, Santa Fe has opted for service providers thus outsourcing the administrative challenges. Recently, the company has received increased regional requests for the record management services from corporations. This is because; many companies want to cut the number of suppliers thus save resources. To this effect, Santa Fe has stood up to be the solution as it has attained service consistency procedures. The business has also complied with both internal and external provisions that involve meeting the quality standards and operating transparently (Santa Fe Group, 2014). As such, the corporations have trusted Santa Fe. Among the corporate clientele in this segment, are hospitals, multi corporations, accounting firms, financial and banking institutions, and insurance and law firms. This segment is responsible for visa processing, compliance, industry updates, tracking and renewal services, and work permits (Santa Fe Group, 2014). Customers who require these services will see solace in Santa Fe. Real Estate and Home Search Segment The section serves different customers as well; especially clients who are involved in deposit recovery, home search, tenancy management, checking/out support, and lease negotiations. This segment is also important to the organization because many people including businesses, academicians, and volunteers seek local, domestic, and international moving, insurance and storage (Santa, 2017). Some clients would seek for private car, pet, and motorcycles to be moved. The solution lies with this company. The companys growth potential is indisputable. However, its current growth strategy is threatening its ability to expand. It must understand that customers need quality services across the world. The only way it can meet their expansion is through operating an integrated marketing strategy (Wirtz, Chew, Lovelock, 2013). As many people seek international travels, such as students, the company needs to increase its networks to serve the new market segments. By expanding its network, the company will maximize the opportunities available in the market. The business should also invest in the future geographic expansion opportunities and portfolios. Since the company has also depended on marketing and franchise network structure for years, the firm needs to leverage its single ownership structure. Unfortunately, the fierce competition in the market could be a concern that the company should act on immediately (Disclaimer, 2017). For instance, many moving companies are establishing in different destination thus eat into Santa Fes market share. Competitor analyse Based on the positioning map above, it is evident that competitive forces are inevitable in the market. Most of the companies, however, operate in the local and regional markets. With the cross border dynamics becoming a reality, Santa Fe will have to review its strategies to remain relevant to the market (Ngan Chan, 2012). For example, internal cooperation, Alfa fleet, and third party haulage present a significance threat to Santa Fe. This is because; these competitors are focusing on the affordable and high value services. The company must respond swiftly and make appropriate adjustments to the expectations of customers. The visa processing at the Santa Fe offices is always efficient and effective. The efficiency has always given the company an edge in Australian market as indicated in the service blueprint diagram below: The visa application process is complicated and requires ample time. Santa Fe is committed to serving this goal by doing for the client. Depending on the visa type, the process can be achieved. However, the waiting time leading to the service at Santa Fe was worrying. It caused many frustrations because of the snail-paced at which people are served. Analysis of Customer Service Strategy Santa Fe has used business model that is customer-centric based on the innovation philosophy. This strategy has seen the company have a direct control of its service delivery. Santa Fes business model has also allowed the company to have a direct control of its customer relationships. The organization believes this strategy can allow it to achieve high margins (Dunod, 2016). As such, it has remained possible for the company to control its destiny. Through the vision of, we make it easy and innovative strategy have defined its business model. Similarly, the company has engaged in an aggressive business development initiatives to remain relevant to the market needs. Therefore, firm has thus pursued its values founded on safety, people, efficiency, and quality. Santa Fe and its sister companies guarantee customers exceptional service standards that is founded on quality efficiency, and people. However, no strategy made by human has ever been perfect. Despite the companys values showing its mission, it had failed some customers (Santa Fe Group, 2014). Through the new feedback mechanisms, the affected customers lodged complaints to the quality assurance department because the delivery damaged its products during the relocation. Analysis of Physical Evidence (Servicescape) The company uses vehicles to carry the household items and furniture. This strategy was essentially effective because the vehicles or carriers are fixed with relevant machines to handle the items (Santa Fe Group, 2014). The vehicle is fixed with comfortable front seats that customers can rest while waiting for the companys employees to relocate the household valuables and furniture. The Bitners servicescape provides a holistic and environment understanding of the companys operational environment as indicated below. Based on the Bitners framework, it is evident that various servicescape can influence employee and customer behaviours (Bitner 1992). Similarly, the action and behaviour will be justifiable depending on the reactions to the servicescape as explained by Reimer and Kuehn (2005). Nevertheless, in case of Santa Fe, some dimensions are critical for the performance of the organization because they influence service providers and high-end market value consumers. Moving to a foreign country could be tempting and challenging because it is a temporary migration. To this effect, the company needs to offer the best services to attract the targeted customers. Given the reputation of this organization, the services provided could break or make the business. Therefore, the package and the level of professionalism of its staff are important. The frustrations of some clients relate with the processing of visa. For example, when an individual is moving into Australia, the companys staff should help to process the visa and coordinate the mobility of the most important items or documents to the new home. A delay in the processing of visa is an issue that no client can take lying down. It a problem that can completely stall further operations and activities of the customer. Therefore, such issues require proper redress to avoid losing customers to rival groups. The poor service delivery had to be reported to companys quality assurance department for a swi ft action (Santa Fe Wridgways, 2017). The physical environment, especially the reception and waiting room is loathsome. The waiting area is squeezed and the chairs are weak that can rarely accommodate the huge-build individuals. This is unfortunate for clients who had to stand for over three hours waiting his visa processing. Therefore, the swift action to at least consider the fatty people to be accommodated in the waiting room is important (Debata, 2011). The company also boasts of a highly trained and competent staff. Conversely, the one who served the client never matched the value, mission, and vision of the organization. For instance, the staff was on phone throughout the stay, yet the client was kept waiting for a services that could be handled within a minute. Therefore, reporting such complaints are worth because they make Santa Fe strong. Recommendations The poor quality services can put the company into disrepute. Since the organization has built its image based on high quality service deliver, the staff must comply with companys core values that include people, quality, and services (Symons, 2010). Therefore, the relevant quality assurance officer must take swift action to resolve the impasse that discomfort clients. For example, replacing the holding chairs at the waiting area with new furniture will accommodate the fat customers. Competition is an urgent problem that the company must address immediately. Although the firm may have the least control of the situation, it can intensify its expansion strategy to invade emerging markets thus counter the pressure in the congested markets. Santa Fe should also consider serving the low-income market earners (Symons, 2010). For several years, it has served the high-value market, such as corporations, business leaders, top researchers, and millennial volunteers. It should thus offer location services to meet the low-end customers. Without a doubt, Santa Fe has affirmed its potential to outsmart rivals in the market and it should continue expanding its network to make a different. It remains a long-term obligation for it to invest in partnership as a strategy to enter new global markets at manageable rates. Conclusion The 120-year old company is a brand that everyone intends to be associated with. Many customers trust the company with various services including the five star services, such as relocating, moving, removing services to any consumers in the market. Following its acquisition of Santa Fe Group, this company has built an indisputable brand image because it has set global benchmarks in commercial furniture household, fittings, and equipment relocation. Because of its journey of transformation, the company has been ranked among the best end-to-do global mobility. For the company to remain relevant to the market, it has to address the challenges it has recorded in the course of operation as analysed in this article. References Bitner, M.J. (1992). Servicescapes: The Impact of Physical Surroundings on Customers and Employees. The Journal of Marketing, 5771. Debata, B. R. (2011, Nov 25). Servicescape. SlideShare. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Disclaimer. (2017). About Santa Fe Wridgways. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Dunod, M. (2016, Oct 24). Santa Fe Opens in Kenya. Santa Fe. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from EAC. (2012). EAC Annual Report 2012. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Hall, C. M., Mu?ller, D. K. (2004). Tourism, mobility, and second homes: Between elite landscape and common ground. Clevedon: Channel View Publications. Hyndman-Rizk, N. (2011). My Mother's Table: At Home in the Maronite Diaspora: A Study of Emigration from Hadchit, North Lebanon to Australia and America. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. Ngan, L. L.-S., Chan, K. B. (2012). The Chinese face in Australia: Multi-generational ethnicity among Australian-born Chinese. New York, NY: Springer. Reimer, A. Kuehn, R. (2005). The Impact of Servicescape on Quality Perception. European Journal of Marketing, 39(7/8), 785-808. Santa Fe Group. (2014). Annual Report 2014. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Santa Fe Wridgways. (2017). Removalists Albury. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Santa Fe. (2011b, Jun 1). Investor Meeting on MRS. Retrieved 7 May 2017, from Santa Fe. (2016, Aug 1). Santa Fe Group Sells the Records Management Activities in 10 Markets to Iron Mountain. Media Press Release. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Santa Fe. (2017a). Global Visa Migration Service. Retrieved 7 May 2017, from Santa Fe. (2017c). Top 7 Cities to Launch A Start-up Revealed. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Santa. (2017). Five Star Service. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Santa. (2017b). Enjoy Five Star Service with Australias Most Trusted Local, Interstate, and international removalists. Retrieved 6 May 2017, from Simpson, A. (2011). Santa Fe Wridgways. Australia Business Review. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Symons, D. (2010, Sept 21). Santa Fe Ready to Move on Wridgways Offer. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 8 May 2017, from Wirtz, V., Chew, P., Lovelock, C. (2013). Essentials of Services Marketing, Second Edition. Pearson.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Why I Want A Wife Essay Example

Why I Want A Wife Paper In our current age we have both sexes going to school and staying at home. A stay at home father is more common than ever. Unfortunately, this is not how society has always worked. In the sasss, women were treated very differently then we do today. We use to be treated like door mats and mutes. In Why I Want a Wife by Judy Brady, she reveals her anger In a different tone. She uses sarcasm and humor to get her point across. As if all of the expectations of a wife is laughable and presumed as a joke. How can anyone possibly do all the work that she has listed and not even complain once. Her message may not have been as powerful and motivating, if she Just simply made a list of her grievances. Also, Brady learned to never complain, thanks to her husband, about her feelings and would be a reason why she did not just say outright all the injustice she felt in her marriage. It could be a way around her moral obligations to her husband, while still getting her message across to married and unmarried women. Brady realizes her husband was sexist, unsupported, and how she was once oblivious of her surroundings, which contributed to her becoming a role model to women everywhere. Brady writes against sexism and warns women of the life of a bride. Based on our past In the demographics of a household, a man would not be caught doing any cleaning or cooking. Brady was classified Into a group called wives. She and other wives are outsiders according to men and are only good for taking care of the well being of them family. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want A Wife specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want A Wife specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want A Wife specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The presentment that Just because she is a women does not mean she does not yearn to educate herself or become financial independent. He husband does not allow these things simply because she Is a women Brady explains how just because she is a women, she still has wants and needs just as important as the next men, and not to automatically write her off because she is a women. She shows us how she finally saw that her husband was unsupported and how she hoped her writings would change the future, Throughout the essay, Brady speaks of the want for an education and a life outside her home. Although, at the end of the essay, after the husband completes his school, she is still to stay at home with the children and household work. Even after she was loyal and encouraged his schooling, the husbands view did not change. His wife was to now stay at home and to focus solely on all her previous duties, with the only break is not helping her husband with school. The husband should now take his turn in helping raising the family so that Brady can finally evolve herself out of the classification of a different breed. A women going to get an education around that time was unlikely, but what she was saying Is even If you dont have support, you can soul make a difference In you own life. In conclusion , Brandys past ignorance has motivated her to speak out for women In similar situations. Brady starts filth classifying herself in a whole other species. She comes to the realization of her treatment over a conversation with a male friend who was recently divorced. He states how he is looking for another wife, but not another ND realizes how unfair and unequal her husband is. This is when she finally realizes that to men we are nothing more then Just a an object. After her revelation of her identity, she begins to dissect and define her life by all the chores she is expected to perform and all of a sudden, she realizes she was serving a life sentence. Although, prison might have been a vacation compared to her lifestyle. She now addresses the everyday issues of a common house wife to help prevent similar situations. Why I Want a Wife Essay Example Why I Want a Wife Essay Having a wife definitely makes me complete; those TV commercials are partly accurate about that. The ABCDs of life cannot be spelled correctly because I only know half of the 26 letters of the English alphabet. Translated: I feel so romantic I wanted to express that romanticism most of the time but they fall flat and fall short. Bland and tasteless almost, are adjectives that describe me when it comes to courting. I am shy and clumsy. But I can cook, want to cook for my lover and future kids. They can be assured of clean and crisp laundry every week, as well as reminders too that I need someone to assist me to go get the groceries every Saturday morning at the supermarket. I am looking forward to talking with her about her growing up years, her anxieties and pet peeves. My wife will be smothered with the warmth of my tender embrace at night and wake up to breakfast of hot chocolate and sweet mangoes and sticky rice. I am sure those are her favourites. She will enjoy the humour of my mom who will become her best friend for life. Her children with blessed with the laughter and kind attention of a grandmother and uncles and aunts who will be equally fond of her, to be sure. Her friends will constantly say to her that she is indeed a blessed and fortunate wife to have a kindhearted, understanding and gentle handsome man who will be by her side till the greying of our hairs. She is an irresistible waif, whose inner strength and beauty match her beautiful and intelligent exterior. She is as tenacious as she can be in defending her man, and loyal to him through stormy days and bountiful times. We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want a Wife specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want a Wife specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Why I Want a Wife specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I wanted my future wife to know that her garden will be fixed when my dog comes running to frighten the neighbour’s cat. Her flowers will bloom constantly as she sees our children grow well provided and cared for. She will reminisce to old times when the kids are all grown up and all we have are thick scrapbooks of photos of our family escapades. This are all for the taking for my future lovely wife.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Origins of Human Languages

Introduction The origin of human languages can be termed as the surfacing of language among humans (Kenneally 10). This topic has remained highly controversial for a very long time. There is very little empirical evidence that can be used to guide research in this area. Numerous hypotheses have been put in place by different scholars to try and explain why and how language might have emerged and developed in human beings (Lieberman, McCarthy and Strait 1441).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Origins of Human Languages specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper seeks to describe three hypotheses concerning the origin of human languages and set a personal point of view in regard to each hypothesis. The mother tongue hypothesis This hypothesis was put forward in the year 2004 to try and get a solution to the problem of language origin. The theory seems to suggest that the Darwinian principle of â€Å"kin selection- convergence of genetic interests between relatives- may be part of the solution† (Harrub, Thompson and Miller pp. 5). Mother tongue hypothesis was put forward by Tecumseh Fitch who suggests that language initially developed as a form of communication between mothers and their own off springs in what is often described as mother tongue. (Kenneally 56) This extended later to other relatives such as siblings and other close relatives. The theory dwells on the idea that the interests of closely associated speakers and listeners were common. According to Fitch, the shared genetic makeup enabled relatives to build a considerable amount of trust and cooperation for the intrinsically unreliable signals which were later accepted as trustworthy words fit for communication (Lieberman, McCarthy and Strait 1441, pp. 4). The mother tongue hypothesis may offer some explanation as to how human language came about but it does not provide any empirical data to support the thinking. In my view, the theory does not offer any reason as to why language developed only in the human species. All other animals, including apes share genes and live in some form of communities. The theory does not explain why language did not develop in such animals. The theory does not offer any substantive reasons as to why early humans restricted communication to relatives. Though the theory might offer some important leads to unraveling the mystery behind human language development but it needs more empirical data to substantiate the argument (Kenneally 57).Advertising Looking for essay on languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The obligatory reciprocal altruism hypothesis It was put forward by Ib Ulbaek and it utilizes some principles from the Darwinian theory-reciprocal altruism, specifically to try and explain the high levels of confidence and honesty required for language development (Lieberman, McCarthy and Strait 1441). Reciproc al altruism can be described as the idea that â€Å"if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours† (Kenneally 102, pp. 5). Reciprocal altruism as used in this theory can be depicted as the relationship that is natured between people or individuals who interact constantly. However, language development at community level requires universal reciprocity rather than individual. Ulbaek explains this by pointing out that early human society must have had some form of moral regulation. Again, this hypothesis does not provide any evidence to support the thinking. It does not give a clear picture of what mechanisms were in place to ensure that obligatory reciprocal altruism was enforced at the community level (Harrub, Thompson and Miller, pp. 6). Although proponents have offered some explanations, its not enough validate the theory. Some critics have pointed out that verbal communication doesn’t really work in terms reciprocal altruism. I find this to be true as people do n ot always talk to other people or individuals who are willing to listen to them. It’s common to see people offering information or communicating to any person who is willing to listen without expecting anything in return (Kenneally 125). The gossip and grooming hypothesis This hypothesis is based on the principle that â€Å"if you scratch my back I will scratch yours† and was put forward by Robin Dunbar (Kenneally 45, pp. 6). According to him, gossiping achieves the same objective for a group of humans living together as grooming in other primate species. Dunbar explains that, when human social groups began to swell up and become extremely large, the practice of grooming one’s associates became tiresome and problematic. To counter this challenge, the early humans invented verbal communication as an efficient and cheap form of grooming (Harrub, Thompson and Miller, pp. 8). Thus to impress friends and other acquaintances, one only needed to utter some sounds. This would ensure that a large number of friends are kept happy simultaneously. Vocal grooming then gradually evolved into spoken language (Kenneally 120). In my view, vocal grooming, as Dunbar calls it, could not have been a satisfactory alternative to manual grooming. The theory is however much better than the others as it offers a better explanation of what triggered verbal communication. But just like the others, it fails to offer any substantive explanation of how this verbal grooming transformed into a complex language (Kenneally 134).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Origins of Human Languages specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion This paper sought to describe three hypotheses concerning the origin of human languages and set a personal point of view in regard to each hypothesis. The hypotheses identified include: the mother tongue hypothesis; the obligatory reciprocal altruism hypothesis; and the gossip and grooming hypothesis. Proponents of three hypotheses try to offer some explanation of how human language came about but they extensively lack empirical evidence to support their arguments. More research is required to establish a more convincing explanation to this phenomenon. Works Cited Harrub, Brad, Bert Thompson and Dave Miller. â€Å"The Origin of Langauge and Communication:True Origin Archive.† 2003. 22 November 2011 Kenneally, Christine. The First Word: The Search for the Origins of Language. New York: Viking, 2007. Lieberman, Philip, Robert McCarthy and David Strait. â€Å"The recent origin of human speech.† J Acoust. Soc. Am (2006): 119(5): 3441-3441. This essay on Origins of Human Languages was written and submitted by user Ayanna Herman to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Help with Cause and Effect Essay Topics

Help with Cause and Effect Essay Topics Cause and effect essay Cause and effect essay is a special type of academic writing that helps to analyze why peculiar things happen (cause) and what are their consequences (effect). Professors like this assignment since it is a common method for organizing, analyzing and discussing the ideas. What is more, writing the cause and effect essay trains students` analytical skills. There are many cause and effect essay topics, and no matter the topic the student chooses, he/she should apply many efforts to achieve the desired grade. The following article aims to facilitate the process of writing a cause and effect essay. Necessary Hints to Create the Best Cause and Effect Essay Examples First and foremost, you should clearly distinguish between the cause and effect of some particular action. For example, if your topic is The Global Warming, be sure to dedicate a few paragraphs on causes of this issue (environmental changes, the global pollutions and mass industrialization) and its effects (the deterioration of nature, the extinction of some kinds of flora and fauna as well as melting the glaciers). If you do not know how to write a cause and effect essay, feel free to ask your instructor for assistance. He/she will provide you with an effective manual on perfect effect essay writing. You should know that the cause and effect essay has some structure, and you should follow it precisely. Being a classic five-paragraph essay, this assignment requires writing an introduction, several body paragraphs, and conclusion. If you find it difficult to organize your ideas in a logical order, feel free to create cause and effect essay outline. We assure you that it will help you concentrate on the most important details without paying attention to the unnecessary information. Writing a Cause and Effect Essay Is Not a Challenge Anymore Many students reasonably admit that writing a cause and effect essay takes much time and efforts. Undoubtedly, to get a good grade, the student should carefully learn the professor`s instructions and write a stunning essay. Sometimes, this process may take a few hours or even days. If you want to optimize it, we offer you a wonderful solution. Reading our effective guide created by the talented scholars, you will be able to improve your writing skills, which will help you significantly economize your time: Step 1. Research Your Topic If the professor allows you to select the topic on your own, be sure to choose the subject that is interesting and thought provoking. Do not choose the topic that was discussed many times since you will have zero chances to impress your professor by writing something new. Instead, try to use the topic that is rather controversial to provoke a discussion in your group. To get some effective ideas for cause and effect essay, feel free to find the websites with the already written examples. These papers will help you gain writing inspiration and get the essential knowledge of the paper`s organization. However, you should not copy-paste any of the ideas found in these essay since it will cause numerous problems in your educational institution. To get a perfect grade, you have to submit a totally original and authentic paper. When the topic is chosen, you need to conduct an in-depth research trying to find the sources relevant to it to find out what the other experts think about your topi c. Keep in mind that the books and articles should be credible and relevant to your topic. Finally, working with sources, do not forget to write its bibliographical information since it will be necessary for creating your reference list. Step 2. Create a Good Outline We assure you that it is almost impossible to write a good cause and effect essay without an outline. Undoubtedly, you may start writing a cause and effect essay right after the research, however, applying this approach, you will easily mix up your ideas and confuse your reader. A good outline is not a set of points that will be discussed; it defines the order of ideas that will be developed in your essay. As such, a cause and effect essay always starts with the â€Å"cause.† It may be in the introduction or the first paragraph and answer the question â€Å"What.† You should not only name this issue but analyze it in detail to explain to the reader the reason for choosing this topic. Then, write the most important possible effects of this cause. Write an Introduction Some students consider the introduction as the most meaningful part of the essay since it explains why this topic is chosen, introduces the general information to the reader, and contains a thesis statement. A thesis statement or a research question is usually one sentence written at the end of the introduction that involves the whole scope of further research. All in all, the essential purpose of the introduction is to present the issue`s background explaining why its effects are so important. In other words, it is a short preview of what will be discussed in the essay. Develop Your Topic in Several Body Paragraphs The number of the paragraphs depends on the number of the important effects of the issue as well as on the overall length of the essay required. Each body paragraph should start with a topical sentence related to the paragraph`s content and the thesis statement. If your topic is good, you need to provide at least three possible effects. In order to make the strong connections to the cause of the issue, you should continually refer to it. Remember that being a student, you are not an expert in this topic. That is why all your words should be supported by the experts` arguments and opinions. Do not hesitate to cite the works of other people if it is appropriate. For instance, if you claim that the obsession with the computer games negatively influences the child`s development, do not forget to show the recent statistics and relevant studies in this area. To organize your essay well, be sure to dedicate one paragraph to one cause or effect. Do not jump easily from one idea to another. S tart analyzing the next effect only after the careful explanation of the previous one. Sum Up Your Arguments in Your Conclusion Your conclusion is your chance to make an impression on your audience. It means that it should not only summarize the key ideas discussed in the essay but also present the essential findings, as well as outline the scope for further research. Do not include any new details in your conclusion and do not cite sources in it.A Few Words About the Content and Organization To get a good grade, the topic of your essay should be interesting to your reader. In addition, your essay should be organized properly. Develop your ideas in the logical order starting from the cause and then write about the possible effects of the issue. Do not confuse the reader by mixing the ideas. To make your writing smooth and clear, use the good transition words. Speaking figuratively, you have to invent the instruments that will help you engage your reader from the very first lines and keep his/her attention until the end of the essay. For this purpose, all your claims should be reasonable and arguments should be strong. Finally, you need to proofread your essay to make sure you submit a perfect piece of writing free from any grammar and spelling mistakes. Although the professor will evaluate your essay mostly for its content, the obvious grammar and spelling mistakes will significantly reduce your chances of getting the positive outcome. In conclusion, we should say that writing a cause and effect essay is not that difficult especially for a determined and goal-oriented student. Practice makes perfect and we assure you that dedicating equally much time and efforts to every assignment you will be able to reach academic success.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The phenomena of Colony Collapse Disorder in honeybee Essay

The Phenomena Of Colony Collapse Disorder In Honeybee Populations - Essay Example The symptoms include, among others, the presence of younger honeybees, around the healthy queen bee as the older and adult honeybees leave the hive, without coming back to it. In addition, studies have shown that the apparently visible symptom could be the absence of wax moths, or small hive beetles or other hive pests that could invade the beehives. The causes of CCD could include different virus causing diseases like American and European foulbrood, Nosema and other disease-causing pathogens, as their presence is alarming to the honeybee population. In addition, the invasive pest species also causes CCD. However, a combination of various pathogens would be responsible for CCD, rather than an isolated virus. The other major factors responsible for the large disappearance of Honeybee populations are chemicals that would be present in the beehive and the environment, while honeybee growing into a monocropping  agricultural system can also be a cause for CCD as proper nutrition is not allowed for the honey bee, to grow naturally. While these factors and other causes of CCD are described below, it is important to mention here that scientists are still trying to isolate any pertinent causes, including the use of chemicals and behavior of honeybees, responsible for CCD that has resulted in national worry as agriculture produce is getting severely affected due to this phenomenon.....(University of Arkansas, 2009) Earlier known as Fall Dwindle Disease, CCD is the dying process of healthy honeybees colonies, which makes them disappear, within a very short span of time, just around three weeks. The apparent indications are that the workforce of such colonies comprises mainly young bees and they are reluctant to consume the provided feed. After this collapse, no adult bees are left, while no invasion takes place to rob the colony of its food that still remains there.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

You are to write and deliver a speech on 'my future Essay

You are to write and deliver a speech on 'my future - Essay Example Through language different signs have different meaning. These signs include; spoken language or signed language. The different components of language include; syntax which is the order and hierarchy of utterances that are meaningful; morphology, which are the smallest possible semantic units that are composed of phonemes; semantics which is the meaning related to a word, phonetic and phonology which are sound and gestures that are constructions of a language. Language helps to promote literacy level, mostly when raising children. A child’s journey towards literacy involves the following; learning how speak, read, write, draw, understand, listen and watch. This helps to develop a child’s skills (Chomsky, 2006, p. 152). There are three strategies used in literacy development. The first being child-oriented strategies, which encourage children to initiate and engage in everyday interactions so that educators can respond to their ways and encourage them to engage in the interactions. The second is the interaction-promoting strategies that encourage comprehensive individual and group conversations between adults and children. The third is language-modeling strategies that expand the child’s oral language skills and facilities development of abstract language. Language promotes communication. Communication skills are very important to children without language, it is difficult to know what they want and need and what is important to them. Languages helps in expressing their ideas, hypotheses, emotions, desires, and all things that need expressions (Chomsky, 2006, p. 141). Communication activities provide opportunities for learners to use language with one another and with people in the community. Language promotes cultural identity. The language brought about by the wants of people who are at a particular location over a specified period of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Differences between Private and Public Sexuality Research Paper

Differences between Private and Public Sexuality - Research Paper Example Sexuality incorporates ones human body, thoughts, and soul. This paper respects sex wholesome and does not focus on the physical methods of sex intercourse but aims to discover the issue of sexuality in the angle of its public and private aspects. To observe the issue, it is important to provide a clear definition of the sexuality, as it can be often confused. It is much wider than body and physical interaction; yet they are strongly involved. It covers the points of gender identification and gender role – to which sex a person refers him- or herself and a way he or she is expected to act according to it. Sexual orientation is, of course, important part of sexuality. Sexuality also concerns body image; it can drastically change peoples lives and determine their self-esteem and pleasure gained from life. Sexuality covers aspects of sexual experiences, fantasies, ideas etc. It defies the way our surrounding – friends, family, religion, society shape our sexual perceptions and convictions. Sexuality immerses through all areas of our lives; it is seen through the movements, mimics, conversations etc. It is connected with the way people feel love, compassion, intimacy, even sorrow ("Sexuality Resource Center for Pare nts"). Sex itself has undergone many changes; it is no longer a sin – neither it is a duty (Offit). A repetitive point in sociologies, particularly in gender and sex studies, is whether sexuality is a public or private issue. Public angle of sexuality and its implications could be observed from different social, economic, legitimate, cultural and political viewpoints. There are many angles that set restrictions and laws that define the ways of acceptable behaviors. These views usually vary from one country and culture to another. Sexuality was always ambiguous: there were private sex in the bedrooms in the boundaries of marriage and the same time there were prostitutions and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Trends in Legal Gambling: Literature Review

Trends in Legal Gambling: Literature Review Albers and Hubl (1997) analyze how the individuals in Germany spend their money in legal gambling and what are their consumption patterns towards it by using a probit technique. They conducted a survey in Germany, using a sample of 1,586 adults to estimate for all types of commercial gambling, the separate functions of participation, and in order to provide explanatory variables about the socioeconomic characteristics like education, gender, age, income, employment and family status, occupation, home ownership, and the relevance of the highest prizes in explaining the gambler’s participation or not in the various types of gambling including Draw lotteries, lotto, soccer toto pools, TV-lotteries, casinos, gaming machines and horse-race betting. Their results show that income has positive impact and major effect on the consumption pattern of commercial games. People with a higher income will tend to spend more on gambling. However, it has been found out that income has no effect on Lotto and that the demand for Soccer Toto falls as income rises. Worthington, et al. (2003) estimate the patterns of gambling in Australia by using a regression model. So they have collected data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Household Expenditure that has conducted a survey on 6892 households. They examine eight kinds of gambling spending ranging from casino games to lottery tickets and analyze causal factors like family composition, gender, income, age, geographic location, ethnicity and race. They reach the conclusion that lottery pattern in Australia is highly determined by household composition, ethnicity and age. Kearney (2005) finds that domestic lottery spending is funded exclusively by a fall in non-gambling costs when analyzing multiple sources of micro-level data. The analysis considered data from the 1982 to 1998 Interview Survey files of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Consumer Expenditure Survey (CEX). 21 states applied a national lottery during this time. The empirical analysis compares the change household expenditures among the households in states that implemented a lottery to those in states that do not. Introducing national lottery leads to an average fall of $46 (2.4%) per month in household’s non-gambling expenditures. This amount indicates that there is a fall in household expenses of $24 for each adult each month as compared to an average of the sale of lottery per month which is $18 for each lottery-state adult From the CEX Interview sample, the non-gambling expenses for the households of low income group are fell by 2.5% on average and 3.1% while the national l ottery offered instant games. Furthermore, the data prove that the level of expenses decreases considerably in households. The consumption of food eaten at home decreases by almost 2.8% and 5.8% for bills like rent and home mortgage. However, The information do not specify which lottery tickets has been purchased by which households, thus these average effects are not considered since a subsequent proportion of households are not involve in lottery gambling. Households that are engaged in lottery gambling and buy tickets of lottery will therefore experience a greater downfall in their non-gambling expenses. Lottery gambling can be considered as investment and entertainment at the same time. It is an investment as consumers are making choices over risky assets. Assuming that the entertainment and pecuniary components of the lottery gamble are separable, maximizing behavior predicts that consumer demand for lottery products should depend positively on its expected return, holding constant game characteristics. To evaluate whether this prediction holds Kearney (2005) investigates from 91 lotto games the weekly sales and characteristics data from 1992 and 1998. The study concludes that the estimated value of a gamble affects positively the level of sale, controlling for higher-order moments of the gamble and non-wealth creating characteristics. This finding is strong to alternative specifications, including controlling for unobserved product fixed effects. The data also revealed that buyers of lotto games react to creation of non-wealth creating and â€Å"entertaining† game features. These two outcomes together find out that gamblers are considered as being partially and possibly entirely rational and informed consumers. In accordance with the results, she states that gamblers derive an amusement equivalent to the cost of gambling (1-expected value) and that they are informed assessors of bets as long as they are making investments. These two outcomes together observe that gamblers are considered as being partially and possibly entirely rational and informed consumers. In accordance with the results, she states that gamblers derive an amusement equivalent to the cost of gambling (1-expected value) and that they are informed assessors of bets as long as they are making investments. Kearney (2005) analyses micro level proof on who plays the lottery from the National survey carried out in 1998 by the National Opinion Research Council (NORC) on gambling. The data disclose the following overall trends. First of all, lottery gambling extends through races, sexes, and income and education groups. Second, black respondents spend nearly twice as much on lottery tickets as do white or Hispanic respondents. The average reported expenditure among blacks is $200 per year, $476 among those who played the lottery last year. Those who have the highest average gambling expenses are the Black men. Thirdly The average dollar amount of money spend on lottery per annum is almost the same among the low, medium and high income groups which can be concluded that on average as compared to other households, the low-income ones’ spend a higher proportion of their total capital on lottery tickets. Clotfelter and Cook (1993) and Terrell (1994) make available the evidence which exist about the â€Å"gambler’s fallacy† between lottery players. â€Å"Gambler’s fallacy† means that people wrongly ascertain on the expectations of prize and their chance of winning. They believe that the first draw will adversely impact on the second draw. For example, if game has been won last year, the probability that the same game win for two consecutive years is low as the prize cannot be won twice for a short period of time. Thus, people would prefer to wait some times before playing. They collect information from the Maryland and New Jersey numbers games respectively and conclude that the sum of cash bet on a certain number clearly falls after the number is drawn and that after various months, it increasingly returns to its previous level. Grinols and Mustard (2004) analyze the link between casinos and the rate of crime by obtaining information about the level of crime in each country examined using the 7 FBI Index 1 offenses from 1977 to 1996 such as murder, robbery, burglary, larceny and aggravated assault. They analyze all the 3165 countries find in the United States and observe the opening of casinos and their impact in all these countries except Nevada. The types of casinos that they examine are tribal-owned, riverboat and land-based casinos. After analysis, they notice that after casinos have been set up in these countries, the rate of crimes has increased considerably. Their result show that after a casino has opened, the rate of crime is low and then increases considerably overtime. They estimate that where countries have opened casinos in 1996, 8% of crime rate is associated to casinos and in average adults spend at around $75 in casinos per annum. They also support the fact that boundary countries are also af fected by the level of crime rate which keeps increasing throughout the year, and propose that as compared to just relocating crime from one state to another, casinos increase aggregate crime.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Discipline and Punish: a Critical Review Essay

Overview The main ideas of Discipline and Punish can be grouped according to its four parts: torture, punishment, discipline and prison. Torture Foucault begins by contrasting two forms of penalty: the violent and chaotic public torture of Robert-Franà §ois Damiens, who was convicted of attempted regicide in the mid-18th century, and the highly regimented daily schedule for inmates from an early 19th century prison (Mettray). These examples provide a picture of just how profound the changes in western penal systems were after less than a century. Foucault wants the reader to consider what led to these changes. How did western culture shift so radically? He believes that the question of the nature of these changes is best asked by assuming that they weren’t used to create a more humanitarian penal system, nor to more exactly punish or rehabilitate, but as part of a continuing trajectory of subjection. Foucault wants to tie scientific knowledge and technological development to the development of the prison to prove this point. He defines a â€Å"micro-physics† of power, which is constituted by a power that is str ategic and tactical rather than acquired, preserved or possessed. He explains that power and knowledge imply one another, as opposed to the common belief that knowledge exists independently of power relations (knowledge is always contextualized in a framework which makes it intelligible, so the humanizing discourse of psychiatry is an expression of the tactics of oppression).[2] That is, the ground of the game of power isn’t won by ‘liberation’, because liberation already exists as a facet of subjection. â€Å"The man described for us, whom we are invited to free, is already in himself the effect of a subjection much more profound than himself.†[3] The problem for Foucault is in some sense a theoretical modelling which posits a soul, an identity (the use of soul being fortunate since ‘identity’ or ‘name’ would not properly express the method of subjection—e.g., if mere materiality were used as a way of tracking individuals then the method of punishment would not have switched from torture to psychiatry) which allows a whole materiality of prison to develop. In What is an Author? Foucault also deals with notion of identity, and its use as a method of control, regulation, and tracking. He begins by examining public torture and execution. He argues that the public spectacle of torture and execution was a theatrical forum the original intentions of which eventually produced several unintended consequences. Foucault stresses the exactitude with which torture is carried out, and describes an extensive legal framework in which it operates to achieve specific purposes. Foucault describes public torture as ceremony. The intended purposes were: * To make the secret public (according to Foucault the investigation was kept entirely secret even from the accused). The secret of the investigation and the conclusion of the magistrates was justified by the publicity of the torture. * To show the effect of investigation on confession. (According to Foucault torture could occur during the investigation, because partial proofs meant partial guilt. If the torture failed to elicit a confession then the investigation was stopped and innocence assumed. A confession legitimized the investigation and any torture that occurred.) * Reflecting the violence of the original crime onto the convict’s body for all to see, in order for it to be manifested then annulled by reciprocating the violence of the crime on the criminal. * Enacting the revenge upon the convict’s body, which the sovereign seeks for having been injured by the crime. Foucault argues that the law was considered an extension of the sovereign’s body, and so the revenge must take the form of harming the convict’s body. â€Å"It [torture] assured the articulation of the written on the oral, the secret on the public, the procedure of investigation on the operation of the confession; it made it possible to reproduce the crime on the visible body of the criminal; in the same horror, the crime had to be manifested and annulled. It also made the body of the condemned man the place where the vengeance of the sovereign was applied, the anchoring point for a manifestation of power, an opportunity of affirming the dissymmetry of forces.†[4] Foucault looks at public torture as the outcome â€Å"of a certain mechanism of power† that views crime in a military schema. Crime and rebellion are akin to a declaration of war. The sovereign was not concerned with demonstrating the ground for the enforcement of its laws, but of identifying enemies and attacking them, the power of which was renewed by the ritual of investigation and the ceremony of public torture.[5] Some unintended consequences were: * Providing a forum for the convict’s body to become a focus of sympathy and admiration. * Redistributing blame: the executioner rather than the convict becomes the locus of shame. * Creating a site of conflict between the masses and the sovereign at the convict’s body. Foucault notes that public executions often led to riots in support of the prisoner. Frustration for the inefficiency of this economy of power could be directed towards and coalesce around the site of torture and execution. Public torture and execution was a method the sovereign deployed to express his or her power, and it did so through the ritual of investigation and the ceremony of execution—the reality and horror of which was supposed to express the omnipotence of the sovereign but actually revealed that the sovereign’s power depended on the participation of the people. Torture was made public in order to create fear in the people, and to force them to participate in the method of control by agreeing with its verdicts. But problems arose in cases in which the people through their actions disagreed with the sovereign, by heroizing the victim (admiring the courage in facing death) or in moving to physically free the criminal or to redistribute the effects of the strategically deployed power. Thus, he argues, the public execution was ultimately an ineffective use of the body, qualified as non-economical. As well, it was applied non-uniformly and haphazardly. Hence, its political cost was too high. It was the antithesis of the more modern concerns of the state: order and generalization. So it had to be reformed to allow for greater stability of property for the bourgeoisie. Punishment The switch to prison was not immediate. There was a more graded change, though it ran its course rapidly. Prison was preceded by a different form of public spectacle. The theater of public torture gave way to public chain gangs. Punishment became â€Å"gentle†, though not for humanitarian reasons, Foucault suggests. He argues that reformists were unhappy with the unpredictable, unevenly distributed nature of the violence the sovereign would inflict on the convict. The sovereign’s right to punish was so disproportionate that it was ineffective and uncontrolled. Reformists felt the power to punish and judge should become more evenly distributed, the state’s power must be a form of public power. This, according to Foucault, was of more concern to reformists than humanitarian arguments. Out of this movement towards generalized punishment, a thousand â€Å"mini-theatres† of punishment would have been created wherein the convicts’ bodies would have been put on display in a more ubiquitous, controlled, and effective spectacle. Prisoners would have been forced to do work that reflected their crime, thus repaying society for their infractions. This would have allowed the public to see the convicts’ bodies enacting their punishment, and thus to reflect on the crime. But these experiments lasted less than twenty years. Foucault argues that this theory of â€Å"gentle† punishment represented the first step away from the excessive force of the sovereign, and towards more generalized and controlled means of punishment. But he suggests that the shift towards prison that followed was the result of a new â€Å"technology† and ontology for the body being developed in the 18th century, the â€Å"technology† of discipline, and the ontology of â€Å"man as machine.† Discipline The emergence of prison as the form of punishment for every crime grew out of the development of discipline in the 18th and 19th centuries, according to Foucault. He looks at the development of highly refined forms of discipline, of discipline concerned with the smallest and most precise aspects of a person’s body. Discipline, he suggests, developed a new economy and politics for bodies. Modern institutions required that bodies must be individuated according to their tasks, as well as for training, observation, and control. Therefore, he argues, discipline created a whole new form of individuality for bodies, which enabled them to perform their duty within the new forms of economic, political, and military organizations emerging in the modern age and continuing to today. The individuality that discipline constructs (for the bodies it controls) has four characteristics, namely it makes individuality which is: * Cellular—determining the spatial distribution of the bodies * Organic—ensuring that the activities required of the bodies are â€Å"natural† for them * Genetic—controlling the evolution over time of the activities of the bodies * Combinatory—allowing for the combination of the force of many bodies into a single massive force Foucault suggests this individuality can be implemented in systems that are officially egalitarian, but use discipline to construct non-egalitarian power relations: Historically, the process by which the bourgeoisie became in the course of the eighteenth century the politically dominant class was masked by the establishment of an explicit, coded and formally egalitarian juridical framework, made possible by the organization of a parliamentary, representative regime. But the development and generalization of disciplinary mechanisms constituted the other, dark side of these processes. The general juridical form that guaranteed a system of rights that were egalitarian in principle was supported by these tiny, everyday, physical mechanisms, by all those systems of micro-power that are essentially non-egalitarian and asymmetrical that we call the disciplines. (222) Foucault’s argument is that discipline creates â€Å"docile bodies†, ideal for the new economics, politics and warfare of the modern industrial age – bodies that function in factories, ordered military regiments, and school classrooms. But, to construct docile bodies the disciplinary institutions must be able to (a) constantly observe and record the bodies they control and (b) ensure the internalization of the disciplinary individuality within the bodies being controlled. That is, discipline must come about without excessive force through careful observation, and molding of the bodies into the correct form through this observation. This requires a particular form of institution, exemplified, Foucault argues, by Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon. This architectural model, though it was never adopted by architects according to Bentham’s exact blueprint, becomes an important conceptualization of power relations for prison reformers of the 19th Century, and i ts general principle is a recurring theme in modern prison construction. The Panopticon was the ultimate realization of a modern disciplinary institution. It allowed for constant observation characterized by an â€Å"unequal gaze†; the constant possibility of observation. Perhaps the most important feature of the panopticon was that it was specifically designed so that the prisoner could never be sure whether they were being observed at any moment. The unequal gaze caused the internalization of disciplinary individuality, and the docile body required of its inmates. This means one is less likely to break rules or laws if they believe they are being watched, even if they are not. Thus, prisons, and specifically those that follow the model of the Panopticon, provide the ideal form of modern punishment. Foucault argues that this is why the generalized, â€Å"gentle† punishment of public work gangs gave way to the prison. It was the ideal modernization of punishment, so its eventual dominance was natural. Having laid out the emergence of the prison as the dominant form of punishment, Foucault devotes the rest of the book to examining its precise form and function in our society, laying bare the reasons for its continued use, and questioning the assumed results of its use. Prison In examining the construction of the prison as the central means of criminal punishment, Foucault builds a case for the idea that prison became part of a larger â€Å"carceral system† that has become an all-encompassing sovereign institution in modern society. Prison is one part of a vast network, including schools, military institutions, hospitals, and factories, which build a panoptic society for its members. This system creates â€Å"disciplinary careers†[6] for those locked within its corridors. It is operated under the scientific authority ofmedicine, psychology, and criminology. Moreover, it operates according to principles that ensure that it â€Å"cannot fail to produce delinquents.†[7] Delinquency, indeed, is produced when social petty crime (such as taking wood from the lord’s lands) is no longer tolerated, creating a class of specialized â€Å"delinquents† acting as the police’s proxy in surveillance of society. The structures Foucault chooses to use as his starting positions help highlight his conclusions. In particular, his choice as a perfect prison of the penal institution at Mettray helps personify the carceral system. Within it is included the Prison, the School, the Church, and the work-house (industry) – all of which feature heavily in his argument. The prisons at Neufchatel, Mettray, and Mettray Netherlandswere perfect examples for Foucault, because they, even in their original state, began to show the traits Foucault was searching for. They showed the body of knowledge being developed about the prisoners, the creation of the ‘delinquent’ class, and the disciplinary careers emerging. Criticism Theoretical arguments in favor of rejecting the Foucauldian model of Panopticism may be considered under five general headings: 1) Displacement of the Panoptical ideal by mechanisms of seduction, 2) Redundancy of the Panoptical impulse brought about by the evident durability of the self-surveillance functions which partly constitute the normal, socialized, ‘Western’ subject, 3) Reduction in the number of occasions of any conceivable need for Panoptical surveillance on account of simulation, prediction and action before the fact, 4) Supplementation of the Panopticon by the Synopticon, 5) Failure of Panoptical control to produce reliably docile subjects.[9] The first point concerns Zygmunt Bauman’s argument that the leading principle of social order has moved from Panopticism to seduction. This argument is elaborated in his 1998 essay ‘On postmodern uses of sex’.[10] The second argument concerns surveillance redundance, and it is increasingly relevant in the age of Facebook and online self-disclosure. Is the metaphor of a panopticon appropriate for voluntary surrender of privacy? The third argument for post-Panopticism, concerning action before the fact, is articulated by William Bogard: The figure of the Panopticon is already haunted by a parallel figure of simulation. Surveillance, we are told, is discreet, unobtrusive, camouflaged, unverifiable – all elements of artifice designed into an architectural arrangement of spaces to produce real effects of discipline. Eventually this will lead, by its means of perfection, to the elimination of the Panopticon itself . . . surveillance as its own simulation. Now it is no longer a matter of the speed at which information is gained to defeat an enemy. . . . Now, one can simulate a space of control, project an indefinite number of courses of action, train for each possibility, and react immediately with pre-programmed responses to the actual course of events . . . with simulation, sight and foresight, actual and virtual begin to merge. . . . Increasingly the technological enlargement of the field of perceptual control, the erasure of distance in the speed of electronic information has pushed surveillance beyond the very limits of speed toward the purest forms of anticipation.[11] This kind of anticipation is particularly evident in emergent surveillance technologies such as social network analysis. The ‘Synopticon’ concerns the surveillance of the few by the many.[12] Examples of this kind of surveillance may include the theatre, the Coliseum, and celebrity tabloid reporting. This â€Å"reversal of the Panoptical polarity may have become so marked that it finally deconstructs the Panoptical metaphor altogether†.[9] Finally, the fifth point concerns the self-defeating nature of Panoptical regimes. The failure of surveillance states is illustrated by examples such as â€Å"prison riots, asylum sub-cultures, ego survival in Gulag or concentration camp, [and] retribalization in the Balkans.†[9] In their 2007 article, Dobson and Fisher[13] lay out an alternative model of post-panopticism as they identify three panoptic models. Panopticism I refers to Jeremy Bentham’s original conceptualization of the panopticon, and is it the model of panopticism that Foucault responds to in Discipline and Punish. Panopticism II refers to an Orwellian ‘Big Bro ther’ ideal of surveillance. Panopticism III, the final model of panopticism, refers to the high-technology human tracking systems that are emergent in this 21st century. These geographical information systems (GIS) include technologies such as cellphone GPS, RFIDs (radio-frequency identification tags), and geo-fences. Panopticism III is also distinguished by its costs: Panopticon III is affordable, effective, and available to anyone who wants to use it. Initial purchase prices and monthly service fees are equivalent to cell-phone costs. In less than five years, the cost of continuous surveillance of a single individual has dropped from several hundred thousand dollars per year to less than $500 per year. Surveillance formerly justified solely for national security and high-stakes commerce is readily available to track a spouse, child, parent, employee, neighbor, or stranger.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

First Week of College

Brad Campagna Kathy O'Rourke College has so far exceeded my expectations in a huge way. As a new member of the ice hockey team there were many uncertainties and worries, as well as tons of excitements and anticipations. Obviously the biggest part, school, was nerve wracking and exciting too. In college hockey its very common that players take a few years off of school prior to attending, to play hockey in junior hockey leagues. This created a bit more nerves then excitement for the classroom aspect of school since i've only taken 3 college courses since graduating high school, making it a bit harder to get back into the swing of things.Besides getting back into school routine, being a hockey player in college has made the beginning of school an unbelievable experience for me. On move-in day while still in the process of getting everything together, my roommate and I met the first player on our team. Since my roommate is also on my team it was a huge relief to meet someone before our parents even left. Since then it's been smooth sailing and have made number of friends on the team, many which I already know ill be very good friends with in the future. This was probably the biggest relief for me so far because I had no idea what to expect.I kept worrying about how the kids, especially the new recruits, would be and literally every one is an awesome person. I didn't realize how much being on a sports team would help me make friends this fast, which I am extremely grateful for. We've all had so much fun already and we are just one week into school. On top of all of that, we are all at least 20 years old and up as freshman. I think this gives us a big advantage of transition for things like college because we are all at least two years more mature then we would have if we had gone right from high school.Now that is not to toot my or any of my friends horns, but I do feel as if the maturity level is definitely higher then it would have been by the overall way we carr y and present ourselves as opposed to being 17 or 18. If the year is going to continue on like this, I can only imagine how much fun it's going to be. This is also all going without mentioning the hockey part. Hockey hasn't even started yet which excites me that much more. I think and hope we have a very good team that can do very well throughout the season. Now obviously college isn't all fun and games.The school aspect of college hasn't really sunk in yet since were not very far into the semester. It definitely concerns me somewhat, but I think I will end up doing well. I naturally have a good work ethic through hockey, so I plan on using that into the classroom. Sure it will be harder sometimes because of practices and games and whatnot, but thats what my teammates and the rest of the accommodations that Potsdam supplies for us are for. It's a good start for me professor wise, since pretty much all of them seem to be very good at what they do.The only thing that has gotten me a l ittle annoyed and anxious about is all the reading. Reading takes up a lot of time and that what most of college is. My time management needs to be very efficient if I'm going to do well this year. I hope my next four years here will just keep getting better and better as I meet new people and explore new things. There is still so much I haven't done yet and so many experiences I have to look forward too as long as my school works stays up to par.When my career at Potsdam is over I hope I will have accomplished my goal of excelling in every way whether its school, hockey, friends, community status and more. Obviously I plan on having my degree whether I continue with my Business major or change to something else. I hope and expect to have good grades throughout the whole experience not just getting by. I also expect to do very well in hockey and hope to make an immediate impact on the team and carry it out through the whole four years here.I also hope to have my friends that I've al ready made be my best friends and friends for the rest of my life. Finally by the time I leave Potsdam I hope to have had a big impact on the overall community. The hockey team stresses a high importance of being active in the community and having a positive attitude in every place in every situation. So far there's been much positivity here and I will be contributing to that as much as possible. If my whole time at Potsdam is going to be how this first week has been, then I anticipate having an extremely good experience here.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Health care system in usa Essays

Health care system in usa Essays Health care system in usa Paper Health care system in usa Paper The health of a nation is the strength of the nation: indeed health is wealth. A healthy nation is a productive nation. The fortress of such a super power as our country, whether in a stable economy or vibrant military and police force, is hinged on the health status of the Public. This is why it is imperative that the government I would lead would make it a point of duty to provide safe affordable and accessible health care service for the populace we serve. This task is not without contemporary challenges. Current health policy agenda does not provide a cogent cohesive approach to resolving the health problems facing the nation. Many people complain daily about the poor nature of services they get, and its inaccessibility. They complain also that when such services are available, they are poor resulting in countless number of deaths. Â  These complaints are justified and welcome in this government. The challenge is explained by the iron triangle of health which includes access, cost, and quality. People fail to visit the hospital or attend to health care because of the exorbitant cost of treatment, as compared to other industrialized countries. These services are only accessible to those who are insured. In comparison to other industrialized nations like Japan, Britain, Sweden, France, Canada, US is rated poorly by a number of local and international health agencies including the WHO in its health care delivery service. Indicators used include life expectancy, low-birth-weight averages and infant mortality. Some people blame poor health on poor health habits: the perception that the American public’s poor health status compared to other industrialized countries is a result of their negative unhealthy health habits is false. Facts confirm this [Starfield, 2000]. According to many researches carried by different agencies, third leading cause is iatrogenic, that is, arising from medical treatment, and errors of medical investigations and diagnoses. It is because the services are poor, inaccessible, and costly that health indicators show poor performance in the US. Past governments have tried at different stages of America’s health care development to find lasting solutions to the challenge that militate against our health care services. Six times in the last century [during the First World War, the Depression, the Truman, government, Johnson Administration, the Senate in the 1970s, and during Clinton’s tenure], efforts were made to introduce some kind of universal health insurance, and each time the efforts have been rejected.. Indeed for a lasting change to the problem of health care: we need to begin with changing our orientation about the system. No doubt there are challenges; the question should be: what can we do to help assuage them? Our policies in the last few decades focus primarily on methods of financing instead of health outcomes: we need a change here. We need to rise up with a fresh fulfilling perspective on health care: the focus is not funding but directed funding. Cost and Quality The plan is to make sure that people and the government contribute to the health system that subserves. Insurance has created more problems than solve them: the safe way is to create a consensus mechanism which is economy-based. People pay some money in advance for the services they would enjoy according to their economic capacity. Government continues its system of funding the system, by providing competent health policies and sophistication of the health system. If we people complain of poor service, then we must equip the system, train the practitioners well and create systems for checks through structured medico-legal systems. Doctors guilty of offenses would be duly prosecuted.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

College Waitlist What Are Your Chances of Getting In

College Waitlist What Are Your Chances of Getting In SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Getting waitlisted at a college certainly isn’t a bad thing- your application was good enough to not get rejected!- but it’s definitely an uncomfortable place to be.After all, when you’re on the college waitlist, you don’t know whether you’ll be admitted or not, and that alone is anxiety-inducing. Luckily, there are many things you can do to increase your odds of getting off a waitlist.In this article, we explain how the college waitlist works, what steps to take if you've been waitlisted, and how to raise your college waitlist chances so you can attend your dream school. What Is the College Waitlist and How Does It Work? What exactly does it mean if you’ve been waitlisted by a college or several colleges? The college waitlist is a list of applicants whom a school might or might not offer admission to.These applicants are essentially put on hold by a college and would have been admitted had space allowed.The total number of applicants offered a place on the college waitlist varies each year and at different schools. If you are offered a spot on the college waitlist, you may either accept the invitation and allow your name to be added to itor decline it right away if you'd rather not wait for an admission decision or have already decided to attend a different college. Applicants are typically only admitted off a waitlist starting after May 1,or the date by when admitted students must submit their decisions to attend the college of their choice along with the non-refundable deposit. Colleges usually begin to admit students off the waitlist if and only if they need to fill more spots in their freshman class. Essentially, once the May 1 deadline has passed, if not enough applicants have decided to attend, the school will start to admit applicants off the waitlist with the hope they’ll accept the offer. Waitlist acceptances often roll out gradually throughout May, June, July, and sometimes even Augustright before the school year starts. Of course, not everyone on the waitlist will be admitted.In fact, some colleges might admit just a few students or even none at all one year! Finally, some college waitlists rank the applicants on it. So ifyou’re ranked highly, you’re more likely to be accepted off the waitlist.Nevertheless, most colleges don't rank waitlist applicants and instead make their admissions decisions based on other factors such as what majors they want to have represented and which applicants will be most likely to attend if admitted. How lucky do you feel? What Are Your Chances of Getting Off the College Waitlist? If you’ve been waitlisted at your dream school, you’re probably wondering what exactly your odds are of getting off the waitlist and moving on to a full-blown acceptance. Your chances of getting off the college waitlist primarily depend on five factors: How many spots the school needs to fill for its freshman class. The fewer the spots there are, the less likely it is you’ll be admitted off the waitlist. In contrast, the more spots available, the more likely it is you’ll be offered a placement. What majors, locations, etc., the school wants to have represented in its freshman class. If a school didn't admit enough engineering majors, for example, it will most likely admit engineering majors off its waitlist first. How likely you are to attend the school if admitted. This factor mainly depends on how interested you are in the college and whether you've actively demonstrated your continued interest in attending (we’ll explain how you can do this in the next section). Carnegie Mellon maintains a Priority Waiting List, for example, for applicants whose first choice is CMU. How strong your overall application is, especially compared with other waitlist applicants. While this is impossible to know, if you have strong qualities such as an SAT score well above the school’s 75th percentile, then it’s likely you're a top candidate for admission. How highly ranked you are on the waitlist (if the school ranks applicants). Ultimately, how likely it is you’ll be admitted off a waitlist really depends on the particular school you’ve been waitlisted at.Very popular and selective schools get applications from thousands of qualified students each year- many of whom end up on the waitlist- making it super difficult to determine how good your odds are of being admitted. Moreover, the year you apply can have a big effect on how many applicants a college decides to admit off its waitlist.This happens because both the quality and number of applicants usually changes slightly each year, along with the specific needs of the school (for example, a school might want to admit more majors one year than it did the previous year). Let's take a look at some real-life examples. At Dartmouth, a highly selective school that's also part of the Ivy League, "the number of candidates offered admission from the wait list varies, from zero in some years to dozens in others." Similarly, here'swhat NYU says about its waitlist candidates: "The number of students- in previous years- who have been admitted from the wait list has varied widely. We were able to admit no students whatsoever from the wait list one recent year while we were able to admit hundreds of students another recent year." And here'swhat the UC system says on the topic: "The number of students who are ultimately admitted varies from year to year, campus to campus. There is no way to tell how many students, if any, will ultimately be offered admission for any particular year." As you can see, in general, there's no easy way to determine your odds of getting admitted off a college waitlist.College waitlist acceptances can vary dramatically from year to year, mainly as a result of the changing number of qualified applicants and the school's needs. Got Waitlisted? 4 Steps Everyone Must Take If you’ve been waitlisted at a college, you’ll need to take certain steps to ensure you're ultimately able to attend college without issue.Regardless of whether you choose to stay on the waitlist or not, here’s exactly what you'll need to do if you’re offered a waitlist spot. Step 1: Make a Decision About the Waitlist Do you want to stay on the college waitlist in the hopes you’ll get admitted, or would you rather decline the invitation and just go with a different college? After you’ve gotten a waitlist invitation, take time to consider whether you truly want to be on the waitlist for this school.Ask yourself the following questions: Is this your dream school? Are you comfortable with not hearing back from the school right away and feeling stuck in a sort of limbo state throughout the summer? Are you OK with potentially losing money on a non-refundable deposit to a different school if you do end up getting admitted off the waitlist? Once you’ve made your decision about whether to stay on the college waitlist, it’s time to move on to Step 2. Step 2: Officially Accept or Decline Your Waitlist Invitation If you’ve been offered a spot on the waitlist, know that you won’t be automatically added to it- you need to officially accept the invitation to confirm your spot.This usually needs to be done by a certain deadline, typically in mid-April or by May 1.Check with the school or look at your waitlist notification letter to figure out when the deadline is. If you fail to confirm your placement by this deadline, you will not be placed on the waitlist and will have indirectly declined your spot on it.If you've decided to not have your name put on the college waitlist and would rather decline your spot, be sure to notify the college of your decision by the deadline, ideally as soon as possible. Step 3: Pick a College to Attend and Submit Your Deposit Regardless of whether you’ve decided to stay on the waitlist or not, you’ll need to pick a college you’ve been admitted to that you want to attend, even if it’s not your top choice and you’re still hoping to get off the waitlist at the other school. Go through all the schools where you’ve been accepted (not waitlisted) and, for each, consider important factors, such as what kinds of majors it offers, what kinds of professors work there, what extracurriculars are available, what its campus is like, where it’s located, etc. You can do research on the schools you're considering attending by looking at their official websites, visiting their campuses, and talking to current or former students. If you’re struggling to make a decision on where you should go to college, check out our guide for tips on how to choose the best college for you. Once you’ve decided where you want to go to college- even if you’re holding out hope that you’ll get admitted off the waitlist at your top choice- it’s time to accept your offer of admission and submit your non-refundable deposit.Both your acceptance of admission and deposit must be submitted no later than the May 1 deadline. Step 4: Wait for Your Waitlist Decision After you’ve decided on a college to attend, all that’s left for you to do is wait to get your waitlist decision notification. When you hear back from a college regarding its waitlist decisions can vary considerably, from as early as May to as late as August, and there is no way of telling when you'll receive your decision (and whether it’ll be a positive or negative result!). If you do get admitted off the college waitlist, congratulations! You now have to make the decision between accepting this offer of admission and withdrawing your previous acceptance, or rejecting this offer and continuing with the other college you've agreed to attend. If you decide to accept the offer of admission, note that you will not be able to get a refund on the deposit you submitted to the other school. If you don’t get admitted off the college waitlist, not much will change.You’ll still have the other college you agreed to attend waiting for you! Want to raise your college waitlist chances? Better start looking in your backyard. How to Raise Your College Waitlist Chances: 6 Key Tips Getting waitlisted doesn’t mean sitting around and waiting (as the word implies).Rather, there are several actions you can take at this time to increase your odds of getting off the college waitlist. Here are our top six tips to help you raise your chances of securing an acceptance from the waitlist at your top-choice school. #1: Write a Letter of Interest One of the best things you can do during this time is to write a letter to the school you've been waitlisted at emphasizing your continued interest and how the school is your top choice. Remember that colleges want to admit applicants who are very likely to attend (this gives them a better "yield," as it’s called). And by confirming that you'll 100% attend the school if admitted, you are effectively increasing your odds of getting off the waitlist. (Note that this type of letter is non-binding, so you're still allowed to change your mind later on!) Your letter of interest can be an email to your admissions officer or regional dean, or even a note on your college's waitlist response form (many schools use this form or a similar form to confirm whether an applicant wants to remain on the waitlist or not). Below iswhat the Tufts undergraduate admissions blog writes about how waitlisted applicants can (and should) express their interest in the school (bold emphasis mine): "Make sure you confirm (via email or the wait list response form) your continued interest in Tufts. Maybe check in one more time with your area’s admissions counselor ...closer to May 1st, just to reiterate that if a spot is available you would take it(if that’s true, of course)." Meanwhile, Wake Forest University's admissions websitedirectly implores waitlisted applicants to send a letter of interest and an update to their regional dean (bold emphasis mine): "Email your regional admissions dean. ... This is your chance to convey your interest in attending Wake Forestwhile also describing how the final months of your senior year are progressing. In particular, we are interested in knowing more about recent academic success in the classroom." Nevertheless,some colleges specifically ask waitlisted applicants not to send any additional information, including letters.This rule can apply even if the college you’ve been waitlisted at is your top choice. For example, here’s what Stony Brook University saysapplicants can do if they've been waitlisted (bold emphasis mine): "[If you've been waitlisted]there is nothing more you can add to your application or do to increase your chances of being admittedfor the fall at this time. We encourage you to choose another college for the fall, and we will contact you if your application status changes." Virginia Tech also does not accept or encourage additional materials from waitlisted applicants (bold emphasis mine): "The only thing you can do is to be certain you can access your Application Status Page and that you select to remain on the wait list. Unfortunately, there is nothing else you can do at this time." Note: When I use the word "letter" here, I mean a letter you write to the school.Don't send any additional letters of recommendation or letters written on your behalf by counselors or teachers. These types of materials are typically ignored by colleges and, if submitted, won’t raise your odds of getting off the waitlist. The only exception to this rule is if a college specifically says it's open to accepting extra rec letters.One example is Hampshire College, whose website explicitly states that applicants who've been waitlisted may submit "a new letter of recommendation" and a letter showing the applicant's interest in the school. #2: Send Important Updates (on Accomplishments) If you’ve had any notable accomplishments since getting waitlisted, you can actually enhance your application by sharing these successes with the school that's waitlisted you.In general, these should be highly relevant accomplishments and updates. Ifyou’re not applying for a science major, it might not be that beneficial to tell the school about your successful science project, for instance. You can typically update your school on what you've been up to via either the waitlist response form (which most schools will give you online) or a letter or email (see Tip 1 for more details on how to do this). Even if you haven't had any major achievements recently, try todraw attention toany positive changes in your life, such as awards you've received, good or better grades you've gotten (more on this in Tip 3), and so on.Even just a general update might be appropriate at some schools (the school will usually state whether this is appropriate or not on their website). For example, in regard to what waitlisted applicants can do to raise their odds of getting accepted, Pomona states, "Sending a brief email update in April about what you've been up to since our last contact is entirely appropriate and welcome." What's more, some schools, such as Johns Hopkins, allow you to send an updated resume if you wish to highlight any changes to or accomplishments in your extracurricular activities. As with the letter of interest detailed above, however, some colleges will not accept additional materials or information than what you originally submitted for your application.In these cases, you won’t be able to update the school on any new achievements you have, so don’t try to send an update since it won’t have any effect on your chances of getting admitted! #3: Keep Up Your Grades Even though you’ll only have a month or two of high school left by the time you’ve been waitlisted, it’s still important to get good grades in all your classes.Many colleges allow (and encourage!) waitlisted applicants to send updates relating to any (positive) changes in their grades or GPA. This could be a major improvement to a specific grade in a class you’re taking or new grades or transcripts that have only recently been released (and that are more recent than your mid-year report). For example, Vanderbilt recommends that waitlisted applicants "consider submitting any substantially relevant new information (e.g., new grades that might be available)." You can send an updated transcript or write a brief email or letter detailing your recent grades. #4: Stay in Contact Some schools give slight preference to waitlisted applicants who make an effort to stay in contact with the school, specifically the admissions committee/officer or regional dean.This generally just means keeping in touch via email. You might occasionally send an email to notify the school/dean of any recent updates about you (see Tip 2) or to elaborate on your continued interest in the school (see Tip 1). On its official website, Franklin Marshall Collegestates that "continuing to maintain and achieve outstanding grades, as well as having occasional email contact with your Regional Dean, will supplement your interest in the College" (bold emphasis mine). #5: Retake the SAT/ACT (If Possible) In some cases, a school might be willing to accept and review new SAT/ACT scores you have that are submitted after you’ve been waitlisted. I’d advise against retaking the SAT/ACT unless you’re 100% certain the school you’ve been waitlisted at will actually look at the scores and you’ll be able to earn a higher score on the test than what you earned when you originally submitted your application. If you decide to take the SAT or ACT again, and you know for sure that your school will look at your new scores, here are possible SAT/ACT test dates to consider: SAT May 4, 2019 June 1, 2019 ACT April 13, 2019 June 8, 2019 July 13, 2019 #6: Get an Interview (If Possible) Schools don't typically allow this, but if a college is willing to interview waitlisted applicants or let them come to campus to interview, it’s worth it to take them up on this offer.Make sure you prepare for the interview and are able to answer key questionssuch as why you want to go to this school and what you hope to do with your education in the future. Yes, it's cheesy- but thinking positive will help you get through this trying time! Recap: What to Do If You Are Waitlisted at a College The college waitlist is a list of applicants who might or might not be offered admission to a particular college.Schools usually start to admit applicants off the waitlist after May 1 and will continue to admit applicants until they’ve filled their entire freshman class. How likely it is you'll be admitted off the college waitlist depends mostly on the following factors: The number of remaining spots in the freshman class What types of students schools want to admit in terms of majors, locations, etc. How likely you are to attend the school if accepted How strong your application is overall How highly ranked you are on the waitlist (if the school ranks waitlisted applicants) If you’re waitlisted at a school, there are four steps you should take in this order: Make a decision about the waitlist Officially accept or decline your waitlist invitation Pick a college to attend and submit your non-refundable deposit Wait for your waitlist decision Finally, here are six tips you can use to try to raise your chances of getting admitted off the college waitlist: Write a letter of interest Send important updates (on accomplishments) Keep up your grades and GPA Stay in contact with the school, specifically the (head of the) admissions committee Retake the SAT/ACT (if the college will for sure look at any new scores you get) Get an interview (if offered by the college) What’s Next? Maybe you didn't get waitlisted- maybe you got rejected.Trust me, I know the feeling.Get tips on how to deal with the crushing pain of college rejection- and then learn how to move on to new and better things! A super high SAT or ACT score can help you avoid getting waitlisted in the first place.Take a look at our expert guides to learn what you must do to earn a perfect SAT/ACT score. Need help applying to college?Get advice withour step-by-step guide, and don't forget to use our college acceptance calculator toestimate your chances of getting into your dream school. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.